Be honest have you threw games before?

That’s not throwing. You can’t throw a quick play game.

In this game? never, but I did in dota on a specific situation that triggered me heavily. My mother had passed away, and I was playing to get my head out of it. And this dude starts to flame me heavily, and then starts to make mom jokes.

So I just got into a “this guy deserves to lose mmr” mentality.

It’s the only time I can think of, and it didn’t help at all with the situation tbh.

In comp? No. Anything I do, I do because I think it will help me win the game. This doesn’t apply to speech though, and I have no problem telling some jackwagon who’s been complaining about whatever role all game to <expletive deleted> off near the end of it.

In QP? If I think a game is unsalvageable, I’ll often yolo it and pick a stupid hero just to see how well we’ll do. So I guess you could call that throwing. I’m still going to play my little heart out though.

I mean… I pretty much threw my first 3 seasons. Not intentionally, I just had no idea what the hell I was doing

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Accidently playing badly ? Yes. Whether mood or whatever made me not realize I wasn’t playing like normal.

Purposely throwing ? No.

Is playing off-meta heros throwing?


No. That is against everything I play games for.

That makes it… Better?

No but I came very close one time. We were playing on Nepal, can’t remember which stage, and I was the lone tank. I asked if we could get another tank. Someone who was playing DPS replied, “We need a good tank, but instead we have you.” RAGE. :rage: I threatened to report them, they persisted, so I did report. Came this close to just throwing or leaving.

This was back in the day before LFG, which I use almost exclusively now. I’m under no illusion that toxicity is gone, but at least the kind of toxicity from, say, 5/6 players refusing to play tank, is a lot less under LFG.

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At least 5 times i guess, mainly because my team was awfully annoying and whinny or because i was TIRED of Pharmercy every single game


I tried to throw a game as Widow once and ended up picking off their support so much we full held them… So I gave up actively throwing and do it by jumping on McCree anytime they have a Pharah.

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Never thrown a game really, more like soft throws, playing a hero im not very good at.

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I have never thrown a game. I always try and win. I may not be playing the optimal hero or whatever, but that isn’t throwing.


No. Though I did consider it once. Comp match and these three boys went off on one of the rudest ableist and sexist rant when I talked over mic. I seriously considering throwing just to spite them. Instead I just spent the whole matching hanging with our mercy and bastion who weren’t being jerks, and let the jerks throw themselves into repeated 1v6s.

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not in comp on purpose, internets cut out a few times, but ive def thrown in qp.

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Never deliberately. In all the time I’ve played I’ve had some matches where I play really terribly and probably didn’t contribute enough, though. Had a small handful of internet disconnects over the few years I’ve had the game, too.

Let me add you in game so I can report you thanks.

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Let me add you so I can report you in game thanks!

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Not reaaaally…

I had one game with a 3 stack 2 plats and their gold phara friend. all 3 refused to swap or fill, I wanted to try and make it work so I took Mercy as they wanted, one other player said he would heal for the first round but would swap for the second. We win the first round, the guy swaps and the 3 stack get severely toxic towards everyone in the game, screaming as they are carrying us and boosting the goldie phara that couldnt kill anything to save her life. Soooo, I kind of decided to try and win with the other 3 people and ignored the 3 stack players for as much as I could for the rest of the game. We won, and the potg had the 3 of us working together to secure the point in overtime.

if Tbaging my teammate genji who died because they overextended and saying my rez isn’t working as moira counts as throwing… then yes… yes i have. because i can be a tad ‘rood’ when i’m moira… I can’t heal stupid. yet…if only mercy didn’t interupt my research i’d be able to find a cure for stupid.

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