šŸ’” Bastion ISNā€™T being forgotten, heā€™s being ignored

I was making a reference as to why using pickrate is a bad argument because some heroes are picked because people like the hero. I feel itā€™s only a problem when the pickrate is less than 0.5% or more than 80%

The problem with Bastion is that peoples donā€™t want him to be viable. Even GM one.

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Because he is notoriously unfun to play against. You donā€™t wanna play a game where a hero can just shred you. Believe me, you may think you want to see Bastion played more. But he is the most unfun, cheesy hero to play against that thatā€™s the reason people donā€™t want him viable. In situations where he strives, heā€™s broken. In my opinion he is in the best state heā€™s ever been

In the trash bin . . .


No. His spread being lowered while firing is the best buff he has ever gotten. Do you remember season 4 when bastion broke the game? I do and I wanted him nerfed badly

He broke the game, I remember when everyone was saying ā€œOMG, the new Bastion is overpoweredā€ and then he one week later he got the iron clad nerf.

I donā€™t want Bastion to be meta, but this isnā€™t true :

The best time for Bastion is after the ironclad nerf. Because new heroes like Ashe and Hanzo rework were not here.


You must have been blind. When bastion had a 35% ironclad if you didnā€™t have a bastion on your team you were ACTUALLY throwing. He was so broken that if you didnā€™t have a bastion, you lost then and there. I legit avoided my placements until bastion was nerfed

I was in plat at this time, and I remember someone in my team telling me to switch or he will switch off to widowmaker and start throwing with all my teammates flaming me and telling me to kys for playing Bastion.

Now itā€™s the opposite.

I know he was broken, I just wanted to say that :

Broken is boring even if itā€™s your main.

Maybe Bastion needs QoL buffs. There is a reason the dev team is so slow when it comes to Bastion buffs. Because they donā€™t want a season 4 Bastion again. I donā€™t blame them. Bastion is such a hard hero to balance that one mess up will lead to Bastion being overpowered

Getting Mercy meta during 7 months, making Brigitte a dead brain rewarded heroe, nerfing Roadhog so much than you were getting flamed for picking him.

I think at this state they could just look this discussion on the forum for seeing what people say. Also, this thread will be automaticly closed at 20 000 replies.

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Roadhog was never a bad hero in my opinion. His rework benefited him more than hurt him in my eyes. I hated old Roadhog. I didnā€™t mind the faster fire rate and the buffed take a breather in exchange of his damage output being lowered. Roadhog went from a hero who I found meh to my favorite hero in the game. And Whole Hog is my favorite ultimate in the game but I donā€™t know if you want to hear every reason why I love it because I can go on for hours as to why I love Whole Hog

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I like Roadhog too. Even if he is not really meta because of Ana.

Everyone called him useless, everyone asked for a revert. I stuck to my guns in saying Roadhog is more fun now

One huge problem with buffing bastion is balancing what he needs with the demands the rest of the playerbase who donā€™t play Bastion, donā€™t know Bastion and generally have a lot of bias against that hero.

Ironclad is a dirty word regardless of how good or bad that ability really is, if you listen to out of date youtube videos you will hear echoes of people still complaining about Ironclad. So Iroclad has everyone primed to hate it, you canā€™t buff it, something as innocent as buffing it to 25% DR will just invite caterwauls of hysteria proclaiming that itā€™s too close to 35% DR which inspired such profound hatred. Itā€™s an uphill struggle.

The armour nerf has turned the general playerā€™s opinion against armour, getting more armour doesnā€™t sound as good any more. Hell thatā€™s disparaged as highly insignificant for Brigā€™s ult. So replacing Ironclad with +100 Armour is likely to get very little resistance. People are calling that ult useless and only good for the speed boost.

No DR would make it better for everyone, Bastionā€™s health bar simplyā€¦ isā€¦ what his health is. If they get the intuitive sense that 4 bars left means 100HP it should mean that, not the inverse of 0.8 of that effectively. Thatā€™s what can make Bastion frustrating. There is still DR in Overwatch but things like Nano-boost and fortify have very clear visual effects, yet Bastion obviously looks like a sentry, but thereā€™s a trend of a very spectacular visual effect when under DR which Sentry Bastion doesnā€™t get. Also 50% DR is easier to intuitively figure out than 20%.

Another problem with Damage Reduction in the eyes of the playerbase is they wonā€™t do the math, they will just intuitively overestimate it and cry foul. But straight 400HP is obviously enough for Hanzoā€™s 420 damage storm arrows to beat.

Ironclad has another problem, itā€™s a Passive that only applies in sentry mode when Bastion clearly needs to have more balance between Recon. Not necessarily a 50-50 balance, but the passive ability should be something that facilitates the balance between Recon and Sentry, when to go into sentry, when to go back to recon, and when to stay in a mode.

A lot of people are proposing long lists of changes, like changing the damage, fire rate, capacity and spread of his recon gun, change sentryā€™s ammo, spread and damage, change animation timingā€¦ change everything!

But no hero in the game has ever gotten such an extensive list of changes all at the same time. Unless itā€™s a rework but thatā€™s not adjusting values, thatā€™s removing whole parts of their kit and introducing completely new abilities.


Or just give him his frontal shield in sentry mode back because the game needs more party shields anyhow so itā€™s not all quite as Rein-centric.

i dont where is the probleme wjhene you buff precision and headshots,

since when the game lunched, bastion had that, and the only players crying where the one who dident know how to playā€¦

funny, how the devs even ignore this giant thread.


They tend to not post on large threads no matter what the subject is. My guess is they donā€™t want threads on a specific subject to get flooded with random people who just want to ask the devs about something.

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The problem with giving Bastion a frontal shield is itā€™s another bit of his kit that only works in sentry mode and wonā€™t necessarily help him strike out on his own. He is narrowly good in bunker comps where he is rare but a personal shield will just be used as a last line of defence in those cheese comps just to cover before another shield can come up.

One idea Iā€™ve been spit-balling is a partial shield, it only covers a bit of Bastion so that a bit of him is still exposed. So hooks and sleep darts can still hit, but they must be more finely aimed or else they hit the shield and that ability is wasted. Though if this can be kept up while Bastion has been blasting away behind shields n heals, itā€™s not going to lead to the innovation in gameplay I think most are hoping for.

What would make the difference is the circumstance under which the shield would appear, a situation very much unlike the turtling down behind shields nā€™ heals where the entire team is depending on your DPS. And appearing in a way thatā€™s far more useful when venturing away from shields. My idea is the partially covering shield appears when first deploying in sentry mode and stays until Bastion shoots. So itā€™s just a little grace period for Bastion setting up in a new exposed position, not make him so immune from frontal attacks WHILE shooting.

Just because they donā€™t post here doesnā€™t mean they ignore it.

Thereā€™s a good chance they got the idea for the inverse spread from one of the posts on this thread. The poster explained it in a really awkward way but if you decipher what they mean they described Bastionā€™s inverse spread as he recently got. Could be a coincidenceā€¦ or theyā€™re listening and wisely not getting involved.