💔 Bastion ISN’T being forgotten, he’s being ignored

how about a gerwalk mode?

Bastions upper torso transforms into a weaker version of his sentry but he gains very basic mobility with his legs from recon remaining. Or maybe magnet feet so he has more positioning options. Maybe he could cling to the ceiling like an evil spider?

before the DPS buff (the one where Soldier got his 20hp back and the other deeps got small buffs…)

bastion was good

My play style and hero selection has not changed.

I went from 2250sr to 1700sr

and it’s because all the DPS can now give Bastion a run for his money

Bastion needs to be able to see through allies, and we’ll take it from there.

…fixed that for you!

then why did the sr change?

not a good trolling, I’ve come to expect too much from you

Because you refuse to use the tools you have available, you refuse to improve yourself, and your most played hero has a 30-something % winrate.

no the sr changed because of buffs and nerfs

to think buffs and nerfs don’t change sr when the behavior is the same is just being like, wow, just wow

I never said that buffs and nerfs don’t affect what’s effective.

While everyone else was improving, you were doing the exact same thing, actively refusing to improve. While everyone else around you figured out that Bastion is a situational hero that doesn’t always work, you insisted on playing him the same way you always do. While the people around you who climbed were playing what they worked to get good at, you were playing a hero you have a 30-ish% winrate on. While you were blaming teammates and buffs and nerfs and not having features you want, the people who climbed worked with what they had available and got good.

It’s possible to take Bastion to Top 500, but it requires that you work to improve yourself. If Kolorblind spent all his time on the forums blaming external factors and demanding features he didn’t need, nobody would have heard of Kolorblind because he never would have climbed.

yes you did.

maybe they weren’t improving, but just being stubborn like me, and then when soldier got his damage back, they climbed without doing anything

No, I never said that buffs and nerfs don’t affect what’s effective. I said that people who climb play what’s effective, or they get good enough that they can play their preferred hero through anything while maintaining higher than a 30% win rate.

I’m certain that happened to some players. You don’t seem to understand that what changed was how effective Soldier is because he got buffed. However, there were also Soldier mains that climbed before he got buffed - because they improved themselves.

Just improve yourself and you’ll climb.

and people who don’t climb don’t play what’s effective

never said anything to the contrary

i can’t improve as fast as they buff or nerf, it’s just not how things work

that being said, I want them to buff and nerf as they please

Sure, usually. But if you improve yourself you can effectively play what’s generally considered ineffective. Just look at Kolorblind - if he can get to Top 500 with Bastion, anyone who gets good can!

you’re missing the point, the point is that while my playstyle didn’t change my SR did

And you’re missing the point - if you want to play a situational hero and climb, you’re going to have to learn to adjust your play style. You’re also going to have to improve, because everyone around you is improving. The same SR today represents a much higher level of skill than it did 3 years ago - because people improved.

I missing it on purposes, despite your best efforts. I’ve come to learn that what you have to say is detrimental to my growth.

Probably not the best idea to openly admit that you’re trolling.

Some day I hope you realize that only you are responsible for your own growth and improvement, and blaming anyone else is only going to drag you down. Nobody but you is forcing you to play a hero with a 30% win rate and not even trying to adjust your play style.

ignoring a troll is not trolling. and laugh out loud, you think me not taking your advice seriously is trolling,

you seem to think you are responsible as well, just look at how many times you’ve responded to me

you have posted at me 463 times, the next person, you have responded to them 32, something is odd here

if my computer blew up, you just say “git gud”

I agree.

They should make this a skin…

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I’m gonna be hosting a discussion between supporters and skeptics of Bastion and Mercy reworks that I’ll be recording for an upcoming episode of my podcast. Please let me know if you’re interested in joining!

You know what…

why dont we just merge them together…

Spreading heals and mercy across the battlefield…
one bullet at a time


Well you did say that you were missing the point on purpose.

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