The way you look at statistics say that the top DPS heroes in order are: Symmetra, Torbjörn, Doomfist, Mei, Pharah and Reaper. They also say that Orisa is the best main tank.
You ignore the majority of the playerbase because their performance and statistics aren’t dictated by hero balance unlike in high tier where hero balance dictates the meta and therefore what’s picked and what’s performing well. Do you understand how naive your argument is or should I bring more statistics into the discussion?
Because we’ve been wishing since day one to be viable, and you make it sound like mercy is trash now… no she’s just requires more skill and less being carried “aka Boosted” like she was before.
But, unlike Mercy NOW, Sombra has a lower pick rate than Mercy EVER had. So stop ef’ing whining already.
I don’t need to act anything. I’m just here to explain statistics and how to get relevant info out of them. If you have any valid arguments against the arguments that I’ve presented I’m more than ready to have a constructive discussion about it
PS. The only narrative I have with Mercy is that her statistics show alarmingly poor performance, but the good news are that her statistics in GM have improved during last few days
Ana is only becoming the most favored hero in this past week for the first time in a year or more and within the ranks she deserves to be seeing more play time in.
Mercy will still 100% be seeing more playtime than Ana in like, Platinum and below. Which is realistic and logical.
not just ana op, this mercy nerf also brought back moria/lucio too as main heals. (and yes i said lucio cause i get gold healing all the time vs main heals).
I love it. Tracer, Ana are my two favorite heroes to play. Im very happy they nerfed mercy because why not? She is easy to play, she can escape almost everything so why not make her heals a little bit less? Blizzard is going in the right direction in my opinion.
There’s another problem that Ana mains need to consider: She was the backbone of the triple-tank meta. Do we really want to go back to a triple-tank meta? Think about it for a minute.
she has resurrection? damage boost? or those don’t count anymore because she can’t do damage so that means she must be the elite healer?
so was that like 1 season? maybe 2? that mercy wasn’t the overall best support I’ve been playing since season 6 and we’ve been through five seasons where mercy was the best pick for all comps (besides that odd phase of triple tank that didn’t survive long).
like it should be? high skilled heroes should be used more in higher ranks than low skilled heroes
the rework wasn’t succesful that’s true.
that literally was my point. brigitte is low skill=high reward (which is debatable if it’s good or bad game design), and so mercy was. she’s not as high rewarding as she was anymore - thus making the boring side of her to show.
as a lot of mercy mains like to point out, valk isn’t a very good healing ultimate because the team can’t survive an ultimate attack so I don’t think the main healing difference comes just from using valk. I think the healing difference comes from mercy’s way of healing - “ammo-less” beam that pumps consistent heals without needing to aim and can go through barriers. it’s way better than any other way of healing.
I like playing her when I don’t feel like putting a lot of thought into the game (because she’s a forgiving character, not that there’s anything wrong with it) and because of her skins. she’s my 2nd most played hero, I don’t think she’s necessarily boring, but more in the direction of i don’t feel like i deserve this high reward (the same reason why I don’t play a lot of brigitte).
The rework was a mess. mass-rez should have been changed to single-man rez and she should have given an E ability that spices up her gameplay a little.
I don’t think that a 5-men rez was good for the game. and before you talk about potgs think about ana. like seriously when was the last time you saw an ana potg?
I don’t want to create an argument. I do think mercy needs changes but I think she’s now in the best place she’s been in the last year. So it’s time to let her go for a while and focus on heroes in worse places than her (which isn’t a good game design but that’s what we have to work with)
also moira (a character with EIGHTY healing per second) comes VERY CLOSE to mercy (a character with FIFTY healing per second). that to show how strong mercy’s healing is. (and that doesn’t include resurrections and damage boost)
if it’s warranted fine. i can deal with nerfs I did before and i never stopped playing her when she could work. i got flack for it sometimes but her anti nade and sleep is amazing regardless. i truly don’t care. i rather have a fluid meta than be selfish like most players here when it comes to their character.
People pulling all these stats about Mercy being picked more in lower tiers and Mercy still doing more overall healing. Ever since private profiles came around the stats have been far from accurate. So stop using them.