Before making threads against 222 role que

This was due to people declaring the game to be lost for any composition. Even within 2/2/2, if someone doesn’t pick “meta” heroes, there’s still that guy out there who will flame and/or throw because they’re not getting what they want.

Mentality is what loses games, not composition.

This makes team comps worse, not better. If you have 6 individuals playing heroes that don’t synergize, you’re going to lose. More realistically, if 1 or 2 people pick selfishly and play selfishly, you can no longer swap roles to fill the void.

Speculation. 2/2/2 doesn’t suddenly mean people will work together, communicate or pick heroes that work together (See above).


I think that is a valid concern

Did it work? _______ yesssss. Oof i wish i wasnt on mobile it takes me too long to do it can someone check whats the limit for it? (:

So cute how you think your games are lost simply because of the team comp. :slightly_smiling_face: Yeah with 222 your team will magically work together, they won’t overextend, they will communicate.


Can’t wait for the whines after one week the changes go live. :slightly_smiling_face:


I just implore everyone to go listen to Papa Jeff. Honestly, don’t turn the video off or start yelling at it halfway through because he said something you don’t like. WATCH THE WHOLE THING AND LISTEN TO WHAT HE’S SAYING…

Use critical thinking, try to understand that your desire to flex is not more important than the overall health of the game…AND I SAY THIS AS A HARDCORE FLEX PLAYER. I loved switching in the middle of the game, but it is selfish of me to think my enjoyment of a feature is more important than the overall health and stability of the game.


I jusst read that other thread you made… and frankly, it’s amazing. You really hit the hammer on the head when you state: " there’s still so much ignorance and narrow-mindedness surrounding a locked 222 from people who don’t want it."

Really just sums it up pretty well.

I’ve been away from OW for too long. Now that I won’t be forced to solo tank as (used to make it work, am aware it doesn’t work at all anymore), I think I’ll be reinstalling the game in short order.

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What??? He just listed a bunch of them. Are you blind? How are there not arguments? It’s literally pointing out actual advantages of it being implemented.


I mean people want 2v2v2 mainly because of bad players not bad comps its not going to change that much in terms of players but it’ll dumpster balancing hero’s since certain hero’s can’t function in 2v2v2

My main issue with it is it’s intended to be a solution to a problem we never had in the first place.

Most games are already 2/2/2 when left to their own devices, only in the current system, you could actually swap around who plays what.

Not to mention, other compositions also work. Attitude is half the battle, and half the reason why you lose with other comps is because people give up and throw a fit whenever they see anything that isn’t 222, not because the actual composition you actually have is bad.

I’ve had plenty of games where my teammates go “Ugh why didn’t you go second tank or something?” and I need to step up and say “It’s fine, I can handle solo tanking.” And guess what? I do, and we win.

People really need to stop putting so much focus on what heroes people are picking and put more into how they’re playing those picks. If you guys just did that, you wouldn’t need 2/2/2 either.

one of the biggest redeeming qualities of games like overwatch is being able to change your team composition as the game goes on. this will severely limit that and ruin the fun for alot of people you dont need a better reason than that

It limits player flexibility and choice, those types of changes are always bad.

They could have gone 1-1-1 and 3 flex slots and actually left some choice in while creating more structure, but they went full retard, you never go full retard.

Longer que times are a slight concern but 30mins is heavily exaggerated. Hopefully role based SR encourages the learning of multiple roles :grin:

I dont think it, i know it. Even when i play to the best of my ability in an awful multi dps team comp the team with more structure and balance will usually win

Thanks, im sure after a couple months people will see how much they over exaggerated and we can all enjoy a much better competitive experience😁

This is news to me… which ones?

Not in my experience. Majority of the fun ones were 222 but there was also 3,4,5 and even the odd 6 dps comps which is a massive concern for a competitive game. Also switching between roles can often be detrimental as stated below.

Read quote above pls

Until they get avoided in to the fifth dimension.

Brig moira reaper pharah (maybe) outside of niche situations torb sym orisa road hammond bastion baptiste

*sticks fingers into ears

That’s basically it.

As a former flex player you could not be further from the truth.

Role queue benefits one tricks. It destroys flex players.

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  • Brigs been reworked to fit better,
  • pharah is fine in 222
  • moira is gonna be extremely good if her buff goes live
  • reaper should be fine
  • syms best in a 222 imo
  • torb is good right now imo
  • orisa hog are both great in 222
  • i find hammond is more effective in 222 than as a solo tank
  • bastion may possibly struggle
  • Baptiste will be fine imo
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Brig doesn’t work since she’s a melee hero who got her tanking aspect gutted and she barely heals more

I said maybe pharah since she’ll get counterpicked and then there isn’t a point in using her

Outside her buff that she can use fade during stuns im not sure what other buffs she got but why would you choose her over ana when she works in tank heavy comps the best with her close ranged heal and tank heavy comps cant exist anymore also if you were to use her in a deathball type comp dive is also a 2v2v2 comp so it’ll get countered

For reaper torb and sym what situations would justify using them over mccree soldier doomfist genji tracer pharah ashe widow or even sombra

Outside of bunker they are niche

Who synergises with hammond in the same role

I agree that bastion will struggle

The thing about baptiste is there are better combo’s that work that you would most likely take zen lucio or ana lucio or mercy zen

She heals more now

This happens outside of 222

Her buff will make her incredibly good if it goes through. Shes got a lower skill floor so easier to use effectively. She has amazing self sustain and ability to 1v1 dps heroes and provides great heals, especially to a deathball comp.

Sym for TP and area denial, torb for good multi angle dps and solid zoning ult, reaper against winston etc. EVERY hero is viable.

He works well with ANY tank imo but especially synergises with Dva and Zarya quite well.

He enables bunker comps more and always is a good option to have due to his Immortality Field.

you seem to be ignoring the fact that changing your team comp as time goes on to counter the other team is the fun part its irrelevant if people think there is no need for it its a part of what makes the games enjoyable