šŸ’” Bastion ISNā€™T being forgotten, heā€™s being ignored

I have some life improvement for Bastion.

  • When hooked/sleept, Bastion stay in turret form.
  • If Bastion get stun/hooked/sleept/freeze during his transformation into turret mode, he will still transforming at 50% of his cast time (0.5 second).
  • Increase his heal capacity by 25%.
  • Increase his heal rate by 25%

This should be fine. No need for flying Bastion with x1.5 headshot.


Are you sure about that? :wink:


Pictured obligatory John Cena, ā€œAre you sure about that?ā€ memesā€¦

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I genuinely hope they stop releasing new heroes for a while, I donā€™t think anyone wants more of this crap. Iā€™m pretty sure we all would rather have reworks of previous heroes that are flawed rather than new heroes that add nothing to the game and probably even make it worse in general.


i had enough with new hero all the time,

its like each hero that comes, is able to kill bastion more and more easily

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Iā€™m sorry but thatā€™s not really true, I can think of 4 new heroes that were added to the game and have no chance against Bastion.


sorry i might have said it wrongly,

i mean with each new hero, they are able to creat more comps that can kill Bast

I donā€™t think that either, Moira and Brigitte, maybe even Doomfist counter dive meta which Bastion is probably the most vulnerable to.

depends on how you see it i guesse, or im just missunderstanding those hero,

prolly 2nd XD

Maybe I do too, who knows.

Doomfist ? He counter Bastion pretty well for me. Maybe at low rank he get rekt but at high rank he donā€™t care of a Bastion.

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How is he supposed to have an advantage over Bastion? He does have burst damage which is nearly ineffective against Bastion, all he has after his non intimidating punch is his knuckle guns which also deal low damage, especially against Bastions 20% Ironclad.

So please specify for me so I can know.

Iā€™d contest that Hammond can be lethal to Bastion with his ult followed up with a little extra damage from Hammond and his team.

Doomfist takes a bit more time to kill Bastion with a number of non-ult combos due to Bastionā€™s immunity to DFā€™s CC while in Turret (this is from my experience in silver). Not to say that there isnā€™t a non-ult combo that hasnā€™t killed me in FFA:DM. Just that it takes a bit more time for a DF to kill me while I play Bastion in Turret Configuration.

im surprised how hammond actualy does the same amout of dmg, maybe even more than bastion, and more precisly !

I know all that but the other guy said ā€œdoesnā€™t care about Bastionā€ which I thought was him saying Doomfist destroys Bastion.

I hate causing drama, however donā€™t you think some of the things you offer makes him a little oped? Not even in that special ult form bastion can 2 shot most heroes, and there is the potential that you want him to last a bit longer than he already does. So one ability allows him to be able to kill most of the enemy team. Now, without putting a ledge near by, in competitive who else can do that? Donā€™t get me wrong I am not saying him being completely changed is a bad thing, cause letā€™s be honest him right now is way over power changing him from a hit scan to a character who gets more precise is kinda stupid, but I think it needs to be something a little bit different than what you have. Not completely different, but a little bit. But I do agree, coming from someone who doesnā€™t really play Bastion, he needs a rework.

Iā€™m sorry I didnā€™t understand your point, can you put it more simply?

Well I am saying that, I agree that Bastion needs a rework. However making his tank ability e something has to change with it. Just like how Mercyā€™s was changed.

You said something about our suggestions making him OP, which ones were you thinking about?