Beat feels awful

Never. I will instalock the frog until I die.


Then donā€™t complain about the kit :man_shrugging:

The kit is fine, Lucio just needs a slight decrease in beat charge rate.

It charges slow because itā€™s an ult that can potentially save your entire team from multiple enemy ults or open up opportunities to hard push. Just like Grav or Trans thats not something that should be available every team fight.

Healing alone just wonā€™t cut it. Getting kills really boosts his ult charge too. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with playing aggressively as Lucio. Just donā€™t forget about your teammates

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I do hate his voice and personality. But everything else I like about him. His kit is awesome. I feel like there are more problematic heroes than Lucio for sure. But hey, different strokes.

Sounds like how I feel about D.Va lol

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The best Lucios like FunnyAstro and Moth, do exactly this, where they play aggro to set up plays, then peel back when their other support is in danger.


Itā€™s a fact, not an attack. Not sure how you confused it with attitude. In fact, I think that your sarcastic response holds more attitude than their statement.

That's not cool. The design of a character does not warrant punishment for the creators unless it is truly severe. Reminding me of the harassment of the Brig voice actor. That's not ok.

None of that is objectively true at all. ā€œFastā€ lucios are still really easy to hit, especially with AoE damage, hitbox hiccups, and CC. Also, why the hell are you flanking as a Lucio? If youā€™re DPSing as a Lucio youā€™re playing the wrong role.

Thatā€™s undeniably false. Healing a lot as a Lucio isnā€™t hard at all even if you are bouncing between speed and heal, which is what I do.

I donā€™t care about hollow stats such as ā€œhe was meta from X to Y!!!ā€. What, are you going to drop win and pick rates as well? Contrary to your baseless accusation, I do understand him and I do pretty well with him.

What matters is effect on the match and speed boost is rarely utilized effectively by other teammates in a majority of matches.

I never said it wasnā€™t strong, I said that itā€™s inconsequential at most times, AKA it has no real impact/isnā€™t important in case you donā€™t know what that means.

This really has low play value. Every example you listed are terrible examples and are not on Lucioā€™s shoulders. Your rein shouldnā€™t ever be far from your team and if you get dived repositioning is the last of your worries. At most itā€™s used more offensively, like in the Rein/Zarya meta scenario, but its impact is very minimal to that combo aside speeding up Reinā€™s slow speed but even then, Rein dies so quickly it barely even matters. Rein needs heals, not speed. Zarya does fine without the speed too.

The only thing Iā€™d say is in most situations itā€™s good for helping your team escape from ults and from flanks but aside from that, Iā€™m not going to leave the battlefield to taxi my team over to the spot. Youā€™re assuming that, unlike how most of the game has been for several years now, your team isnā€™t dying over and over. If Iā€™m having to taxi my team then theyā€™re already at a disadvantage and me leaving the point to go save my team 5-10 seconds of walking is worsening it.

And yet itā€™s built a lot faster than other supportā€™s ults, aside from Mercy obviously. I have no problem building ult at all.

I mean, to be fair, when itā€™s done right itā€™s easily the best way for Lucio players to be the anchor of the team and actually have some carry potential.

Granted itā€™s almost never ever done right but still lol

ā€œAnd yet itā€™s built a lot faster than other supportā€™s ults, aside from Mercy obviously. I have no problem building ult at all.ā€
No. Mercy, Ana, Moira and Zen build it faster. Now only brig is left, becauce they reduced healing without decreasing the ult point you need

I never said its hard to heal, I said that bad lucios heal to much and dont speed enough.

?, just look at this quote:

Speed gets use more then heal, so its not niche, its the only reason why you play lucio. You cant just say ā€œI only mean you use it if you need toā€ you said you should use Speed in in some specific cases, but there are plenty cases where you want to speed.

And if you care about the stats or not doesnt change the fact that Lucio got played for Speed and not for healing

So people who get payed for playing and play every day multiple hours with coaches just used Lucio in doubleshield for fun? You played Moira in this time and with ORisas fortify and Sigmas abillitys it needed long to kill the doubleshield with Dive, so long that your team has enough time to reposition.

We are just casuals, so lets ask the good players what they think about Lucio: ā€œ[with Lucio] you really have to understand the game,you have to make sure that you are very decisive, cause you have one abillity wich has a 12 second CD, lasts 5 second. You really only use it like twice a fight and you have to make sure its at a good timeā€

To your comment ā€œdont dps with Lucioā€:
ā€œA good Lucio is a Lucio that doesnt die too often, but a great Lucio is one who doesnt die, but appears on the kill feed oftenā€ IDK
ā€œThere are a lot of Lucios [ā€¦] and don tgo out and make plays, make more then they have to, but a great Lucio like Moth for a example, he can be like up in the skybox on the map supporting the right spot, he can be booping of the edge, helping Rein with a shatter combo [booping rein in the air to hit a shatter, this was possible in the past] and doing unpredictable things to make playsā€ Boink

Mind if I derail this thread for a moment with a question Iā€™ve been wondering about frequently?

If you amp up speed and switch to heal afterwards (or vice versa), which mode gets the boost?

Is it speed because thatā€™s the mode that was active when I pressed E? And do I have to stay on speed for the whole duration of amp it up to get the boost?

Or can I switch between the modes while amp it up is active and whichever mode Iā€™m on gets the boost?

"Iā€™m not hearing that noise!ā€

I disagree, there is no ā€œrightā€ in this approach. You are being 1) selfish, and 2) not playing your role, which is less efficient and crippling your team. This is about like trying to justify DPS Moira. You should not be striving to be ā€œanchor of your teamā€, you should be enabling your tanks who are the anchor of the team. There is no coach of substance that approves or Reddit Lucio play.

Jumping in the convo since you seem to be very uninformed about Lucio, what alliance say is true and this is coming from a 4.5k peak lucio.

Well it is the slowest charging ultimate in the game. The could decrease the ult charge needed by like 10% or something. That would make it so much better without making Lucio OP

Just because you both disagree with me it doesnā€™t mean Iā€™m uninformed. Heā€™s my second most played support since release and Iā€™ve always done very well with him, thatā€™s all that matters with me. My opinion of how to play him is literally no different than any other opinion on how to play him e.g. speedbot/healbot. If all of the replies are just going to be ā€œyouā€™re objectively wrong and this is whyā€ then why even bother lmao

I canā€™t say I have ever had a problem with Beat.

If you win, you win. Itā€™s just a game, and ā€˜reddit lucioā€™ is such a weird, vague insult.

Is it actually? Can you go on the wiki and confirm that?

To you

You are literally the only person iā€™ve ever seen say this

The fact that you are bad at dueling mobile heroes does not mean there is an inherent problem with Lucio or the thing that makes Lucio unique and fun to play compared to other supports

Who cares, thatā€™s literally just an opinion

None of these three are a problem, just sounds to me like you arenā€™t good at dueling mobile characters again

Yeah thatā€™s their playstyle, big deal?



Do you automatically assume anyone that is nice to people is fake and douchebaggy? Do you also think this of Baptiste?

Welcome to Overwatch

Oh man did I just real a bait post? Am I being harcore baited right now? Iā€™m going to stop reading