šŸ’” Bastion ISNā€™T being forgotten, heā€™s being ignored


Bastion has a small 5m knockback from his gatling while in turret mode, kinda like a mini Roadhog ult.

that way if Sentry Bastion gets jumped, he can kinda push the assailant away while damaging them. Kinda like a mini RoadHog ult.


Their reason for it was to nerf Bastion so if I wasnā€™t already a salt mine, now even the air tastes like salt.


(Before they already knew Sigma was going to be released anyways)

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What do you guys think of Sigma? Good for Bastion? New counter?

[Feedback, eh? I'll give you some feedback. šŸ’¢]

IDK I know basically nothing about him because Iā€™m actually playing dota 2 right now with the forums open on my second monitor lol. I havenā€™t really looked at him deeply yet but from what some people say it sounds like heā€™ll be good against bunker. So. The only time Bastion is barely sometimes played is now countered again.

His ult lifts you into the air (And deals half your health when you land if you arenā€™t dead already), His E ability literally knocks you out of Sentry Mode on a 10 second cooldown as long as you have line of sight, he can damage you pretty bad from 20 meters away, has a beefy shield he can put wherever he wantsā€¦ AND Has an ability which makes him take no damage dealt to him for a few seconds, that can grant him up to 400 extra shield on his health.

It doesnā€™t sound like heā€™s a hard counter so much as brings out some of the worst in Bastion: dependency on shields, depency on teammates for protection from pressure.

How about alongside Sigma? Is his barrier nice? He looks like heā€™ll be good at protecting Bastion.

Sounds like a counter. Attacking every weak point.

Basically itā€™s another ā€œHave team or dieā€ Situation.
Actually what am i on aboutā€¦ even WITH your team, you still die.

Itā€™s a TANK that HARD counters Bastion.

Heā€™s got less shield and hp to shred than the other barrier tanks though.

What do you think Bastion needs to be more independent?

A buff. You set me up for that and now I feel bad.

Iā€™m going to edit this post with my real response because Iā€™m responding between deaths ingame.

To not be knocked out of Sentry by things on short cooldown.


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What if recon mode was better/ had unique properties?

sentry would still need help. If recon becomes really good, why ever use the bad mode? (sentry)

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That makes sense.
What would be a good way to protect Sentry? I think a personal barrier could be good. Maybe a nice square shape.

A shield that you can deploy for one sec would even be something.

Also what if Tom the forum lord will yoink the last post???

sad zaydar noises

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I would really like to see this chart as well.

Shortening his reconfigure times would help a ton. Right now sometimes you have moments when you realize ā€œIā€™m going to die if I stay, but it takes to long to switch to recon, run away, and start healing. Might as well try and take one of them with me.ā€


Give bastion his old shield back. Seriously. I donā€™t see why doing that would be a serious offence to anything. We already have heroes with spammy absorb and shield capabilities. Beta Bastion would work great now

That would make bunker WAY TOO STRONG. Bunker is already a talking point and payload maps are already annoying with bastion so keeping bastion in sentry(his most powerful ability) while being hooked isnā€™t a good idea. If you have to buff him it would be in self repair or recon

I hope it is a bug