Before making threads against 222 role que

Please start putting more effort into your arguments against it. A very large percentage of threads atm are either narrow minded or just baseless assumptions of what may happen without taking into consideration the fact that nobody actually knows what will happen or how they will implement it and also without taking into consideration the many positives that it has the potential to bring.

“It will fix nothing”
“Every1 will leave” (People will return imo)
“Game will be dead”
“U wont win more”
“dps have to wait 20-30mins”
“People will just throw on support/tank”
“U will get 2 off tanks”
My fav atm is
“People who want 222 are selfish” (lol)

(Ive covered a few of these already)

These are mostly bad counter arguments imo and just show that people are genuinely struggling to find enough negatives to outweigh the positives.

There are clearly many reasons Blizzard are close to implementing it and reasons why YouTube channels support it (they need OW to make money), Jeff supports it and many people on the forum/game in general support it.

  • it gives much needed structure to competitive and prevents many games being lost in spawn room (less frustration when forming viable team comps)
  • role based SR makes games more balanced/competitive and gives incentives to play other roles without hindering overall rank.
  • less random/coinflip games
  • means u can play whoever u want without worry of hindering overall team comp much
  • easier balancing/buffing. Especially for tanks/support without worry of stacked comps forming
  • easier hero design due to not being able to stack
  • no solo tanking or healing for multi dps
  • tanks are guaranteed a 2nd tank and 2 supports to enable them to make space for team more effectively
  • supports are guarenteed 2 tanks to play around and have more chance of being protected when having a hard time (rarely any1 peels in multi dps comps.
  • not switching between roles encourage people to realise that counter picking within roles is possible and can be effective. Switching between roles can often be detrimental.
  • higher chance of team oriented gameplay imo

Things we acknowledge it may not address:

  • throwers
  • smurfs
  • toxicity

Just because it doesn’t fix all, doesnt mean it improves nothing. Also pls consider that theyre likely looking into reducing the impact to most the potential negatives before implementing.

I personally cant wait to start playing more again after losing motivation due to the current state of competitive. :grin:


I don’t want 2-2-2 because mum said it’s not good ;-;
Is that a good enough argument? lmao

(It’s just the forum people always wanting to complain about everything. Wonder what’s next month’s topics.)


This game died because of garbage matchmaking- not because of 2-2-2. 4 Mercy Mains in same team throwing because they either can’t DPS or Tank or straight becoming toxic because someone else picked their character, 5DPS metas and games lost during character select, some guy with a private profile playing a role he has never played before and losing the match etc.

people against 222 are straight ignorant, they are literally those selfish instalocker 1 trick types who ruin so many games. there is no point trying to reason with them. hopefully they will all just go away.


the funny thing is, one tricks thrive with 2/2/2.


I am a support main who rarely if ever instalocks


I am against 2-2-2, particularly forced 2-2-2

I assure you that I am not ignorant and have many valid reasons for not wantign this to come about


And whats your arguments for 222?

Those are not arguments either.

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My statements addressed the statements quoted with it

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U cant change player behaviour so enabling selfish players to pick as they please without completely hindering team comps due to added structure and balance is necessary


Peoples threads for it are just as bad as the ones against it


I agree (i hate character limit can i get rid of it somehow?)

Fastest way is … put number of “dots”
IT will be displayed as …

_______is what i use

Ye … but it’s kinda invasive :slight_smile:
You can also use some empty html like


____ Wow thats stupid

Can you post an image?

Nope but i can do this:

[quote=“yourDaddy05-2186, post:16, topic:370343, full:true”] something

Oof why didnt it work?

Too many closed quotes?

Dang yeah I can’t beat that logic. Guess we gotta delete it now


[quote=“yourDaddy05-2186, post:16, topic:370343, full:true”]

with a new line :wink: