šŸ’” Bastion ISNā€™T being forgotten, heā€™s being ignored

Oh yea, thatā€™ll take somebody who isnā€™t me a long long time to explain.

what would you say if they let Bastion move really really slowly in Sentry mode?

like one fifth of normal speed

almost everyone can see where bastion is looking by the hail of bullets heading in that direction, as the American military says ā€œIf you can see it you can kill it.ā€

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The moment Bastion moves in Sentry mode, Bastion stops being Bastion.

And again, mobility doesnā€™t do anything for Bastion, if he still canā€™t defend himself well.

Itā€™s sadā€¦ Heā€™s supposed to be DANGEROUS in Sentry Mode.
Now he canā€™t even defend himself in that mode.

ok, tell me your ideas and Iā€™ll tell you whatā€™s wrong with them

Standoffish much?

Bastion needs to hit HARD when heā€™s allowed to enter Sentry Mode, around enemies.

He needs tighter spread, headshots, no ironclad, less ammoā€¦ yes, i said less ammoā€¦ and in all honesty probably a slightly smaller hitbox.

On top of that iā€™d be really nice if things like Sleep Dart and Hack would leave him hacked and slept in Sentry, without causing him to transform back for no reason.

And on the topic of HOOK Why not make it so Roadyā€™s hook pulls Sentry Bastion without making him transform?



gatling guns have lots of ammo

bastion is a big machine

you can have your headshots imho

I like what they did on the decreasing spread, donā€™t think it needs changed imho

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Lots, yes. but he doesnā€™t need to spam 300 shots that are hitting nothing at all, in the hopes of having some of them sometimes hit.

Mainly i mean in Recon.
But yes.

The hitbox is a bit different from the character model.

The original spread was near perfect, they turned it into a dinner plate.

Now itā€™s a little tiny bit better, but what most people forget isā€¦
If you stop firing for even a second, itā€™s a dinner plate again.

When a Sentry Bastion hits a Tracer at five meters away for two seconds, that needs to be a dead Tracer who got caught out.

No ifs ands or buts about it.

Right now youā€™d have to track that Tracer for a few more seconds in hopes of dealing enough damage to her tiny frame.

Otherwise, no one fears Bastion, especially up close, because Bastion doesnā€™t HIT hard.

When you know thereā€™s a Sentry Bastion around the corner, your first thought shouldnā€™t be ā€œI need to run towards itā€


Ironclad is damage reduction (DR) itā€™s easier to explain the power of damage reduction with bigger DR values with a hero that doesnā€™t have armour. Lets consider 50% DR, which is ā€œhalf damageā€. What does that mean? Well in a way you essentially have double the HP, as if you have 200HP, with 50%DR 200 damage wonā€™t frag you, itā€™ll deal only 100 damage. They need to deal 400 damage to kill you, right?

Sounds pretty good huh? Wouldnā€™t it be in every way just as good as simply having 400HP? No, itā€™s better.

Say a hero with 400HP (and no damage reduction) is taking damage at 100DPS, and Mercy is trying to save them from dying by healing them with her beam that heals at 50HPS. Every second the 400HP hero loses 100HP from the damage but gains 50HP from the mercyā€™s healing, so loses a net of 50HP every second.

Mercy would need to be healing at 100HPS for them to keep their health stable.

But a 200HP hero with 50%DR, heā€™s just the same as having 400HP, right?

Look at whatā€™s actually happening as the damage and healing is coming in.

Every second:

100DPS hits them
100DPS reduced to 50DPS because of damage reduction
50HPS healing isnā€™t reduced at all
50 HP lost, 50HP gained, health remains stable.

Net result: itā€™s as if she was healing a 400HP target with a 100HPS healing beam.

Keeping health stable is vital as it means at low health damage that would kill them instead wonā€™t ever kill them, itā€™s a road to nowhere.

Now Bastion does not have 50% DR, but the same effect is happening, itā€™s actually a 25% boost to ALL sources of healing. This is easy to calculate, take what percentage damage they do take (so 20% damage reduction means they only take 80% damage, 80% = 0.8 multiplier) 1 divided by 0.8 is the ā€œhealing boostā€ that damage reduction gives.

So you see the problem with changing damage reduction by just a small amount from 20% DR to 25% DR, thatā€™s changing the healing boost from 1.25x to 1.33x multiplier.

Armour is a damage reduction that happens on top of this but itā€™s complicated by how different sources of damage are affected in radically different ways like Anaā€™s primary fire isnā€™t affected by armour at all but even DVA dealing headshots has 50% damage reduction vs armour.

Though raises the reasonable question: ā€œBut bastion has self-repair to heal himself, so be can help himselfā€

Except how do you use self-repair? By STOPPING your attack, that is so fundamentally different. While mercy or moira or whoever is healing sentry bastion, Bastion is still shooting. So bastion is reducing the HP of his enemies and they arenā€™t able to reduce Bastionā€™s HP.

But Bastion is giving up his attack to heal at only 75HPS, even with damage reduction at best he can only keep his HP stable so he doesnā€™t lose HP but also his opponents donā€™t lose HP. Itā€™s not helping bastion win a fight, itā€™s just stalling out the fight to last longer.

Bastion canā€™t viably use self repair IN a fight.

Self-repair is only viable BETWEEN fights.

Self-repair is just the substitute for Bastionā€™s low mobility so that he doesnā€™t have to make so many long detours to get healthpacks and slowly trundle back again. Stops bastion just setting up on top of a healthpack and staying there as he would if he had no means of self-healing combined with such low mobility.

It has potential but canā€™t help how bastion is screwed in the fights themselves.

I donā€™t know man.

Iā€™m just thinking about how easy it is to hit Rein or DVA in the head hitbox and the devs respond to that with something dumb like ā€œweā€™ll just nerf bastionā€™s base damageā€.

Butā€¦ headshots are insignificant against small hitbox squishy opponents, and now Iā€™ve taken a DPS hit on the few bullets that do hit NOOOOOOOOOO!!!

And ā€œOh well weā€™ve broken that, letā€™s ā€˜fixā€™ it again with tighter spreadā€ and weā€™ve reduced Bastionā€™s minigun to being nothing more than Soldier 76ā€™s primary fire with a damage boost, especially when factored against armour.

No HS = high BASE dps

High BASE dps = high barrier break

This is a terrible tradeoff for way way worse damage on things that you canā€™t headshot (like barriers, rolling hammond, mei walls, turrets, etc) for circumstantial overkill on tanks you can headshot.

If the concern is ā€œwell Iā€™ve GOTTA frag rein that quick with headshots because earthshatterā€ well thatā€™s not just going to only stop Rein from executing an earthshatter, itā€™s going to also stop him even performing a firestrike without being annihilated. A mere firestrike!

Compare and contrast with how a personal barrier would protect bastion from earthshatter. Yet that would be quite vulnerable to a firestrike. So a normalisation of the threats Rein poses, his ult is blunted but his standard cooldown gives him huge influence at getting Bastion to reposition.


Honestly Bastion still needs headshots as long as he gets a properly thought over ammo reduction.

Either back to 200 or iā€™d take even down to 150.

As long as his ammo hits HARD when it does hit, he doesnā€™t need to be spamming in hopes of hitting something.

You may not always catch out the Rein trying to fire strike, if youā€™re reloading a larger amount of time.

And aside from that, if Rein is close enough to take that many bullets to the head hitbox, he doesnā€™t need to be using his fire strike.

He needs to be charging.

And if heā€™s that close, itā€™d be a close match up.

Either he pulls it off before he getā€™s shredded into oblivion, or he does it from too far away and getā€™s shredded to oblivion.

Note: This ALL depends on what and or who the Bastion is prioritizing.
Any good Rein would wait until the Bastion seems caught off guard or distracted to actually make a move.

You may be ā€œfineā€ with 150, I am NOT! I know it takes 80 shots to frag a squishy at 35m, even with perfect tracking and thatā€™s bad enough, itā€™s worse when you factor how it is so typical that adding headshots will just lead to a nerf elsewhere to prevent bastion dealing too much damage with headshots.

Chibi you need to go on the record and say absolutely explicitly with no equivocation you ONLY want headshots if bastion takes absolutely no other nerfs to his damage in sentry mode. so

  • if getting headshots means a spread nerf, then I donā€™t want headshots
  • if getting headshots means a bullet damage nerf, then I donā€™t want headshots
  • if getting headshots means a damage falloff nerf, then I donā€™t want headshots
  • if getting headshots means a fire rate nerf, then I donā€™t want headshots

ChibiFox! Do you agree to ALL of that or do you not!

But itā€™s not hitting hard.

Consider everything you canā€™t headshot:

  • Small squishy heroes
  • tanks at longer range
  • enemy bastions
  • Barriers
  • rolling hammond
  • mei walls
  • torb turrets
  • Baptisteā€™s lamp

In every case where Iā€™m not dealing enough damage against squishy heroes who are ā€œhead clippingā€ itā€™s not because all my bullets are hitting them in the head and itā€™s not doing enough damage itā€™s because so many of my bullets are missing.

The problem is clearly the spread.

If the spread is too badā€¦ fix the spread.

This is the problem with buffing an irrelevant aspect, because itā€™s irrelevant it then makes Bastion too powerful. This is what people donā€™t get about balance, itā€™s not like a linear scale where you just put weight on one side or the other, itā€™s more like trying to balance a plate thatā€™s spinning on a stick, you need to get not just the right weight but in the right place.

Oh MAY not, maybe.

Everyone hates ā€œmaybeā€ it sucks for balance. The fact is Rein BARELY survives a firestrike on Bastion, and thatā€™s a fair trade if Firestrike were to have more effect on Bastion.

No you have now made a close range charge absolutely suicidal. It will NEVER work for Rein in a pure Rein vs Bastion fight. There is no range where Rein can execute a charge in time.

This isnā€™t good balance.

Rein canā€™t do anything against Bastion! And why is Rein being nerfed? Bastionā€™s already sable to break Reinā€™s shield (at a distance) better than any other hero. Why are we making it impossible for him to charge bastion even from point blank range?!?

DVA already struggles head to head with bastion, why are we giving bastion a ā€œwin moreā€ option?

Rein is amongst the heroes LEAST able to do that.

I think something has been grossly misunderstoodā€¦

Iā€™ll be back later.

(Iā€™m also not simply suggesting Bastion rely entirely on headshots as you make it out like i am. neither am i suggesting some strange compensation nerfs, as Bastion ONLY needs an increase in power. iā€™ve said that from the start.)

He needs at least 200 so he can still kill people after taking down a Rein barrier.

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I think that I understand you, itā€™s just youā€™ve left a lot open to interpretation.

Iā€™m saying you need to be ABSOLUTELY CLEAR about your priorities otherwise thisā€™ll be used against us with the ā€œwell the bastion mains seem to want HS so much, even preferring headshots to certain other thingsā€.

And it can takes so many shots just to duel with a sniper. In my testing at only 35m even shooting until spread shrunk to 2 degrees before lining up crosshairs on a stationary ana, it took 57 shots, basically the equivalent of breaking an Orisa shield.

Also itā€™s no damn good to say ā€œwell maybe 150 shots is barely enough for one fightā€ yeah, but bastion doesnā€™t spend his downtime between single fights reloading, he spends his downtime self-repairing.

Two actions that are mutually exclusive.

So using your downtime between fights trying to juggle both self-repair and a long reload animation way more frequently and it wonā€™t just be twice as frequently.

300 rounds capacity isnā€™t just for firing 300 rounds all at once.

300 rounds is for firing a merely 100 round string then not having to reload because 50 rounds would never be enough for anything that might come around the corner.

Youā€™ve got to be really careful about proposing 150 round capacity, thereā€™s a huge difference between ā€œI rarely pin the trigger to fire 150 rounds all at onceā€ and ā€œItā€™s so rare I have to reload because I lack enough ammo for upcoming fights.ā€

If you think youā€™ll need at least 100 rounds for anything that comes around the corner then just 50 round burst mean youā€™ll have to reload. Right now you can make FOUR burst of 50 rounds before youā€™ll have to reload, so thatā€™s how halving clip size can lead to way way more frequent than 2x more reloading.

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Iā€™m really upset your response was that long, but Iā€™m going to read it anyway, maybe! :angry:

DR is the exact same as HP. You never pointed out that DR helps a target without healers. If your point is that too much damage reduction is only feasible if healer didnā€™t exist, lest the DR become to powerful. Fine. So donā€™t increase damage reduction

However we must look at Bastion inside the game. Keep increasing his DR by 1% until he obtains an overall 50% win rate. Whether heā€™s winning by healing or not.

With all that being said, yes, give Bastion back his head shots, that way he can fend for himself when he gets jumped.

Iā€™ve been playing Bastion a lot more recently. I want to genuinely incorporate him into my competitive roster. Iā€™ve realized the effective way to play him on attack is a bit more reserved and careful, with Sentry being more of an ā€œabilityā€ than a ā€œmodeā€. Shifting my focus like this has increased his viability in my eyes a LOT.

Definitely not saying heā€™s in a good spot right now, but Iā€™m starting to think heā€™s in no need of any even slightly major rework. Maybe mechanical adjustments, but no ability changes

  • Iā€™d like Self-repair to be infinite again. Never Understood the resource limit.
  • Iā€™d like the transformation sequence to Config:Tank to be waaaay faster. itā€™s so easy to prepare against it when you hear a whole jingle.
  • Iā€™d like Sentry to have better falloff. instead of 15-7.5, it could be 15-10. I understand itā€™s supposed to be a midrange ability, but often times it feels like itā€™s doing almost nothing

For the first time in a long LONG time, iā€™m in complete agreement with a reply to this thread that hasnā€™t been made by a regular.

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I to donā€™t think a major rework is necessary. Things like you suggested would go a long way in making him better.

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Basically: DR reduces incoming damage but doesnā€™t reduce incoming healing.

Itā€™s that simple.

The greater the DR, the greater the difference between damage-taken and healing taken.

Itā€™s the difference between the rate you take damage and the rate youā€™re healed that determines how effective the healing is at keeping you alive.

Except he can be jumped from 20m away by a squishy where heā€™s not going to be limited by lack of HS but by his spread. Heā€™s limited by his spread.

If Bastionā€™s spread let him land even close to 450DPS then HS would be overkill. Even on tanks.

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Bastion is still in a way better state than Junkrat ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ