This topic is a shame. Why can’t you just wait for some weeks without criticizing Ana mains?
Amen. Truer words were never spoken, keep it up.
Ana is way far from being a must/overpowered pick in the way Mercy was. Maybe Mercy will need some minor adjustment if she can’t suit her role succesfully and that’s all
MoSt PLayeD SuPPorT iN dIAmOnd+
current healing stats of supports:
mercy: 11,941
moira: 10,612
ana: 8,588
lucio: 8,452
brigitte: 7,306
zenyatta: 7,066
mercy still heals a lot, the best actually - still the highest. that’s to show how strong she was, and still is.
if you think a low skilled healer (and don’t start arguing about mercy requiring a lot to master because that’s how every character works. her healing is a consistent beam without ammo that doesn’t require aim/looking at your target) should do just 10/hps LESS than a high skilled healer that requires aim, reloading, gets blocked by barriers and needs LoS while the character itself lacks mobility and self sustain, then your opinion is wrong.
Mercy ruled the support class because how good and easy her core healing was, now add the rest of her kit (DB, mobility, sustainability, resurrection, etc).
resurrection is still an powerful ability that is better as an ultimate (NOT mass rez. imo make mass-rez the exact same but make it a single-man rez that charges kinda fast).
All the other supports have downsides and mercy didn’t have any. Now with her reduction in healing she has finally some downsides because you can’t (like you said) keep pocketing a hero like there’s no tomorrow with almost no downsides. her pocketing is STILL very powerful and together with DB she does still excel at it.
I do think she’s in the most balanced place in the last year or so.
Yet why people complain?
she’s boring to play and people call her a “healing bot”, but what they don’t understand is mercy was always a boring healing bot. her core character makes her boring, low skilled heroes feel less rewarding. But why only now people call her boring? Because the fact that she was SO good made them forget her boring side. Now that you can’t just solo heal with no worries the mercy mains finally feel her core issue - being a boring healer.
you can’t have her healing staff being this forgiving and expect to get some excitement and enjoyment because now she’s not the best all around healer.
No, i’m not “Witch hunting” Ana mains. I love Ana, i even play her often. I’d rather play Ana instead of the current Mercy. I’m Happy Ana is in the Top on Pc (because on console sadly She isn’t).
Like i said, i hated being forced to play Mercy Every time.
And no, i (and we) not care only about Mercy. I love Every Hero in overwatch besides doomfist (but i Don’t hate him), and i don’t want anyone to be a troll pick or a Must.
And i think this is the same for Every Mercy main… We don’t want her to be OP and on the top. I’d rather prefer the troll pick but fun Mercy instead of this stupid mess we have now.
Never generalize. We are not all the same
Nice link. Would you like me to post and quote every single thread or comment with Mercy mains complaining about only the most recent nerf?
Here’s hoping there’s no character limit on this forum.
Your defence is terrible.
Mercy has nothing to her, aside from healing, so of course her numbers should be higher, given that it’s more reliable, and pretty much the only thing she does.
I wish I could pull up the season 3 stats, because I don’t think they’re much different, aside from Moira and Brigitte missing from the list.
Erm, no. She was a troll pick in higher ranks where Ana was almost always a better pick due to her higher healing and GM Ana players being able to more consistently land their shots and duel their attackers.
That is false. Prior to her rework, she did have quite a few downsides, but with the rework, we got Valkyrie to mitigate all of them and, combined with Rez as a cooldown ability, made her a must pick.
I disagree. And many people who played Mercy prior to her rework agree with me. There were much more intricacies and mind games with her old kit that easily make it heaps more fun than what it’s now. As for low-skilled heroes feel less rewarding… have you ever touched Brigitte? She feels rewarding AF.
But she wasn’t. Until the rework, a good Lúcio or Ana would consistently give me a run for my money. I had to play my A-game all the time. After the rework, all I had to do to beat my second support, was pop Valkyrie and I’d EZ clap pull ahead by 2K healing or more.
Honestly, if you find Mercy a boring healer, regardless of her stats, she simply isn’t the right hero for you. I never found Mercy boring until the rework took away any skill requirement and made her a chore to play.
Ever since the rework, I don’t feel particularly good playing Mercy, regardless of whether I did well or not. It doesn’t matter. The feel that I had just isn’t there. The satisfaction just isn’t there. And PotG on Mercy is just downright embarrassing 9 out of 10 times now. Just a Rez and more healing. Such Wow.
Where’s the true PotG material, like me Resurrecting our McCree, who subsequently pulled off a Damage Boosted quad kill High Noon? Instead, I get a Rez and more of what I’ve been doing all game, as if I’m the only one who’s not AFK.
Sure, if you didn’t kill the Mercy and ignored anyone and everyone telling you to kill her before she got into range to res. Or just kill her before the team wipe. But yeah, no counter play at all. Nothing that could have been done
They better not touch Ana considering she was the worst support for over a year and how people were hating so bad that they were treating her like a torb pick.
A support hero should never be treated like how some DPS are. I sometimes remember watching streams and some people will say I rather have a 3rd DPS than Ana which is crazy to hear.
So yeah they better leave Ana. She’s finally in a good balanced state only because Mercy isn’t top pick anymore.
I still believe people are sleeping on Moira though.
Not accurate. You’re comparing overall statistics of these heroes which is scewed up by low tier players. Considering statistics and balance by low tiers is rather obsolete because there aren’t consistent trends amongst low tier players since they’re not able to perform by the most effective tactic available. Also they should be excluded to “This week” and not “This month” that still includes pre-nerf statistics. You’ll also have to consider Damage.
Here’s Grandmaster statistics in competitive:
Moira: H/13,408 - D/6,351
Mercy: 11,786 - 316
Ana: 10,663 - 4,506
Brigitte: 8,238 - 6,929
Lucio: 8,061 - 7,180
Zenyatta: 7,530 - 10,413
And here’s the same list in Masters:
Moira: H/12,902 - D/6,628
Mercy: 11,642 - 353
Ana: 10,171 - 4,365
Lucio: 8,360 - 6,850
Brigitte: 7,882 - 6,476
Zenyatta: 7,300 - 9,848
(Change settings to This Week, PC, Competitive, Support, Mast/GM, Primary)
Looking at these statistics it’s no wonder why Mercy mains are currently very pissed…
Ana is a high skill character and shouldn’t be nerfed. It’s hard to get value out of her unlike Mercy. Especially in higher ranks Ana should dominate Mercy simply because she is harder to play and therefore should bring far better results.
Also, Ana still has a lot more downsides than Mercy which can only be countered by skill.
I kind’ve highly doubt they’d stop there.
All heroes are equal. Every hero should be able to contribute just as much into the game as any other hero in that same category, just in their own way. That’s the design policy in this game. If heroes break this design they’ll get tuned accordingly. No hero should be better or worse just because they’re easier/harder to play. The only heroes excluded from this are heroes like Tracer, Widow, McCree and so on that could wreck everything if they had 100% critical accuracy which is not reasonably achieveable. Ana due to not having critical accuracy isn’t one of these heroes.
This shows how little understanding people have for mercy’s situation and what mercy mains actually want.
its sad really.
Nobody wanted mercy to be op for well over a year and almost everybody who played mercy wanted smaller tweaks to her old kit and an e midfight ability.
They just wanted her to be fun,balanced,and viable.
I care about other supports but for a majority of them I cant safely speak on them as I don’t have anywhere near the amount of time played on them to know 100% what needs tweaked.
Don’t confuse polite silence to not caring about the other supports or hero’s
its much better then speaking up about something you barely have any time spent on.
But it’d be nice if people ever stopped scapegoating mercy mains.
but that’d be a miracle.
But how can you have total equality between heroes of they got so different designs in terms of skill use?
Ana needs to manage cooldowns, position, aim, damaging and debuffing as well as defending herself by only using her sleepdart and damage.
Meanwhile Mercy pretty much only has to keep an eye on her position and which target she prioritizes with her heal. Cooldowns are nonexistant besides Res which got an insanely long CD it can be ignored, bad positioning can be fixed by guardian angel very quickly.
If Ana has so much going on she should definitely get more reward for playing equally good or better.
Well you’re bloating the differences a bit too much. Ana has long cooldowns herself so there isn’t that much to manage especially when you consider that sleep dart isn’t a hectic ability and nade is a very safe one. Outside that you’ll have to consider positioning and aiming and since she has no mobility tools her movement is very linear.
Mercy has to consider a lot of complicated movement and use it to not only position properly but to possibly evade, escape, reposition and so on. It takes a lot more than Ana’s movement. She also has to conside priorities on her healing and damage boosting. Damage boosting at every free chance brings a lot of value to her but you don’t want to be missing out on heals especially since healing armor is important. Also Rez is a high risk high priority cooldown that you can’t just throw around especially since you can’t heal anybody during the cast time.
Ana is obviously harder to play than Mercy but a lot of different things goes to both heroes. It’s unreasonable to even suggest that these heroes should have considerable differences in performance. Which they btw have when you look at GM average Healing and Damage:
Mercy: 11,786 - 316
Ana: 10,663 - 4,506
How is what I said not accurate? It’s literally just statistics?
“Skewed by low rank” isn’t good to say either. You can’t just act like low ranks don’t exist or matter because they don’t fit your narrative of “Mercy is Under performing”
Of course it’s good to say that low tiers shouldn’t be considered in balance unless heroes’ low skill floor ends up breaking the game there. I’m not saying that they don’t matter because they don’t fit in my narrative (which I don’t have), I’m saying that they don’t matter because balance-wise they absolutely don’t matter. Or are you saying that Torbjörn and Symmetra are super OP because that’s what the low tier statistics are saying? I just pointed out how your data is inaccurate/irrelevant in balance discussion and provided much more accurate and relevant data instead
The statistics say that Mercy is fine. The statistics if you ignore a majority (~80%) of the player base say that she isn’t.
So yeah. You ignore data if it doesn’t fit your narrative.