šŸ’” Bastion ISNā€™T being forgotten, heā€™s being ignored

I guess youā€™re just going to ignore the fact that he isnā€™t hit scan and has travel time so it makes the fact that he can occasionally one shot on accident and the fact that he can hit a still target at long range for more damage completely minute.

No, it just takes more skill/luck.

hp of ash is bad ? she is just a better mcree

The stats will show everything soon enough.

Youā€™re right, Iā€™m merely resorting to fallacies and diversions to make weak arguments. I need to not complain so much about the gameā€™s state if I am to ever climb up past silver. Thank you for this sobering post.

come on push the bastion PTS into the LIVE !!!

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Youā€™re fake news.

Itā€™s 20.


wait what is it about all the dmg reduction ?

It feels like I havenā€™t played this game for 15 years.

The question is though, does anybody really want to play this game with a powerful bastion? Heā€™s the single least fun hero to play around, regardless of which team heā€™s on.



imo how to see bastion as not fun ?

i mean he is imobile, and you need to actualy think to try and take him down

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Probably not, but the entire game is that way. If you like playing a hero and someone picks a hero that is good against your hero, youā€™ll die.


i dont like going back and bringing back things, but the spread of before, big one, was given due to35% ironcladā€¦

then give headshot back ?

because whene it came down to 25% no compensation where given

I do not unfortunately :c

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34 days until trust level three if I donā€™t get suspended

Nevermind. Itā€™s actually 37 ;-;. I have to be active on the forums for 37 more days without posting pictures

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For some reason, even if I am not very active, I still am a 3 level, I donā€™t understand thisā€¦

<img src= https://image.ibb.co/iZWeE7/1524083885975.png height=200>

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Jeff kaplan casually reading the forums after nerfing Mercy again. 2020. Colorized.


Ohā€¦ excellent, apparently all my progress was erased lmao. I am level 0 for some reason (I havenā€™t been suspended)