Bastion Nerfed Today

Welcome to my world where I watch our Winston “dive” the likes of Bastion, use their next leap to “dive” into Roadhog while at 37 HP, spam X while dead, and then repeat over and over again like some sort of Greek hell. Heungh. Grrrargh. Bneeeuuuurch.


He’s also just unkillable if the team plays him properly, basically forcing a mirror. Nobody likes forced mirrors.

Good news, HE DOESN’T!

If you need an entire team to swap to deal with him, that just means the Bastion is actually good at the game, unlike your team.

Yeah, you’ve never played Bastion if you think hes low skill.

The only people that genuinely think Bastion ks low skill, are low skilled players themselves that don’t possess the understanding of how to counter him(Reallu easy to counter him by the way!)


And we’re back to Soldier/Hanzo 24/7. How refreshing thank you Alec.

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thats fair, but me personally i’ll gladly take that over orisa abusers + 2 immortality supps. at least the bastion will have windows of invulnerability.

The bigger problem is Hanzo and LowskillMattra in every game then they go nerf bastion. THIS balance team is a JOKE!!!


If you’re dying as a tank to Bastion that’s a you problem. The tanks getting tickled by any heal made them invulnerable to Bastion and tanks more than any other role have the abilities to completely shut down Bastions incoming damage.
At some point you can’t just blame anything and everything as “well it makes tanking not fun”.

Can we just revert to the old bastion, you know the one that was actually balanced somewhat? I miss that bastion.

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No because he wasn’t balanced. He was atrocious and a throw pick

Not if you were good at him. And I did say somewhat, didn’t I. Compared to the garbage we have now across the board. Now we just have a hot mess of “well since you are playing abc, I’m gonna play xyz and see how it goes”.

Some heroes are objectively worse than others yet it doesn’t stop people from onetricking them into the top of the ladder. Doesn’t mean they aren’t garbage though. He was obsolete in any rank past plat.

He was still in every game my stack had last night. Five or six in a row I forget


+cough cough ANA, cough cough, YEARS cough cough+

Whew pardon me.



I wish I wasn’t addicted to this trash game lol. I have more fun complaining about it than playing it. Balance was bad years ago and is still bad today

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I think that’s prob a fair change, president bastion teams had no counter if your tank didn’t know how to use cover against him. Even if he did it lead to half the fight being bunkering up and hoping the rest of his team didn’t capitalize on you all cowering behind a wall somehow.

I’m not sure if this will make Orisa better because she has even less to fear or worse because her being the only one survivable enough to live through some situations vs bastion and his team that her value will be less now that it won’t be as much of an issue.

I always thought of tracer as a good bastion counter she can get in there when his tank form is down and nuke him with the easiest sticky bomb ever. It used to be she could bomb when he was in tank form too but the devs hate fun.

Just got out of a game where his reconfigure came up as he was almost dead, I would’ve had to E out had the change not been live but as is dead Bastion.

I expect Zarya/Winston/Orisa to still be good but even better now with genji/tracer.

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Because he’s such a “noob pick”? He can turn a bad player into a threat, and a good player into a dominating force. A hero should not be able to do that. A bad player is a bad player is a bad player. They shouldn’t suddenly become such a big threat in the match purely because they swapped to another Hero.

For all the complaints about Widow, it still takes a moderate amount of skill to get real value for her. She kills most all heroes except tanks in 1 shot. Yet she’s manageable. A bad player doesn’t become a threat just because they chose widow. If anything, you can practically ignore them.

A Bastion user ruins the match, plain and simple. You can be going along, having a good match. Both teams push each other, both teams trade off team fights. An even match. Someone inevitably switches bastion and the whole thing changes.

They should be embarrassed.

I think the nerf was healthy but I think your reasoning is very unlogical. Any meta hero can be swapped to and have the same outcome you just don’t like bastion.

Right now Soldier 76 is the exact same thing you described but somehow I doubt you hate him.

Let’s be real, he was more than somewhat okay. Guy is played a lot in owl, and high ladder too. Plus was one of the best heroes against tanks, the role that everyone already swaps to counter.