Bastion Nerfed Today

Can Soldier 76 deal 360 Damage Per Second every 12 seconds? I find it very unlikely. In fact, numbers alone, he does half the damage Bastion can do and is very squishy and easy to kill.

Find me another Hero that has the same outcome as Bastion when swapped to by a bad player. Keep in mind, bastion requires no mechanical skill, very little positional knowledge, and a simple “click and hold” to kill virtually every Hero in the game in 1 use of his ability.

You show me another character that gets the same claim to fame.

Can Bastion fly? Same kind of argument. Of course the heroes aren’t the same. They are a package deal. Cherry picking is as bad as it ever was in terms of coming up with arguments.


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A damage boosted S76 or bast=nightmare though.

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ya pocketed soldier was already better than pocketed bastion in a lot of situations now it’s just worse lol


Ok, so look at Bastion in the packaged deal. He has 300 Health, 100 of which is Armor making it even stronger than normal health. His base form can fire 125 Damage per second with modest accuracy even at range due to the near single-fire nature of his main fire.

He has a Grenade that doesn’t need much accuracy due to it’s splash damage radius, and doubles as a knockback on top of its high damage output.

I already touched on his 360 DPS output in his other form.

But that’s ok, because he can’t fly.

He says as he offers exactly 0 explanation to support the argument.

Because it’s self evident and known S76 is a noob friendly char that gets ppl tons of value.

And he has no mobility, even less so in tank form, his ult is a gimmick that rarely gets kills, he has no self healing and can’t help heal his pocket should she be dived, he can’t get wide angles or deep flanks and reliably live, and he’s dependent upon his team to baby sit him where as soldier is fine in literally every team comp that exists and Bastion’s power is tied to a cooldown which is only up half the time, and bomb is good but mostly for getting ppl out of cover rocket is a better and more reliable ability.

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I think he should receive more nerfs, preferably to movement speed or turning speed or falloff. He should be like sym, very strong if mastered but situational otherwise

Also by buffing Zarya they effectively removed the best bastion counter: D.Va


This balance patch was an absolute joke. Sure, Bastion needed a nerf, but so did so many other heroes: LW, Illari and Orisa.

Surely you see the difference between a hero that can debuff you and a hero that can ray you down in two with a highly damaging turret mode, right? I say sarcastically because I know you guys unironically think you instantly die when you’re antied.

Blizzard when Ana, Ashe based chads meta for 8 years: I sleep

Blizzard when “cringe hero” is hero for a week: GUT THEM GUT THWM GUT THWM GUT THEM AIEEEEE


WHAT? They nerfed bastion? What in the … is this. Ana and mcslowness are more oppressive for me as tank.

To be fair, diving Bastion is a legit strat on Winston, you just have to do it right after his transformation ends.

good…he is mind numbingly boring to play against. He can have that absurd damage output, but needs to become more of a proper glass cannon. Less HP or something.

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god forbid they expect anyone to hide behind cover while hes in sentry mode, then melt him down due to his massive hitbox, the only time hes a threat is when he has a team of competent players behind him keeping him up

Junkrat as well since he hard feeds Zarya

(Im still not swapping though)

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Actually, in theory, soldier can very easily surpass 360 damage every 12 seconds

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I don’t doubt over the course of 12 seconds he could deal that damage.

My question is whether or not he could that damage in ONE second like Bastion.

Definitely not, but he also isn’t ridiculously big, slow and bulky the other 75% of the match either.

It has quite literally always been this way for as long as I’ve been playing. Compositions that revolve around Bastion have the entire team protecting him while he just melts your team. It wasn’t fun in 2018 when he was stationary, and it isn’t fun now.

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