Battle Pass Price

Desperation obviously.

For those of us who already have the game, there should be a discount in the price of the packā€¦ itā€™s absurd to pay that price if we already have the legendary edition.


Itā€™s like Blizz never anticipate these obvious reactions and backlash. Itā€™s so obvious from a consumer standpoint there should be a discounted Watchpoint Pack.

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You can only tell if this is good value for money on three factors

  1. How much will the battle pass cost once OW2 starts
  2. How much of a grind is it to earn 2000 in game currency - assuming its diffterent from ow1
  3. How much to theses legendary skins cost in game ( how much real money it cost if any)

The problem is how can we assume it worth buying when we donā€™t really KNOW itā€™s value


Ok, Iā€™m confused. In order to have access to this free to play game on day 1 I need to spend $40.

Ok, but what if I donā€™t want to. Are they going to keep OW1 running so I can keep playing until free access is available?

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actually sad you would pay for all that. pre ordering a free gameā€™s battle pass and two skins.

in october, ow1 will be fully replaced with OW2. you can keep playing ow1 until that time.

Ok, so what happens in October if I donā€™t pay for access to the free 2 play game. Will I just be locked out of playing overwatch for a period of time?

read that again, but slowly.

Okā€¦still doesnā€™t answer my question.

I would really like to know the answer to this one aswell - I already have the legendary edtion - why would i want to buy it again


No there are extra goodies in this one. I dont expect it to be kore expensive the cods bp. So around 10. But the best part is you do t have to buy it.

Honestly Legacy OW1 Players should be getting the Founders pack and the Watchpoint pack for free as long as theyā€™ve played say longer than 2 years which is the amount of time weā€™ve been in a serious content drought.


No battle pass in any game is over $10

Okay guys, I did get confirmation from the Overwatch Community Team. Anyone who owns Overwatch in any capacity already must pay for the full bundle to get the exclusive items (notably the icon, skins, and guaranteed Beta access) and if you already have Legendary edition (or the skins from Legendary edition from Loot Boxes), there is no compensation.


They are offering

  1. access to the beta
  2. 2 skins
  3. 2000 cash shop currency
  4. player icon
  5. battle pass

Guessing that the actual battle pass will be $20.

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if its like most games, ratherā€¦hard, if not impossible, to get this premium currency


Then dont. But dont cry that you miss skins that you potentially want. They need to make money and cosmetics are the way in F2P games.

WOW. Thatā€™s just a straight up ā€œF YOU GIVE ME MONEYā€ levels of badā€¦


They are already showing they want money for us.