Beat feels awful

Stop. Saber this is borderline the people who harassed brig’s voice actress.



Over the top.


Hey I never claimed I don’t and it was bold of you to assume that I didn’t

Reported for assault with an annoying weapon

“Look at this team! We’re gonna do great!”


If you don’t heal as a lucio you’re essentially leaving your team on a single healer setup(or none if you’re in a no-limits game). No hero in the roster can and has ever been able to solo heal their entire team effectively and also the people who think a speedbot lucio is the way to play are delusional.

What are you guys smoking because that stuff must be good… Except Saber, he’s obviously trolling.

Lucio is arguably the easiest and most versatile AoE healer to play as.

I agree, you play Lucio for Speed, they should revert the beat nerf (Or revert Speed nerf fully). Anyway, a tip to get it faster: if you keep spamming damage in you still get ut quite fast.
I wouldnt decrease the ult points you need, i would increase the value

Its amazing how people think Lucio should be played like X or Y and its bad when you do Z when people who can play him well do all the things mentioned in this thread (and many more besides like space control and taxi for key team members) all within the space of a few minutes.

You need to read the game well and have good understanding of interactions plus mechanical skills and execution timing to really shine.


Lucio is the hardest Mainsupport, you need great movement, great Gamesense, good aim and have to know the right position of every Teammate. He never said you shouldnt heal, he said if you dont heal 24/7 you get it slow

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God I’m glad he was trolling. :upside_down_face:

For a moment I was like holy :poop:.

Daaaaaaamn that’s some savage hate right there.

Im not hearing that noise

Lucio isnt a Healer, he is a Support. Lucios healing is awfull and you play him for Speed. Ofcauce you should heal too, but he never said you should never heal


I really disagree with most of this post. Great movement is subjective considering how it can be either a good or bad thing depending on who you are facing and Lucio suffers from going faster client side than server side because, as everyone knows, Overwatch servers are far from perfect. Aim applies to everyone, however. The only heroes this really applies to, truly, are snipers / precision-based heroes. Lucio has probably the hardest to hit burst attack because leading shots isn’t easy but it’s far from his most important attribute. His most important attribute is knowing a balance between heal and speed boost(although speed boost’s usefulness is exaggerated imo). I easily get way more heals as Lucio as I do any other support. I’m usually seeing number close to 12-15K+ in most games I play(if I’m not dying and my team isn’t spread out all the time) where I see others averaging out at about 10-15K most of the time. He’s just an easy healer to play as and speed boost is inconsequential at most times.

Lucio is overall an incredibly easy hero to play. All of the speedboost “you can hit me” one tricks are just overkill and are just hurting their team with their show boating. Speedboost really isn’t as useful as those types of players make it out to be. It’s a very niche ability/mode.

The alternatives for burst aren’t good. Bap isn’t a very good character and there’s too many people gatekeeping how skilled someone should be to even begin playing him. Moira was okay to play as before but they’ve tweaked her orbs and tightened her heal spread so arguably she’s even worse than before, most because most Moira players probably didn’t even have good aim to begin with(which makes sense, I’m not hating). We don’t even need to talk about Brigitte. Ignoring how easy she is to kill, her healing just isn’t very good overall and she’s mostly there for controlling her team’s territory, knocking out flanks etc. Or, at least, that’s what she should have been before she got gutted… Who else is there? Mercy and Ana? Single target healers, although Ana’s grenade is arguably the strongest AoE healing as per the forum’s opinion. Mercy’s is tied to an ult and really isn’t that good when the average match has everyone split apart.

Also I wasn’t replying directly to OP. The supports get most of their ult charge from healing and Lucio’s is balanced out to be easily gained through attack + heals so it makes sense for him. If you’re speed boosting and not getting ult charge then you’re not booping or hitting all of your shots.

Lucio needs 15% of ult charge faster.

You can be healing and dealing damage at the same time, though, which is why he doesn’t build as much ult charge per healing or damage point as some supports. I think you can build beat faster than any ult you’d need it to counter so I’m ok with it.

Great Movement isnt subjective, good Wallriding and bunnyhopping allows you to:

  1. Get back from spawn in a few seconds

  2. Being harder to hit

  3. Being able to peel better, becauce you can reach the one who needs help faster

  4. Attack and flank faster, so a good Lucio can decrease the value of a widow a lot, or can kill a Support and clutch a fight if needed

Getting the highest speed from scimming or bunnyhopping is not easy.

Having high healing as Lucio is characteristic for bad Lucios. Every Support does more healing in higher elos then in lower elos, only Mercy stays the same and Lucios healing gets lower in high elo, becauce people speedboost more. Lucios amp it up is a very long CD and wasting it is very punishing.

This just shows that you really dont understand him, Speed is the reason why Lucio was Meta from Season 1 to 7, Season 13 - 19 and 20 (more then 50% of the time) is his Speed. In Rein Zarya you can speed your Rein in so he has zo poke less, in Doubleshield you allowed your Team to make a quick rotation, in classic Dive you made it harder to escape and was speeding your tanks in faster so the enemys have less counterplay.

Every Hero (Exept tracer and genji) habe the exact same Movementspeed, without Lucio its inpossible to outspeed someone.

Example: Your Rein gets antied and the enemy Rein pushes your Rein. Its impossible to escape for your Rein, becauce they both walk with the same speed, but with Lucio he is faster then the enemy Rein and gets away.

Example 2: Your team anties the enemy Rein, but your Rein is out of range. The enemy rein can shieldhop away and you need hours to reach him, but with Speed your Rein is faster and can kill him

Example 3: You play Doubleshield and get dived, you use Speed to outspeed the enemy tanks so your Team can reposition

Speed is extremely strong and the fact that you say Speed is


just proofs you play Lucio wrong. Staying behind your Tank and healing isnt hard yes, but you can say this for every support. Staying behind your Tank and healing him with Mercy isnt hard to, Mercy is hard becauce of damage boost and GA and Lucio is hard becauce of Speed and the movement.

Yeh, becauce you can boop enemys off the map on every map

Thats the problem, good Lucios heal only a bit more then Zen! Lucio has the most expensive ult of all Hereos, he needs ~3000 Ult points to charge his ult, while most Hereos need less then 2000 and other supports usually need 1800-2400 and heal a lot more


I’d rather they just make it so that Lucio gets a very small amount of ult charge for kills or damage done while in speed. Therefore, if he uses on his allies, he gets rewarded. Given he can have 5 people in at one time, it would need to be TINY amount of charge, but still enough so that he is actually rewarded for using speed.

You should try and learn how to lead shots, and use Lucio’s primary more effectively then.

Whenever I’m playing Lucio, I’m primarily building charge from elims and damage, even while keeping my team up with heals.

So many jokes in this title and post…so many jokes…must resist…that’s what she said.

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He’s right though. If you’re just healing as Lucio you’re playing him wrong. Most of his value comes from his speed boost.


Yeah because people totally sent death threats to Lucio’s VA too :roll_eyes:

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Never say never to this crazy society. I wouldn’t want to be famous.
Edit: I meant more like the type of people not the same people.

Then swap off Lucio.