Bastion overheat mechanic?

I’ve made a post about breaking a Bastion bunker setup before so I won’t go into detail, but I’ve thought of a way Blizzard could clamp down on those kinds of setups.

When Bastion expands a set number of ammo clips in Sentry Mode, either his gun overheats and can’t be used for a few seconds or he himself overheats and is forced out of Sentry Mode altogether with Reconfigure being placed on a cooldown :smiley:
(Btw I love puns).

I’m not sure how this would affect competitive, but I can’t deny that this would certainly make the Uprising event easier.

I know, I know; Bastion already got nerfed hard with the Sentry spread widen and the inability for it to headshot. I’m beyond grateful that that nerf happened.
But some maths: Bastions’ Sentry mode gun does 450 damage per second for 10 seconds. A Mercy damage boost increases that to 585 per second. Add the 20% damage reduction into it and we might as well be facing a Talon Heavy Assault on Legendary.

(Also, yes I complain a lot about things in this game. It’s that or scream myself hoarse about them, and while Bastion bunkers have torn enough holes in me to actually do that, I’d rather type my anger. I’m 67% sure that the whole Red Lantern Corps creation could have been avoided if Atros had had an internet full of strangers to complain to.)

man, whats it like to be so scared of one of the worst characters in the game?


Awful. I’d rather face 6 Symmetra 2.0s on Eichenwalde without the ability to pick Winston.

maybe this would help bastion if he got buffs in place. would keep pirate ship and bunker comps down. but if we made bastion more mobile he wouldnt have to worry about overheating. and teams could push payloads or bunkers when he overheated tearing your shield down.

He needs a rework not a nerf


I agree on the buff part. Or maybe just a change.
Take the 20% Damage reduction off entering Sentry/Tank and let him have it while he’s self-healing. He’s still hard to kill and he’ll probably still survive, but now he actually has to run away.

lol Bastion nerf threads are always funny.


You mean the skin threads? 100% Agreed.
(Honestly, I would love a Bastion nerf skin. He’d look like a Toy Story extra XD)

haHAA. Very funny.

This is still a Bastion nerf thread.


If he’s balanced and you know it don’t complain :clap: :clap:
If he’s balanced and you know it don’t complain :clap: :clap:
If he’s balanced and you know it then you really should forego it if he’s balanced and you know it clap your hands :clap: :clap:

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Bastion is so easily countered by Hanzo it is hilarious


i find them sad, i can’t imagine what its like being so bad at this game that Bastion of all characters is a problem.


He only does 450 DPS if you’re point blank… Here’s some counter math for you on Bastion actual damage output Bastion's real damage output (kinda)

This is pretty much a best case scenario for Bastion as well. Pretty much no one in the game (apart from tanks and another Bastion) is as large as a Training Bot, and nobody is going to be standing still. So his actual DPS is going to be a far less than what’s in the post…

This part I do agree with. Take passive Ironclad away, put it on repair, revert his spread, revert his headshots, revert his ammo count.

I’ve made an overheat rework concept, but it’s not all that much different than just reloading sometimes… I mean, I guess it rewards not spraying as much, but still…

Heat Mechanic rework
  • Configuration Sentry
    • Bloom added to weapon
      • Initial accuracy of 1.25°, bloom starts after 0.3 seconds of continuous fire
      • Reaches 2° after 0.3 seconds of additional continuous fire
    • Headshots added
    • Ammo increased to infinite
    • Added overheat mechanic to weapon
    • Bastion can now fire for 8 seconds continuously
    • Once the heat meter fills up, it takes 3.5 seconds to fully empty
      • If the heat meter completely fills, Bastion cannot fire until it is empty if he stays in Sentry mode
      • If Bastion switches to Recon mode to disperse the heat, he can fire again in Sentry mode when the heat is at 25% or less
  • Configuration Recon
    • Reload speed reduced to 1.5 seconds
    • If the heat meter is more than 25% full, damage is increased by 3
    • Firing his weapon decreases the heat meter by 3.75% per bullet
      • 20 bullets equates to 75% heat
    • Heat does not passively disperse when in Recon mode
  • Ironclad
    • Only applies to Sentry mode now
    • Damage reduction decreases as heat increases
      • Under 33%: 20% damage reduction
      • Between 33% and 66%: 15% damage reduction
      • Above 66%: 10% damage reduction
  • Self-repair
    • No longer consumes resources when it cannot heal Bastion
    • Healing delay reduced to 0.1 seconds (Currently ~0.5 seconds)
    • Able to reload while repairing (Only affects Recon mode)
  • Configuration Tank
    • Completely empties heat meter on use
    • Ironclad no longer applies to Tank mode
    • No self damage
    • Tread sounds reduced slightly
    • Adds 150 armor

Then if they want to take it a little further, maybe have it so he does something like 15 damage when under 33% heat, 13 damage when between 33% and 66%, and 11 when above 66%, though that kinda messes with his whole “barrier breaker” thing…


Honestly I would prefer the heat mechanic to what we have now. I would sleep very well the night I saw that heat mechanic rework text in the patch notes for the PTR.

I played a comp game on Rialto about two weeks ago and the enemy team (defending) set up a bunker on one of the forward buildings, and we couldn’t figure out how to break it at all. Bastion was close enough that he did max damage, combined with the Mercy damage boost anything we tried just failed because they had the flanking routes covered. We only broke it by combining our own Bastion with two shields and a Nano-Boost. (Thinking back I’m now mentally kicking myself for not thinking of an EMP.) From there it just turned into a Bastion on Bastion cheese war that I despised being a part of.

At the end, I stuck Bastion with a Pulse Bomb while trying to contest the cart as Tracer (they were only a small way from the winbox and I was just trying to buy as much time as possible) but he survived with basically 1 hp remaining because of the damage reduction. His Mercy and self repair instantly got him back to full and he tore through me almost offhandedly.

I know it’s just a game and I shouldn’t get so mad about it, but what else are you supposed to be thinking in a moment like that? The game was handed to the enemy team by a damage reduction trait.

It would remove him from sh!t tier finally! and place him into whats a bastion territory

Bastion nerf threads still to this day? This is really sad indeed.

This reminds me of that time someone wanted to nerf baby


He can’t do much of anything against Pharah
Junkrat can spam him while not in LOS
Reaper can 2 shot him
Sombra can hack him, EMP destroys the bunker like you said
Tracer can one clip him in his weak spot
Genji can deflect him, though that one doesn’t really work against a half decent Bastion can eat his shots for a while, allowing her team to shoot him
Mei can wall him up out of the protection of the barriers
Roadhog can hook him, and Bastion can’t kill him while he’s using his E
Hanzo can shoot an arrow, and then finish him with storm arrows
Widow can easily outdamage him

Not unless he was point blank… Even at 20 meters, he loses about 40% of his DPS. Not sure what building you’re referring to, but I know that even on the very edge, it’s 20 meters or more…

Yeah, you have to shoot him afterwards… It’s not as simple as RMB + RMB + RMB + Q + E anymore for a guaranteed kill on a stationary target.

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Hey, I’m more scared of baby D.Vas than I am of mech D.Vas XD

Zero Suit is legitimately harder to kill as Bastion than her mech. She’s so small that his spread just can’t hit her…

Not like calling for a nerf or anything, that’s dumb… just saying…

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He was behind two shields. Reinhardt and Orisa. We took one shield down another got put up instantly. By the time we broke down the first shield the second had fully regened/reset on cooldown.

We couldn’t get behind him because the flanking routes were covered with a Widowmaker doing the right one and a McCree (with a Moira pocket) doing the left. (Again, I’m still kicking myself for not thinking of Sombra.)

He broke down my Brigitte barrier in under 2 seconds even while I was standing with my back to the museum’s wall. (I switched afterwards. I tried to knock one of the tanks off of the high ground to give us an opening but it didn’t work.)

After I stuck him I emptied a clip into him but the self repair + Mercy beam just outhealed my damage. (I can’t remember whether or not Moira also healed him on top of that.)

But I’ll save the tips so I can keep them in my PC for when it happens again. Thanks :slightly_smiling_face: