Battle Pass Price

We already know that PvE is paywalled. You have to buy it to play it.

I meant stuff like paywalling skill trees and missions,if they’re going the Borderlands route.

They havent confirmed the Stream drops and as a member of the “general public” the sign up doesn’t do anything. only a small handful got in. Blizz wants people to buy this $40 pack so why would they give it out for free?


OverwatchÂŽ: Legendary Edition Included

Get started on OverwatchÂŽ today with Overwatch: Legendary Edition. Customize the appearance of fan favorite Overwatch Heroes with five (5) Epic and five (5) Legendary skins including Okami Hanzo and Shrike Ana.

This package literally includes 10 additional skins and if you didn’t have it before access to OW1. Thats included in this 40 dollar package you bot.


Ill fix this for you: " its your choice to not play the beta or pay to get guarenteed access with two skins that you cant use till october"

They just know that there are people who are going to buy it while other people will get in for free. It’s like people who buy virtual blizzcon tickets for skins etc. Anything important will be available for everyone to watch for free, but only the few who pay for it get the skin.

That not reality but okay. I’m not sure why you’re ignoring Blizz history but okay. Come back to this post in July when you dont get into the beta.

What the hell does this has ANYTHING to do with the pack. You mean because you also get OW1 if you dont have it already?

Dude… they throw the game away in that pack for free. It does not has any value anymore. They could remove it from the new pack and people would not care. Every one who buys this pack owns overwatch already or at least 95% of the people.

I bought the pack mate.

So why should i pay full price for the pack when I already have the legendary edition. In fact i have the founders edition. You buy a bundle on steam that has a game you already own and they take it off the price of the bundle.

is this a real question?? the pack also gives you access to ow1. buying the pack is basically like getting a whole new account, afaict.


Good now youre one of the people getting to play the beta

Btw. do we know if the skins are exclusive to the people buying the pack or if they’ll make a return later?

Yup along with some people who didn’t as well.

Because the stuff in the pack is not focused around the game (OW1)… OW1 do not hold ANY value anymore.

See reply…

I hope you’re ready for the barrage of hate you’ll be getting for being the messenger. Thanks for passing on our concerns though, even if it’s ridiculous we even need to say it.

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Okay then take why cant they take 10 off the price then since it has no value to me. OW1 is part of the price because its advertised in the pack, bud. maybe dont skim for the parts that make your argument sound better.

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Don’t try reasoning with the bot, it has a set programming to shill.

The 40 bucks are centered around the stuff for OW2. OW1 does not exist in the calculation its like:

If you buy that car for 20k you get this mixer as a bonus.

You cant just say “Well I have the mixer already so can I just pay 19.980?”

No because its not included…

none of it has any value really. game is going f2p and youre “preordering” a battle pass. oh, nvm you also get 2 exclusive (maybe?) skins. def not a waste of money.

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Ah the amber heard logic.