💔 Bastion ISN’T being forgotten, he’s being ignored

Are you shooting or not? If not, the ammo isn’t drained. Still don’t think you understand what i ment. Think D.va defense matrix; Not using it? not draining.

Not shooting, not draining. That is how ammunition works…

Which is what the balance changes does, your damage is massive: If you hit every shot while having 20 damage per shot, you’ll effectively down a player in a 1/3 of a second.

You can bait the enemy out to a bad position if you wait with your Sentry mode. Orisa shield? Gone in 1.5 seconds if only you are shooting it.

The point i am making about these changes isn’t that they benefit the enemy, rather benefits Bastion massively.

If you aren’t shooting, you aren’t a threat.
If you aren’t a threat you’re being attacked.

I don’t think you understand what area denial is.

I’d reconsider everything you’ve written.
As i believe they do the opposite.

Lets say you take down that barrier after shooting to bait someone out, but they didn’t take that bait.

Well when you ARE finally attacked, what then… are you kicked out of Sentry Mode just for draining that meter?

Yea no.
It’s a hard set restriction, and i hate it.

You can’t rely solely on this idea that someone is going to walk straight into your gun, or even be willing to take your bait if they know it can be used up and baited out itself.

You aren’t going to “Use” all of the ammo you have, and thus cannot possibly think basing time in sentry mode on how often you hit the enemy.

Because surprisingly, that makes Bastion TOO MUCH of a glass cannon.

Meaning you either hit your shots predicatively and kill the enemy every time, or you die.
(And you’d still probably die anyways)

Which in a real world setting means you have Sentry baited out, and you die.

Every time.

That’s a no from me dawg.

I get what this is trying to do, it’s trying to discourage bunker… but this is ridiculous extremes.

Dealing 600-750DPS but then if you shoot for barely 3 seconds you’ve got to wait 20-30 seconds to do the same??!? This reminds me of Team Fortress 2 randomiser mode or those weird server mods, it’s just so extreme.

This is like giving Soldier a helix rocket that does 200 damage but on a 20-30 second cooldown.

I don’t think that’s really showing through.

450DPS is already something you shouldn’t fact off against, the only reason it isn’t is because of spread.

Not solving that problem yet dialling up the damage is where things just go to crazy town.

That’s not really anything like a machine gun nest though. Machine guns aren’t limited by such long cooldowns and such short bursts of fire.

I get your concept, it’s a nice concept… but it’s just so off-kilter.

Not really because Bastion’s hitbox means he can never try to drag out a fight in recon mode.

Soldier’s hitbox is small enough that he can move only a bit to left or right to get his hitbox entirely off a crosshair that was centred on him. Bastion is so wide it takes so much longer to get his broad hitbox off a crosshair the A+D strafing rhythm is slow enough to follow.

So while Soldier 76 can dodge most attacks coming his way and on top of that use biotic field to keep him alive while still attacking, Bastion can’t do anything remotely equivalent.

Bastion doesn’t need a big clip size chugging along at a below average 160DPS, even when he has a mere 20 round clip size that wasn’t really a problem as you only had time to fire 20 shots before you were fragged in a close range fight anyway!

Think about it, it takes 4.4sec for Bastion to shoot 35 rounds, that’s long enough for Reaper to dump all 8 shots dealing potentially 1120 damage. 4.4sec is long enough for symm to charge up to level 3 beam and have done 340 damage at max beam power. It’s long enough for McCree to have fanned the hammer on you 3 times! It’s enough time for Doomfist to rocket punch you then the cooldown expire on rocket punch to rocket punch you again!

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To be blunt, right now you come off as more or less:
“I don’t like this therefore it’s bad”

What it does is:
Increase Bastion damage in Sentry mode, to either 20 or 25, based on feedback. (Bastion headshot damage before the change was 30)

Makes you as a Bastion player play a more mobile, and yet keeps the core concept of the character; A machinegun nest.

Makes Recon mode slightly more deadly than it already is, it’s not much that is required to hit someone at a range.

And you just locked down the area by just being present there, effectively make them chose another route, and if you’re aware enough, you move away from there to surprise them when they attack.

If you’re within the Reaper’s range, you should lose.

The idea of a machinegun nest is that the mere present of something like that will put people off. If you back off from a fight and enter sentry mode and have ammo, you will be telling the enemy to back off, or they will loose the fight.

Appriciate the feedback though. Do consider that what i gave as an example to the damage was the minimum suggested, with 25 damage per shot being the highest.

Magy! I’ve gone into a game to test this and yeah, the shield does disappear quick, however looks are deceiving, that shield disappearing quickly entirely negated a 150 damage shot from Roadhog. It’s not supposed to be a super shield, bastion isn’t a tank after all, the shield shouldn’t have to stay there for ages for it to do its job.

I trust I won’t disappoint you in telling you I almost immediately began altering your code without consulting the source notes. I have very likely damaged it but I can’t be sure.

I changed it from “Is button being pressed (ability 2)” to “is ability 1 being used” and no… doesn’t work. You’re only “using” ability one while transforming. Darn.

But thank you so much for the work you’ve done so far, this is really well put together and I think we can learn a huge amount from this.

Yeah but… that’s hitting them in the head.

And the devs did get rid of that, probably for the same reason they got rid of McCree’s right click from dealing headshots. And ashe’s coach gun too. There isn’t really a “bullets always headshot” rule in Overwatch.

Headshots are hugely contentious, personally I’m willing let HS go on the grounds of preserving his damage as a machine gunner.

You may find I’ve said this a lot of times but I often use the idea “shooting a hole in your car’s radiator doesn’t really enable you to walk more, I’ve just hugely limited your ability to drive your car”.

You’ve just made it so bastion HAS to move because he’s out of ammo and is reloading REALLY slowly.

The only way to stay out of Reaper’s range is to stay way too far back and hunker down around allies… a bunker. I don’t want to be in a bunker, I want to strike out in recon mode but that means going around corners, where I might run into a Reaper. And I can’t run away with suppression fire as he has Wraith that can cover 25m at 150% movement speed.

It’s not just reaper, it’s loads of heroes. Bastion doesn’t need a gun that slowly fires over long periods of time. People are tying to use him as a soldier, plinking from long range. That’s a job Solider 76 will always be able to do better and why try to make him only as good as him doing the same thing most of the time?

But you’re missing out a rather important aspect on a machine gun nest is the PERSISTENT thread, if you KNEW a machine gun nest was going to be basically completely out of ammo after firing the equivalent of a single 30 round mag and was now going to be super vulnerable for the next 20-30 seconds as they slowly thumb single rounds into their single mag.

Well… that’s fundamentally different.

Yes, in this case you give bastion a 100 round mag but divide the capacity by 3.3, divide the fire rate by 3.3 and multiply the damage by 3.3, you have something that would be a bren gun. Except instead of quickly replacing a spent mag with a full spare mag in about 1 sec the mag is being removed and slowly reloading the single magazine one charger clip at a time. That’s not really what would limit a Bren gun or why they’d need to frequently reposition.

You’d PERFECTLY nailed one aspect of machine gun nests, that they have to frequently resposition… what you’ve failed to factor is WHY they reposition.

You’ve invented an artificial limitation, rather than allow the natural limitation. The natural limitation on machine gun nests is how they lose the element of surprise, how a stationary target is very vulnerable to certain attacks which are very analogous to abilities in overwatch.

The reasons bastions don’t want to move is because of the way ironclad biases all decision trees to stay in sentry mode except when you have unusual certainty in predicting exactly what will happen.

I discussed this Ironclad dilemma earlier in this thread.

I have considered that… where I said it would be 750DPS.

You’re not really balancing this, you’re far too focused on a way that you know is going to quite easily neutralise Bastion (extremely limited fire time with artificially slow reload) and you’re too focused on coming up with something, anything, to justify that rather convenient limitation.

And as HUGE as that 750DPS is… it so often it doesn’t matter.

So many things in the game grant 100% immunity to damage like Reaper’s wraith form, Mei’s ice block, immortality field, Defence Matrix, Fade, Translocate, recall, Genji’s Deflect.

Oh my god, Genji’s deflect I just realised. If he jumps in front of you with deflect and factoring how he’s effectively the shooter and it favours the shooter on lag, this is not good balancing.

Bastion can’t really do the other jobs of a machine gun nest, there’s no element of suppression with this.

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damn you broke it that fast? lol

also, the “is using ability 1” should work but, i prefer it to be manual, because i can toggle it when i want and block what i want, and not let it be decided by the enemy, which is something i dont like at all, it also makes bastion more highskill since the shield is less passive


A lot of people have said “what’s the problem with ironclad” and it’s worth revising some of the problems with this means of “buffing” bastion in sentry mode. Consider the specifics of how ironclad works, it is only providing the 20% damage resistance after having fully reconfigured into sentry mode and the instant you begin to exit sentry mode you lose this 20% damage reduction.

How this damage reduction is a benefit across the entire 300HP of bastion’s health bar. It allows bastion to survive up to 375 damage (before factoring armour) which sounds pretty good… except there’s a problem… are only that tough if you STAY in sentry mode.

Lets say you were hit by 120 damage attack and that attack was reduced to only 93 damage by Ironclad (armour also helped), lets follow through the logic of deciding “oh dear, time to escape!” but this attack has reduced you to 207HP! Oh dear. That’s not good. You’ve got a hitbox the size of roadhog and have health barely more than a squishy


“Ahh, but I’ve got ironclad, I’m getting that benefit.”

No, you don’t, not if you try to relocate, as soon as you begin the transformation.

“Okay, but Ironclad still helped for that first shot”

Yeah, but how much? At the point where you realised you have to escape ironclad has only reduced 27HP of damage.

If you stay in Sentry then your 207HP is equivalent to 259HP because of damage reduction. And it’s not like you can instantly gain the benefits of mobility, you’re stuck in an animation for 0.5sec and your head appears at a predictable point in that animation.

Compare and contrast with something like Bonus Armour (orange health) or a personal barrier instead of damage reduction.

If you get shot by a big burst of damage or your personal shield is destroyed, what is the state you are reduced to? If it’s +100 bonus armour you’re reduced to 283HP, and it IS 283HP, you don’t need to stay in sentry mode to have that effective level of protection. For a personal barrier it’s reduced to 300HP, effectively you’re just as “tough” as in recon mode.

Other heroes have “extra toughness” done this way such as Torb’s overload, Doomfist’s passive and wrecking ball’s adaptive shield.

A “front loaded” extra protection means you can gain all the benefits early on then you don’t have to stay in sentry mode to keep getting any use from the benefit.

The other problem with Ironclad is healing.

While in a way, Ironclad’s 20% damage reduction mean Bastion has effectively 375HP, because 375 reduced by 20% is 300. So you’d have to deal 375 damage to bastion to reduce him to 0HP. Yet to increase his HP from (just above) 0HP to 300HP, healers only need to apply 300HP of healing.

This imbalance is the healing advantage with Ironclad.

And Developers EXPLICITLY limited the amount of damage reduction not only how good the damage reduction is defending Bastion by himself, but how tough bastion was while he was being healed. In other words, bastion was nerfed to be not overpowered when being healed… with the inevitable consequence that he’s disproportionately less tough when not being healed.

But something like Bonus Armour or a Personal Barrier has the opposite of the damage reduction healing synergy… what’s the opposite of synergy… discord?

Anyway, the point is if your Barrier or Bonus armour is shot off, the healer cannot recover that. So your healer can only get you back to 300HP raw, so only as tough as if you were still in recon. There is no synergy with healers unless you could activate the shield to protect you after taking damage so you’re being healed while the barrier of bonus armour takes the damage instead.

I agree, that would be better but it could be too good in that sort of synergy with healers.

I know it seems counterintuitive to deliberately sacrifice your health pool first but if you let your shield go firsts then all that time the shield is going, your healer is wasting time and they heal over time. If you get damaged first, THEN bring your barrier up, the shield gives your healer time to heal you up to 100% HP by the time the Barrier is destroyed or the bonus armour is shot off.

The problem with synergy with healers is the devs look at Bastion’s strength with healers and balance Bastion to not be too tough WITH healers… which then makes bastion too weak WITHOUT healers. They did it before, they said 35% ironclad was right for Bastion by himself, but when they considered how tough bastion was when being healed they nerfed Ironclad to an annoyingly low level.

There are many characters that are powerful in synnergy with healers and its considered fine

i dont see why this different with bastion

Ashe gets the ability to one shot with mercy alongside her, to give out an examplel,

Genji and Ana are great partners

Orisa and Bapsite do good together

Lucio and Rein too, etc

Hmm, I’m still trying to come up with a really short and simple way of explaining it but I’ll have to think about it.

I’m not even saying it makes Bastion even all that good.

Ashe may be suffering from a similar problem.

Ashe kinda sucks and any talk of buffing her is countered by “what? Buff the hero that can OHK with a single hitscan? Hell no.”

I can see it in the future already: Ashe has her bullet damage reduced to 75 but her fire rate increased to 1 shot every 0.5 sec, so she can’t OHK headshot with damage boost any more. But still OHK Tracer without damage boost.

Not really that great partners overall, they’ve got a strong push-pull interaction.

For example Genji depends on being highly evasive to avoid taking too much damage as he’s fighting his opponents, yet that movement that is trying to dodge enemy projectiles also naturally makes him equally as hard to hit with Ana’s healing. The only “synergy” is how Genji’s dragon blade is juuuust a little too weak to really be worth it and Ana’s damage boost then makes his melee attacks worth it.

It’s just an ult combo.

I think I’m seeing the trend here, you’re listing any sort of generic compatibility.

I think I’ve really failed to emphasise how fundamentally different the healing is when it’s paired with damage reduction.

This is still just Lucio having his intended effect, this is not anything working more effectively than intended.

Perhaps my goal was too ambitious, as it seems people dislike the idea.

The goal was to balance it out to all brackets. Who like being put up against a good bunker comp and loose, feeling that their effort was minimal?

However i do like that you give a good perspective on things, and do appriciate the feedback, though not very constructive.

Genji reflect has always been a good counter to Bastion.

Machineguns does reposition because of one factor, and thats not the loss of surprise, but rather the vulnerability that you mentioned.

My suggestion was not to make an artificial limitation, but a resonable tradeoff for a buff in the massive damage bastion already had.

Perhaps if Bastion gained 20 rounds every 2 seconds would make YOU satisfied. The suggestion can be changed to be balanced across the board.

Ironclad does provide you with a sort of “cover”.

Some of us don’t want a constant Pirate ship or bunker in every comp match we play, but rather see Bastion played more as a individiual dps. See a big difference between a skilled bastion player and a bad one.

Then you’ve misinterpreted my suggestion completely, i designed it the other way around.

How could you balance Bastion without hurting his design? Based on the hours i’ve played i’ve frequently just needed a little more dps to survive the situation.

I started by thinking of how a machinegunner thinks when engaged in combat:

  • I need to set up a position so that the enemy will be suppressed.

Then i though of Overwatch and it’s use of shields, and specifically Bunker comp:

  • If the shield can be broken by my self before Orisa can throw up a new one, my team got a great advantage.

THEN i though of the limitation, based on the video:

  • Reloading ammo takes quite some time, what if it was the limitation Bastion had to this massive damage? And it reloads over time like D.va?

Only four thousand posts since I last read this, what’s wrong, bastion players running out of memes?

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what is the meaning of this word, being serious this is the only thread ive seen on a few hundred game forums that has almost zero meme,s posted. Even from me and I am known for posting memes.

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No memes, in this ENTIRE thread? I’m more likely to believe the exclusion of all vowels than that…

I guess the Bastion-mains have turned this thread into serious business if that’s the perception today (kinda boring though). Keep up the good fight guys, am rooting for you. :kissing_heart:

yeah I hate to tell you this my fellow brothers and sisters Bastion mains are extremely focused in everything to do with the state of Bastion. that being said there are posts on how to deal with pets suffering PTSD, players dealing with PTSD and multiple posts on guessing my actually age.(non existant to be honest but im the grandfather of this thread going by age alone.)

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Your comparison with DVA’s DM illustrates perfectly why this is a problem, with it working on such similarly limited resource to defence matrix and similar defensive counters means Bastion can easily be shut down by such defensive counters.

No, you’re still far too focused on limiting Bastion. There’s far too little enabling of Bastion to function in different roles.

Concentrating his damage in time to the brief period defensive abilities last limits its power. You can’t just lower your fire rate to extend the duration as inverse spread is such a huge penalty. No where in your proposal do you acknowledge how despite limiting max fire time to barely 3 seconds it takes 2 seconds for Bastion’s spread to shrink.

What you’ve done is make bastion’s spread effectively WORSE as he has to fire a far greater proportion of his shots within 2 seconds of beginning firing where his spread is widest.

There’s already been talk on this thread about the problems with Bastion’s spread.

Too hard to keep trust level 3. As substitute please accept this ultra-minimalist ASCII art Bastion:

[ [] ]


Hahaha, that’s perfect!


There are some if you look back far enough. The 4,000-15,000 range is probably where they would be.


Patch notes from February 28, 2017
Bullet spread increased by 50%
Bullet spread is always at maximum (it no longer increases as the weapon is fired)

Edit: Played Bastion and enabled the spread to be shown on crosshair, saw the increased accuracy as you fired, after some digging found the patch adressing this. Error on my part

Around November 2018:
Weapon spread decreased by up to 33% while firing

Solution: Make it happen faster, alias around 20 rounds.

Perhaps instead of being a naysayer, contribute to construct. :smiley:

:moyai: Bastonks :moyai:


The only thing on the resource meter should be his fuel in tank mode. Not in ult tho. His new ult would be two giant under water mines… for future content reasons…


Bastion approved.