💔 Bastion ISN’T being forgotten, he’s being ignored

Well in tank e form, if he hqs the damage scale at full, which blizzard probably will do if rework happens, he could two shot most heroes. Then on overdrive one shot more than two thirds.

Yeah I’m not a fan of those suggestions either, Blizzard will hopefully understand that it will make him too strong and bloated just like Brigitte is/was.

I see people are discussing the new Bastion changes Here.

The real question is, are these changes to genuinely make Bastion better, or are they to trying to silence Bastion players, by saying “look, we buffed him, happy now?”.


They’re genuinely good changes.

I like what you put. I don’t like that Blizzard put for him the longer you shoot the more accurate you get. He is a turret gatling gun one. I don’t think they get more precise.

Zenyatta is a sentient robot and I don’t think they don’t exist.

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I don’t think Bastion needs a rework, just some updates. Bastion should remain simple. His character design, presentation, and animated short all reflect the simplistic nature of Bastion. He doesn’t have any real plans, goals, or grudges to hold. He isn’t like the other heroes in that respect.

This is why I think Bastion doesn’t need a rework, not that it isn’t possible. It’s that it complicates things. Bastion should be an entry level hero for people to learn from. If they want to continue playing Bastion, they can continue to learn the macro of Overwatch more and know when it is best to play him (he isn’t for every situation and that’s fine).

I think it helps him in fights after the enemy shields are broken and he needs to focus on the smaller targets. The initial spread is able to (for the most part) hit big shields, and with this change his damage will be more consistent (damage is the same but the bloom is more narrow).

I don’t know how much of an impact this will have. But information will be available in due time.

I completely agree with the first part of this, though the second lore argument for keeping him simple is ridiculous.

It’s personal preference really. It’s not necessarily that lore simplifying his kit, it could be that his kit simplified the lore. OR his character design is what simplifies both his lore and his gameplay. It depends on which angle that you approach that a character can be more or less deep.

I think a character should have their self reflect gameplay. If the character has a simple kit, then it would make sense for their backstory to also be simple. Bastion at face value is very simple, story and gameplay wise. That doesn’t mean that he has no depth, his depth and potential is still there, both in lore and gameplay (Lore/interaction: his interaction with Ganymede and Torb in the comic, Orisa’s fascination with Bastion in spawn rooms. Gameplay: Rocket jumping, better positioning).

On the contrast a complex character should have a more complicated kit. Genji is a very active character in the lore, interacting and being involved with many characters. His kit is reflective of this by having a wide array of tools that have various conditions and interactions to deal with while playing Genji. Personally, I’m not that great when it comes to complex micro mechanics, I try to take what I have and use it to the best of my abilities.

While they may not fix him completely, they certainly help and are a welcome change.

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about the one shot you where talking,

doom fist has punch as a skill, that one shots :stuck_out_tongue:
tracer ult can one shot

but i do get what you mean…
but just look at symetra and torb, their 2 ults has become skill ability

i am not saying bastion needs a rework, but need small adjustement

i welcome open arms the changes, but i do feel like a


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Are they good changes? Yes.
Are they gonna fix him? No.
And even if I thought that simple changes would fix him, as more updates come out, the more I believe he needs a rework.

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I think after this he will need these things:

Ironclad gives armour instead of a damage resistance

Tank get more ironclad than sentry

Maybe shorter cast time on sentry or self repair

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I think I’ll pick up Torb to play comp.

Yeah, but if I peak a corner and he sitting on the other side I die instantly.

This is why people shouldn’t continuously peek corners at Bastion.

He’s meant to punish that behavior.

Also btw it’s not instant. -.-
The only technically “Instant” death is a critical hit “Headshot” from Widowmaker’s scoped weapon.

Everything takes time.
If you choose to stand in the way of a Bastion, it may be quicker than most… but yea, death tends to happen.

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Where can I find the power to weild such sorcery :0


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Wha…?! idk what you’re talking about.

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