💔 Bastion ISN’T being forgotten, he’s being ignored


I mean, i can at least survive as Junkrat.
I can at least get picks and the occasional kill as Junkaboi.

His ult does something.

I won’t claim he doesn’t have similar issues, but at least you can work around them.

Don’t wanna be killed during ult?
Hide with your team.

You can’t do that as Bastion.

Oh, not to mention…

At least Junkrat is a better Shield Buster.

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His ult does something in bronze maybe but in Diamond and above you are lucky if you get one kill. That tire is so fu**ing easy to destroy… even for a Junkrat. Bastion is scary, especially in bunker comp, no ones afraid of Junkrat these days.
Yes his mine makes you escape some melee but it pushes you up in the air and thats literally like beeing a sitting duck for any sniper. Why do you think most widow (or sniper in generall) kills are on jumping targets or those who are in the air? Because you are like a sitting duck on the peak of the jump. The easiest targets for snipers. You jump away and then DING sniper got ya.

Depends on the Junkrat.

I know for a fact i can make that tire scary, especially because i tend to flank with it… not myself, with the tire.

Playing Junk is about confusing the enemy.

You have to poke them from as many places as possible, and tear through shields as you do.

Bastion is in constant danger as long as you’re trying to get something done.

Junk can poke or bust shields from a safe place, or even a choke point.

Junkrat can delete squishy heroes if you have decent close range aim and reaction times, and Bastion still stands little chance even in Sentry.

You’ve gotta use mines carefully.

I don’t often use them for mobility unless it’s a quick getaway or a frantic move.
I often have traps set up so i don’t even want to reset it’s placement…

As well as keeping it for the CC advantage in team fights.

Throw that thing over a shield tank and send them flying towards your own team… some of the most satisfying kills come from random junk mines.

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The bounce nerf made it nearly impossible to effectively deny area (he WAS literally made for that). ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Even so you can still send a volley of damage towards the enemy, which at least distracts and often draws fire.

Bastion in comparison puts himself in harms way, to deal ANY damage.

Btw, a shrug doesn’t make what you say, correct.

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Just sit on the corner in turret form and hold leftclick until you have to reload move to another corner and leftclick again xD

This right here ladies and gentlemen is how you die every single fight.

In bronze.


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Just dont die 4head :stuck_out_tongue:

but yeah… the only tank/shield busters in the whole game that are useless af against a meta that is made for them to counter but they were nerfed so hard that they are useless against a meta they have to counter and no one plays them.

The sad story of Bastion…

Being told to counter the very thing that counters him… HARD.

“Just shoot the Roadhog to death”

“YEA SURE Except he becomes unkillable while he heals, walks towards you no matter where you are, and hooks you to death from 30 miles away. Seems legit”

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Tanks that oneshot others is a joke of a balance… dmg output is out of controll so you have to pick heroes that have more HP but do the same amount of dmg. So… thats why we have 3-3 dominance in OWL (and even in many tryhard comp matches). Why would you pick a S76 if your Hog literally instakills any squishy without real affort, hell he nearly kills a zarya with his hook-combo. Tanks do way to much dmg for having 3x the amount of health a pure dps has. Some tanks do even more than a dps. No one can tell me that this is actually “balanced”. Balancing in OW is the worst of any online games out there. Imagine forcing eSport scene on a game without balancing… sounds like a joke right? NOPE its a reality, in Blizzard HQ at least.

you mean the guy jumping him is standing 20m away?

what you’re saying sounds like a little bit of quackery to me, no offence.

50% damage reduction is the same exact thing as 200% HP pool increase. Whether others can heal you or not.

Junkrats like all heroes depend one the player to be effective, my second most played hero is the rat and i think im pretty good with the little guy.

Now this is why play Bastion as an flanker. no one expects it and not one of them ever looked around to see what could possibly kill them.

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Can confirm.

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Not it’s not quackery.

Does Damage reduction reduce the rate of damage you take or does it not? It does.

Does damage reduction reduce the rate of healing you take or not? It does NOT.

You can ignore that if you like, but that doesn’t make it quackery just because you refuse to deal with reality.


200HP with 50% Damage Reduction is the exact same thing as having 400HP. In all ways shapes and forms. There is no difference between the two.

Just because you don’t understand something doesn’t make it true. If that was the case, the Earth would have made itself flat.


it’s more of a question than a statement. you see, my words mean nothing without context

False. This is an example of a question:

And here, we have an example of a statement:

Hope you understand!

I’m having a real hard time understanding what you’re trying to say. Would you be willing to talk over voice comms and explain it to me? Sorry, I’m really trying, but I’m just not able to put it together.

Okay, if it is absolutely “no different” in “all ways, shapes and form” then why is it that if a 400HP hero was being healed by Mercy is zapped by Winston’s tesla cannon, they will steadily lose health over time… yet a 200HP hero with 50%DR will not lose any health.

In fact if the 200HP 50%DR hero started at 1HP then after Winston had fired off a whole clip then they’d be at over 100HP, if being healed by mercy at the exact same time winston was damaging them. Even though Winston’s damage rate is 60DPS and Mercy’s healing rate is only 50HP per second.

Is that not a “way, shape or form” that is different?

You need to grasp this is how healing rate and damage rate happening may be happening simultaneously, not just the damage then looking at healing entirely separately.