Be honest have you threw games before?

Vent all your anger on this thread explaining why you threw a game. I threw one game due to someone calling me retarded because I jumped off the map because I knew the point was gone. Then I played widow and it was pretty funny because somebody said “if you’re gonna throw can you do it on another character?” And I kindly switched to genji and spammed I need healing all game



I have never thrown in my life

(Or my 570ish levels)

I can count the number of times I’ve deliberately thrown a match on one hand.

But I’m not sorry for either of them :man_shrugging:


Never, I simply leave the match if I don’t want to continue playing. I only play qp or maybe arcade so me leaving doens’t have a big impact.

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Guess it depends on how you define ‘throwing’.

If i’m solo healing and someone decides to call me retarded for not healing the way they want me to, I’ll swap to DPS and join the DM fest. If that qualifies, then I guess I’ve thrown pretty often - even though I’ve won a decent number of those games.


Nope. Throwing will throw me into a state of absolutely despairful boredom.

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Yes, thats all I say because otherwise Id get destroyed from this forum

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If by throw, you mean picking a hero that you know would lower the teams chance of winning when you could do better on a different one?

Yes, every time i pick Sombra.

Also, if i’m on healer and someone wants to diss the healer, GO AHEAD! Seriously! One word and i’ll go Sombra and actually enjoy myself. PLEASE COMPLAIN! PLEASE!!!

Nope. I don’t get the appeal.
Maybe if mics were more standard on ps4 the sheer rage might be worth it in a few cases. But I feel guilty when I wake up and my cat’s bowl is empty, so probably not.

I mean, if theres 5 DPS mains in my QP game, you know I’m going 6th DPS. No way in hell that I’m gonna try to heal that.
Edit: I just realized that’s a lot of throwing I’ve done if that’s the case. :thinking:

For me it happens very rarely and only in QP (cuz I don’t play comp)

I remember this one time in QP, I was the first one to pick and I took Lucio. My team went 5 dps. I kindly asked them if we could get another healer or a tank. No one responded or changed.
I was frustrated (lost multiple games before) and switched to dps as well. We lost of course but I didn’t care.

As someone, who plays Reinhardt, Moira and Lucio a lot, I am mostly the filling one and try to get a aceptable Teamcomp. But sometimes it’s just enough

Yes, once, but we still won. Our Widow was jumping off the map so I decided to join her. We started trick shotting and it turned into a game where we’d get a kill and then jump off the map together. Very romantic. Anyway we somehow held third point, played a normal team comp on attack and rolled through Rialto with four minutes to spare

The worst I’ve done is switch from a healer to dps when people complain about the healing

Once I did, but that’s because it was a horrible comp match and everyone was dps and I was healing (this was before the 1 hero per team limit) so I made friends with the enemy team. We had 2 genjis 2 hanzos a widow and me T-T not fun

Worst I’ve done is intentionally damage boost someone who needs heals who complained about my dmg boosting.

Kind of. There was a match on Eichenwalde defense where a Hanzo was angry because we had no healers or tanks, so he immediately jumped off the map. Everyone jumped after him so I just joined them. We just threw the match all together before it even started, which made Hanzo even angrier because he thought his behavior would motivate someone to pick a healer and a tank.

I also spent the majority of a match in spawn because someone in my team was unhappy about me picking Sombra, so he just sat there with Mei to wall me in spawn everytime he got the chance to do it. After 3 times I didn’t even try to leave the spawn and sat next to him which seemed to made him angry because he tried to motivate me to switch my character.

Comp on PS4 is pretty amazing.

I’ve thrown matches, but there is an iron rule I’ve always followed.

Never thrown a game outside my main account.

Back when I was a kid, I got soooo mad at this side-scroller game for my NES that I just couldn’t beat that I threw it against a wall. (Don’t worry, it survived.) So yeah, I’ve thrown a game before. :blush:

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I never intentionally throw, but if the team comp is 4 DPS, we’re getting wrecked and no one wants to swap, I’ll swap off healer and play something fun like Wrecking Ball for the brief remainder of said game.

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when I have team of 5 dps and nothings die I leave. but general I don’t care if you use a niche hero. I normally thaw with genji