Battle Pass Price

No but its a requirement to earn skins and have challenges and have exp boost.

I would rather pay for new heroes then pay for battle passes

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No you are arguing for them price gouging people who already OWN parts of said product.

I go on Steam and buy a collection of games yet I already have some of them, you know what they do? THEY DISCOUNT THE PRICE unless you state otherwise and maybe gift the other copies away.

So yes you are a bot for being so blind.

Also I never stated being against f2p with a battle pass and in game store. WHAT I AM AGAINST is double dipping like this and saying F YOU to long time players you bot.


PvE is seperate. You get PvP for free. The PvP content, heroes and future stuff seems to be free. So they still need to monitize it to pay the devs.


PvE: Boxprice and most likely payed DLCs

PvP: Free and makes money with cosmetics

None of which have any effect on the actual gameplay. If you want vanity items, you pay for vanity items.

You are brave.

I will deliver it but I will not promise anything will change.


But there is NO PRICE FOR THE GAME anymore. Its free. You dont need it in any way to play or enjoy the game. Want the BP, fast early access to beta and a few skins and coins? Then yes. But everything in this pack has nothing to do with the base game.

You can get for free in the beta and play it for free in october. Ignore it if you dont want the bonus stuff.

Thatā€™s all I ask :pray:


How battle passes are in other games, it makes playing less fun and more like a chore to get on, because if you pay for it and dont complete it you ended up wasting money on a battle pass

Dudeā€¦ if you dont like it dont buy it. You dont HAVE to buy it and FORCE you to complete it. More or less you get your money worth of the BP when you get to 30% of the pass.

The Bethesdafication of Overwatch


But i have to buy it to get into the Beta.

Every model has their ups and downs. If you are prone to FOMO then thatā€™s just a struggle. I can already tell that Iā€™m going to play the game every day so the stuff from a BP is simply going to be a bonus and time that Iā€™d put it regardless if the pass was there or not.

Having actual gameplay experience locked behind a paywall would be worse IMO.

There are other free ways (streams and the OW2 site). I dont want to deal with it but I am in the beta anyway because I was in the first.

No, itā€™s just a guaranteed way of getting in. There are still going to be sign ups and probably beta key drops as well from streams.

I KNOW ITS FREE YOU BOT Iā€™m talking about people who want to purchase this pack yet are GETTING CHARGED for ITEMS THEY ALREADY OWN YOU BUFFOON, how hard is this to understand? IF YOU BOUGHT THE LEGENDARY EDITION AND HAVE THOSE ITEMS YOU SHOULD GET A DISCOUNTED PRICE! Heck especially if you have been a loyal player these last few years.


They dont OWN any items from the pack:

2k coins = new currency for the new shop
BP= new system
2 skins= not in the current game
beta= you can get it in the game
icon= bonus (does not exist in the live game)

So what do they own from the pack huh?

Wait until we see the PvE for that

They havenā€™t said they are doing the stream thing again and i was really quick to sign up for the first beta and didnt get in. Only a small handful of the general public got in from the sign up.

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Well its your choice to wait or get a guaranteed access with the pack and a ton of stuff. Dont know if you want it.