Beat feels awful

That’s how you get tinnitus

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Whenever I go Lucio in I just use my amp to heal up tanks and then swap to speed, all while spamming damage, and I get beat extremely fast.

Maybe you guys should stop trying to flank and 1v1 enemy backline heroes all game? I know it’s shiny and fun to try to copy Redshell but you guys…aren’t Redshell.

And yes, speed > healing, but Amped Healing is still insane.

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Then if you think its a “weird vague insult” maybe watch and listen to the coaches talk about it. “A wins a win” doesn’t work in good play long run. Better yet, Google it. I know I did. This has all the ring of selfish, unsupportive play in role.

Lucio is only annoying when people don’t ever switch off of him. If you’re losing because of a healing problem and you’re lucio isn’t switching because of their lucio love, then its best to accept that its a lost game. He’s really god awful in the lower ranks where tanks make more mistakes and need more healing.

Still, he isn’t as annoying as DVA.

By “learning to aim” isn’t great to justify all the ranks. Honestly the 12% nerf was bad for Lúcio.

The only reason we see it hit hard now is because with Double Shield gone, a Lúcio can finally play without needing to switch to Brig

I genuinely just don’t know what your talking about. What does ‘play long run’ even mean? if you win the game, you win the game, the game is over. I don’t even know what your complaining about right now.

Idk i always mess up the timing and my teammate dies before i land

Let me ask you a question right. If you have a lucid and are going for the heals, arguably the lowest healing in the game, why wouldn’t you chose a Moira instead of the lucid to get more healing? Like if people are playing the hero as healer they’re better off switching to another support because that isn’t his strength. However if you go lucid to get that extra speed in a rush/deathball/dive comp, then you are utilizing full value

Ok, just one thing. Watch some videos with Johnny Cruz - his voice actor and you will love him. He is real life Lucio. I didn’t like Lucio before, but now…^^

This is also how I play Lucio for the most part :slight_smile: Speed boost team while amp on CD, swap to healing to amp and repeat

Surprising how much healing this can do if your team isn’t too spread out :ok_hand:

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Wrong, it’s objectively true, if you’re flanking as a lucio when needed you’re playing fine.

Yes but you shouldn’t have 9k or 10k/ 10 mins in healing if you play Lucio like some Lucio players do, around 7.5k is normal if you use speed more and have good amp ups.

Idk your rank but if you’re in a low rank it’s normal if your teammates don’t use it, in higher ranks you should try to use voice and coordinate with your teammates.

It does a have huge impact, it’s the only reason why Lucio isn’t getting buffed.

You don’t have to always taxi but helping your team disengage or engage with speed is key.

That’s totally wrong, Lucio’s ult is the slowest to build out of all heroes. Bap’s ult just got buffed for instance.

You can believe or not, just know that I used to be an OTP lucio and I peaked 4.5k with him.


The rank one support in NA right now is a reddit lucio.


Yes I can confirm

Here… sound barrier is the longest ult charge cost in the game.

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Its ok, I prefer reddit lucios in my games. Rather than the heal bot people want him to play so by all means as the devil’s daughter welcome home we, have cookies.

What’s so bad about a lucio who can secure kills?

Unlike most battle medics, Lucio’s actually capable of it without getting slapped down and being an anchor on their team.

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Things about Lucio

Total healing; This is a number that is predicated on Lucio doing most “topping off” of players between fights who are not at any risk and would otherwise just get the nearest healthpack. It doesnt have any reference to your heal impact when needed during a fight.

Amp it up: If I see another Lucio spamming Amp just because it pops, my head will a-splode.

Boops: These are significant additions to your ult charge, and the amount is based on the HP left on those you boop. Hogs who stand near edges looking for hookdumps are an excellent source of Ult charge, as are Dvas who you can get to rocket chase you to an edge, but all tanks are good.

Speedboost: Lucio is more or less a Reinhart accessory, and finding a Rein who understands when you will best to between heals and speed is a lethal combo.

Best practices:

DO Identify and take responsibility for the life of your other healer, including peeling, healing, distracting.

Don’t use Amp until you need it

DO find and kill Widowmakers

DO disrupt the other team with boops from behind.

DONT: Let yourself get bullied into playing 16hps healbot

DO Use speedboost as primary and heal as secondary aura.

No you’re a support. In the OWL they spend 60% of the game on speed boost.

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Excuse me for my ignorance but I have always wondered whether speed boost also boosts the firing rate for heroes such as soldier and hanzo. Or does it boost only bodily movement speed? Thanks in advance for your response.

Only movement speed :slight_smile:

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They’re not a healer, they’re a support.

They’re supporting by speeding their team in and out.