Bastion Nerfed Today

Yeah 50 armor heal just was too much with all the other stuff going on… seriously.


i mean it’s fine if he’s a tank. he should just be made a tank and given his shield back. no one wants to play into a bastion protected by a tank. bastion orisa just feels like doublebastion, but with more boops


still wasnt enough the balance team needs to nerf zarya right back down

Oh, you mean like every single hero in the game getting full support from their team? WHO WOULD EVER HAVE GUESSED!!!

Thats such a poor argument to justify nerfing him when hes balanced.

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so we basically made nerfs that were not needed when characters like tracer or reaper worked just fine got it I’m not a bastion main but god hotdog I’m so tired of the same characters let him cook.

honestly how hard is it to just not walk into a rain of bullets derp


Not surprising, this is legitimately one of the worst metas we’ve had in years. Protect the president for giggles every once in awhile is fine, but it being hard meta makes the game an absolutely miserable slog to play. As a result I’ve been playing Civ VI instead of Overwatch this season and from how quick these nerfs rolled out I can assume that I’m not the only one.

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It is just as his sentry runs out and you already did some dmg

I’d actually like to see how a Bastion tank would play.

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Getting +50 armor per transform was insane at every rank…


Not gonna change the pattern of the other team picking Bastion, or using it as a suprise when they are losing lol
I swear, Bastion is not a win button. He’s just surprising.

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He reloads faster now.

He wasn’t balanced at all. He never should have existed to be honest. Even in OW1. 1 single hero should not be able to force nearly an entire team swap to deal with him.

He’s a pick that low skill players choose to feel better about themselves, especially if they lose a team fight.

Honestly, I get second hand embarrassment when my own team picks him. He ruins every match he’s a part of.


Wait does this mean I’m going to lose all of my replays again…NOOO0000ooo

On the upside, I did not like this bastion meta one bit. So I’m glad his getting some reverts to his buff.

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And need more nerfs, the damage in turret mode is INSANE.

I mean if he is such a noob pick why are you here complaining any character can be argued as being overpowered that does not mean they shouldn’t be in the game and bastion on his own really is not that overpowered even with the buffs people just like to complain the problem is that one support can keep him alive through it all but let’s all pretend supports don’t have the ability to over heal making ones damage obsolete.

funny thing is I main tracer as dps and bastion is never the problem it’s always the support covering him in health packs like it is lunch therefore it is impossible but don’t worry because he will continue to be " overpowered " so long as they know how to play him and he gets a mercy pocket.


Wow, a niche character was somewhat okay for half a season. Better get rid of him.

God this balance team is a joke


at least with bastion he had crystal clear strengths & weaknesses, i appreciate chars like that and honestly even with him being meta it was np for me. just means my approach/execution has to be cleaner

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It would make sooo much sense to make him a tank, like I know why they’re not doing it to try and be “Quirky” and oh look this amazing tank like hero in the dps role with 300 hp and there’s nothing like him and ahh and ohh…

But like does anyone Reaaaally care about all that?

It’s his “niche” to be the way that he us so I guess there thinking it be like taking pharah and moving her to tank simply because of her “Niche” that being flying and it’s niches like that that make people want to play the hero…

But I legitimately doubt a single bastion player would actually care if he moved to tank not a single one. It’s “cute” to have a hero like bastion in the dps role, is “Fun” it’s “giddy” you get to pretend to be a tank while being on dps…

Tbh I think most people wish he/blizzard would just stop playing pretend.

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Wasn’t bastion like the worst dps in the game last I checked? Sorry, I don’t follow the meta that closely

Bastion has only 2 states: meta and useless