Battle Pass Price

No you got your game for that what you payed for. OW2 PvP will be free. Want cosmetics and nice stuff? Pay. Nothing wrong here.

You don’t think apex and fortnite don’t flaunt around their premium skins? or any other f2p game does?
the currency you need to buy things is where they make their money, which can mean that they can produce good content

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Theres a difference in being being too greedy of wanting money, and being fair but still wanting money

What? I OWN the Legendary Edition already I shouldn’t have to pay full price for this. 20 bucks sure ok but 40 bucks?


So Blizz is saying that they are going full monetization for this. Not surprised after Diablo immortal. Sad us poor people have to pay to get into the Beta but streamers get it free day one.


you are right, but we can’t know that until the game comes out and we see how they price the skins, emotes, and everything.
we CAN say that they are being greedy, but we wont, legit know, until we see the store

But is it free when you cant even get any of the content added with out spenind money. Still dont know if comp is behind the battle pass.

It does not matter what you own! The time is up and you dont need to pay again for OW2 PvP.

Again: everything else costs money. Its that simple. If you dont think its worth the price then dont buy it.

But I think 2k coins in the new system should be around 20 bucks and 20 bucks maybe for the BP. So everything else is bonus I would assume. Maybe the rate is better or worse.

Just dont buy it. I have it and will test it for you :wink:

But there are two battle passes in OW2 just like Diablo immortal. The premium battle pass will max $30, Thats thirty real dollars you pay every 9 weeks. The Basic battle pass will only have EXP boost

Oof I found the Blizz bot. I’m not going to bother with the dood who lurks on the forums more than they actually play the game.


30 bucks is not worth a battle pass, i can buy an expansion in destiny that give me months of new content unlike a $30 battle pass for 9 weeks

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Just because I understand how F2P works and are able to pay for a hobby that I love I am a bot? Sure thing…

“Everyone who disagrees with me is a bot”

Top quality statement.

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Why cant they have it so there are no loot boxes or battle pass and i earn these points by playing good and being a positive member of community, idk maybe like it is on live. Hell let my buy the currency so i can just buy the skin i want while also have comp exclusive legendary and mythic skins.

Don’t buy it then? It’s not a requirement to play the game.

Hi. I appreciate you’re just the messenger here but could you feed back that their decision is, in these words, pathetic and showing contempt for their long term players?



Its major part of the game…thats the difference

Because they need to make money… still dont understand it? Cosmetics are created for getting money to finance F2P models. Simple as that.

Then what is the point of paying for a pve if they need money? Paying for the pve not good enough for them?

Exactly, While i love all the under the hood engine stuff like the sound, ping system, lighting and performance that elevate the game to feel fresh, OW2 is just an expansion and should just be a one time purchase.


You get to play the game, play the new heroes, maps, gamemodes for free. That is the major part of the game. You can enjoy all that because other people are willing to pay for it. That’s what live service F2P games are all about.