Its like people ignore everything before this nerf. And act like Mercy mains are just complaining about the 10hp decreased Makes em seem daft, smh.
That’s where you’re wrong, mi hoy manoy.
Mercy mains don’t necessarily want their hero to rule above the other healers. We just want her to be fun, and not pointlessly buffed/nerfed.
We do want her to be reverted to 1.0 with tweaks and adjustments to her kit.
But, eh. You certainly tried to tie us to a stereotype that doesn’t exist. You know who that stereotype actually does represent, though?
Everyone who misinterprets the Mercy complaints. AKA the people who don’t pay attention to what we’re complaining about in the first place. So you’re in that club.
No im sure they’re upset because something something Ana mains are hateful bots
Otherwise this thread would be another thread about Blizzard nerfing the wrong thing/Mercy mains are tired etc. Literally playing Ana/being an Ana main has nothing to do with that, they’re just bitter @ Ana mains.
This Mercy and Ana rivalry seems akin to the Sooby gang investigating Mercy’s Nerf and of course Ana is the monster…
Of course the big reveal is Papa Jeff Himself…If it weren’t for those meddling kids!
And this is why there s a whole mercy vs everyone else because yall group us up like some kind of hive mind
Aside from the cringy tone of this thread, I’m pretty sure Blizz will release another healer soon, if Ana sees her pickrate reduced that would be the sole reason for it and in that case no one will really complain about her since she requires quite a bit of skill to play effectively
Sorry but that’s bull. A lot of Ana threads were created just because she could shoot through teammates at full health. That’s legit a buff and even a buff raised outrage within this community.
Let them butcher ana like they did mercy after buffing her too much like NOBODY asked for and we’ll see if you don’t complain nearly as much as mercy mains.
Because you’re so much better huh? Even in complaining, you’re more skilled than mercy mains.
Assuming of course, there is even gonna be an off healer.
That’s like saying “we’re all going to die one day, so why bother living at all”
yea! moira is perfect with tanks and flankers, brigitte is good in agressive comps, zen and lucio have their niche, ana is high skill = high reward (FINALLY)
and mercy isn’t the BEST healer anymore, she excels at pocketing high damage characters and sustaining squishies.
her entire character is boring to play but now that she’s not the GREATEST her mains started to realize that and they think she’s boring because of the nerfs but she’s always been that way. low skill = not as interesting to play.
All of this to say that meta shifts??
Hey, cmon just nerf Ana. At least I’ll blame myself for not hitting 100% of my shots than blame Blizzard that MY HERO IS WEAK, BORING, A CHORE AND UNFUN TO PLAY.
If there’s one thing with Ana players in common, is that they blame themselves if they’re not performing. You? You’re blaming your hero and not yourself. Great display of your true attitude.
How dare Blizzard let another main healer rival Mercy! We shouldn’t stand for this… the only reason this game exists is cause of Mercy… and Mercy mains… nerf Ana and buff Mercy please it’s been around two weeks that’s quiet enough of Ana to have some game play…unplayable game fix it plz.
Ps: nerf Moira while you’re at it.
Because she needs aim, something that is more difficult to obtain on console.
And this will bring us to the argument of: where are the “balance diversities” between PC and console?
This is why I always try to handle nerfs with as much grace as possible.
I started playing OW smack in the middle of triple tank. I hated being told to play Ana, and I genuinely laughed when she was nerfed. I was thrilled. I could play Mercy!
Then… the months rolled by and I realized how much I despised being forced to play a specific hero. Even one I liked. I wished at that point, that Ana hadn’t been nerfed. That I could realistically play another healer.
And now we can. I don’t begrudge Ana mains for their happiness that Mercy got her nerfs. I do worry though, that the forums will eventually turn their wrathful eye toward Ana again.
So… you care about Mercy being un-fun and un-rewarding, yet you’re witch hunting Ana players because somehow they’re the evil doers now that she’s on top of Mercy at the TOP 15% of the ladder? Why do threads like this even exist if you only care about your hero and not others?
Except, she doesn’t. Not anymore. She did when she healed 60 HP/s.
With a bit of luck, 60 HP/s could keep McCree from being OHK’d by Roadhog. 50 HP/s leaves him just as dead as if you didn’t heal him at all. 50 HP/s is also slightly questionable as a valid Pharah pocket, given that on Xbox, a Plat Soldier: 76 can already burst down a pocketed Pharah when being healed at 60 HP/s, let alone 50.
All in all, I’d say the Mercy 50 HP/s nerf was primarily aimed at lower ranks, as they’re the only ones who can’t burst through Mercy’s healing because of their potato aim.
I love both Ana and Mercy but seeing posts like this with so much negativity towards one or the other just makes me wanna hate the community.
Instead of being respectful and friendly to one another - you go and insult each other for a heroes in a game.
Like Zarya says: “It’s only a game, why do you have to be mad.”
Seriously , stop with the bs , stop insulting each other.
“OMG Ana takes more skill then Mercy, she should be dominating in all ranks” or “You , Ana mains, are so salty that you hero was F-tier for a year and now when she finally sees the light you’re proud”
The saltiness of both sides is too much to handle.
“Mercy mains want their hero to be dominating the game again and nothing more 4Head”
“Ana mains are acting like Peacocks , Proud of themselves that their Hero requires MORE SKILL , while actually half of the Ana player base can’t aim for sh*t and play her.”(I’ve heard it from a lot of players , not only from support players)
I’ve read a lot of comments since the Support changes , and both sides are acting like little kids.
Stop complaining/insulting about everything.
It’s just a game.
We are all Support mains - we have to be the nice and friendly people of the community , not the ones who constantly are in a fight of life and death just because a hero gets changed.
Stop the bs , please! Be Friendly to each other!
Excluding the people who want an ez mode pew pew healer that isn’t Mercy when their team comp sucks, many Ana players remember being mandatory in S3 after the buffs and the unnecessary nerf in S4 that has only recently been effectively compensated for. Say what you want but we were there first.
Can you give us win rates? Because that’s what really matters. Wait don’t bother I can tell them already. Mercy is the only support with negative win rate and a ‘on fire’ rate with under 1.5%
We can clearly see how ‘useful’ she is with the average of 48.x% win rate