Be honest have you threw games before?

I already quit this game long ago, i got tired of the devs BS

Always trying my best and never thrown a game because in the end of the day itā€™s just a game meant have fun with, even at disadvantage.

not tired enough to have a sad enough life to post in a forum dedicated to a game u do not play and then pretend you know what youā€™re talking about when you donā€™t.

Nope. Never thrown one in my life.

Iā€™ve had bad games where it only got worse when my teammates demoralized and harassed me, though.

They still get to have an opinion. They have access to statistics, news, streams, observations, and videos. Your insult was uncalled for. :confused:

they donā€™t have data on statistics. They do not have observations because they do not play the game. streams and videos are often parroting another opinion than his/her own.

I throw every game by picking Mercy :joy:

Serious answer Iā€™ve never thrown intentionally (like picking torb and jumping off the map all game) but people just love to accuse me of throwing when I donā€™t heal them so I guess I throw like 30% of my games then, according to those people :man_shrugging:

I can go into the details about how they have access to them, but the problem is that you still shouldnā€™t insult people.

Saying someone has a ā€œsad lifeā€ is totally unwarranted and detrimental to discussion.

I would like to say that I am the person who never threw, but I actually did once when I was smurfing and we had a duo in our team where one guy boosted the other one. I was usually playing characters I play at that elo, but I dislike those boosters, so I wanted to give the other team a fair chance. (we still wonā€¦)

Also I made an experiment by throwing some matches on Hog (I felt bad about it, so I stopped after 3-4 matches) and I never got the blame. They kept flaming the dps.

So yeah, unfortunately about 5 times I would say.

it is pretty sad that the only purpose of his existence here is to insult people working on the game, the fact that youā€™re defending that is worrying.

I donā€™t agree with him, but I donā€™t have to resort to insulting anyone.

Why is that difficult for you to understand?

Honestly, Iā€™ve never thrown a game, but I have thrown in game.
I do it often when I play Torb.
Those armor packs arenā€™t gonna throw themselves.


Do you think someone that kills cats/dogs as a hobby have a sad life? Pretty comparable. Itā€™s fine to call people that do despicable stuff to do something sad, itā€™s not an insult.

Did you actually just compare someone who kills cats/dogs to a forum post?


I compared two people doing vile stuff.

Kind ofā€¦I generally pick the hero team needs and try my best on that hero. When I throw I pick the hero I want to practice and try my best to win on that hero.

One time I switched to Widow out of hopelessness, but was somehow playing far above my usual skill level and I hard carried (at least thatā€™s how it felt) and we won the game.

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Iā€™m locking this topic since itā€™s not constructive.

Thank you.