šŸ’” Bastion ISNā€™T being forgotten, heā€™s being ignored

How about ironclad as ultiamte?

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Mars is further away from the Sun than Jupiter.

It would be okay to ignore the point Iā€™m trying to make, wouldnā€™t it?

I was thinking about the idea of replacing Ironclad with Personal barrier and realised itā€™s a huge buff for Rein.

Currently if rein firestrikes Bastion itā€™ll only reduce bastion to 233HP with ironclad meaning itā€™ll take another 279 damage to frag him.

However, as firestrike damages both barriers and opponents, a 100damage firestrike would both remove the barrier and 97HP of bastionā€™s health, leaving him at 203HP, so Firestrike is super-effective on Bastion, wiping away half of Bastionā€™s ā€œhealthā€ (counting his barrier as his health as well).

Fair enough as Firestriking bastion is kinda ridiculously dangerous, it will reduce Rein down to 26HP for the time it takes him to perform a firestrike. This is a huge incentive for Bastion to reposition to avoid a firestrike.

And this will happen even through an Orisa shield so Rein is a super hard counter to a Bunker comp, Rein can firestrike and deal effectively 297 damage, contribute 100 to breaking Orisaā€™s shield and reducing Bastionā€™s HP by 197

Similar thing would happen with Hammond if he could piledrive directly on top of you, dealing 100 damage to both you and your personal barrier, reducing you to 203HP.

Orisa would, interestingly, frag bastion in the exact same number of hits.

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letā€™s talk about the real issue here, why is the icon for Ironclad, the head of a human with a lighting bolt in it?

You know, most of the passive ability in Overwatch have the same symbol.

Wait, thatā€™s how it is in the game? Itā€™s not just a mistake on the wiki. Well I just checked, itā€™s correct.

Maybe before, not any more.

I just checked, every other hero has a unique symbol to represent their passive that actually makes sense for them and their passive.

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I actually did make a cursed image of the two heroes merged into one a few months ago lol

yeah, thatā€™s what I thought too. Imagine my horror when I found out it was actually in client :ghast:

not sure what the icon should really be though

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Does anyone have any love for ironclad? I mean, itā€™s taken this long for anyone to even notice this weirdness?

I mean, I donā€™t want to sound ungrateful, bastion is really vulnerable as a sitting duck in sentry mode and needs something, but 20% damage reduction has to be one of the worse ways to go about it.

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ironclad makes perfect sense, just keep increasing it by 1% until his win rate is 50%, thatā€™s my take on the matter. but I do have an idea for a new passiveā€¦

Bastion can shoot bullets, hit scan or projectile. What this basically means is that you canā€™t shoot into a Bastion if he is shooting at you, you must always flank him. (the idea behind Bastion in beta mind you)

there could be a dps penalty too instead of an all out nullification.

like if a Soldier is shooting at Bastion and Bastion is shooting back at Soldier, Soldier will only do half the damage. Same with Reaper, same with Pharah, same with D.Va.

If you fire a machine gun into a Gatling gun, some of those machine gun bullets will not make it there. While more Gatling gun bullets will make it through.

I think you see my point. What do you think?

It could even be a little shield that only covers bastion's hit box, is very close to him, and only appears when he is firing.

for balance this would be good, but might feel a little... not awesome?

The problem with Ironclad is HOW it increases winrate, it increases winrates for pocketed bastions disproportionately more than unpocketed bastions. It increases winrates of bunker bastions more than the more flexible bastions.

Iā€™m not to sure about the ā€œdps penaltyā€ would work, it doesnā€™t seem to be like anything currently in the ā€œtoolkitā€. We know how barriers work in Overwatch, itā€™s something devs can drop in to work anywhere and we all know how itā€™ll work.

grumble grumbleā€¦


grumble grumbleā€¦

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how so, bastion can heal himself

I donā€™t see how Ironclad helps out a pocketed bastion more than a non-pocketed bastion

Where do I begin, itā€™s really complicated but the math checks out in the end.

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The math does check out.
I forgot how to describe it cos chibi is a bit dumb, but a pocketed Bastion is easier to heal because of Ironcrap.

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yeah, but he can heal himself

so it helps out his healing too

I understand what yā€™all are saying, but Iā€™m going to need a stronger argument.

unless there was some reddit post that went into great detail about Ironclad helping healers. Is there a reddit post?

So basically it comes down too ā€œBut was it mentioned on my preferred platform though?ā€

I donā€™t like the sound of thatā€¦

Ironcrap doesnā€™t DO anything, is a basic data change with no intuitive reactionary response or effect, and honestly has no place in this game.

I personally am never ever going to want to give up power for ā€œA tiny bit more health thatā€™ll be chipped away anywaysā€

I donā€™t care where the post was, you said you had the maths. I want to see the maths.

I think I remember when OW first came out Jeff said he wanted balance to be more about adjusting numbers. I donā€™t see the point in this zeal, but to each their own.

You want a cool QoL for Bastion? Hereā€™s one for youā€¦

All your allies can see where Bastion is looking. There would be an orange tint on the screen showing the field of vision that Bastion has. Cool? or nah?

What would that even do???

Heā€™d still get oneshot and stomped on when attacked, and would still probably be giving out shot calls and all sorts while being killed.

That doesnā€™t matter.

Bastion needs more bang for his buck, and his buck is literally giving up ALL MOBILITY to even make that bang happen.

Right now he gets objectively worse for giving up mobility in some situations.

Itā€™ll take me about 30 minutes for me to compose a clear explanation and I explained this before on this thread. If you canā€™t find it Iā€™ll give the same explanation - again - when I get back from work tomorrow.