Bastion overheat mechanic?

yes and what i tried to do with the changes was make it where he wasnt oppressive in lower tiers but was viable in higher tiers. and keep in mind bastion is near impossible to counter without teamwork.

I think an overheat mechanic in place of reload would be fine. Having both would be abysmal though.

Also no to having it force a reconfigure. Just make his ROF peter out if he gets too hot

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The last thing he needs is a nerf get out of here.

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Only if he got back his spread and headshots which you were grateful for the removal of otherwise they just nerfed him from the situation they attempted and failed to buff him in


Attacking the barriers is usually the harder way to do it… You can, but you’ll need to corner peek with Hanzo/Junkrat/Roadhog/Pharah. Have a Mercy and/or Moira heal you while you do it, the Bastion won’t do any real damage of you’re corner peeking (He definitely should, but whatever…).

Flanking is usually the best option. Use a Mei against the McCree, shoot him from a distance. If you can line up a headshot, it’ll leave him with 50 health, and you can kill him faster than the Moira can heal that back.

Use a barrier against the Widow. If she’s guarding the bridge, then the Bastion shouldn’t be able to see you, so he can’t break it.

Symmetra’s teleporter can also be useful for getting your entire team behind the Bastion.

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No more reworks.

For the love of all that is holy.

No more reworks.

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That’s kind of a d-ck thing to say don’t ya think

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Nerf Bastion?


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He needs one since you cant buff sentry or he’ll be labeled unfair

Bastion doesn’t need a rework. His model just needs to be redesigned to be smaller. He’s the size of a tank and clunkier without the tankiness, and that’s the real reason he just constantly dies against decent opponents. His heal is great, his gun is pretty much the same as Soldier, it’s just that his hitbox is way too big for his kit.

And by almost anyone with a brain LOL

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It didn’t work. Either you lied to me or Bastion is really so OP that his counters don’t counter him. Neither thought is very comforting.

What didn’t work?

Counters aren’t an “I win” button, the enemy can still out-play you. It’s a shooter, not rock-paper-scissors…

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I hack the Bastion sat on the cart, kill him, and the Mercy instantly rezzes while the Reinhardt smacks me around so I can’t shoot her.
I hacked and killed that Bastion 5 times, and each time the Mercy just rezzed while I was unable to kill her because of the Reinhardt. The rest of my team were trying to shoot down a Pharah who wasn’t actually doing anything, which meant the cart was always moving forwards.

So hack the Mercy instead…?

Also communicate with your team, have them help you. If your team isn’t working together, you’re not gonna get anything done… you can’t 1v3 as Sombra no matter who you’re fighting…

I did hack the Mercy twice, but Bastion tore through me before I could kill her so I gave that plan up.
Nobody else was in voicechat. Can’t really blame them: comp is so damn toxic I’m always ready to mute people at a yoctosecond’s notice.
Still, this lack of communication and inability to capitalize on opportunities is why I’m stuck in low gold. God I hate this game sometimes.

Are you on console or PC? Because I don’t think there’s any way to opt out of text chat on PC besides muting someone, and I doubt they’d do that if you’re just trying to communicate with them…

Either way, you can use LFG to ensure you get a team that will communicate and cooperate, that’s kinda why it exists…

PC, and I don’t trust LFG.
Because I main Supports, I’ll get shoved onto a Support even though I could do better in a certain situation as a Tank or a DPS (like Sombra).

So join one without role enforcement… Or join one as a flex… Or make your own group so that you can decide what you want to play.

lol why do people try to destroy heroes in a certain way

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