💔 Bastion ISN’T being forgotten, he’s being ignored

That escalated quickly…

Wow this topic is still alive after all this time … i’am impressed that the dev did not answer yet


They answered by actually buffing the crap hero.

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Do you by any chance know the artist of this gif is? I like his work.

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i really dont call that a buff

but a half fix

Then when is the point where a buff is a buff and not just a fix?

whene headshot comes back as acuracy

so he can kill stufs more than 10m-15m away…

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He can right now, after 3 seconds of firing.

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honestly, play with that in a seriouse enviroment, youll see that every hero you try to shoot will just go hide before you hit your acuracy mark

Well do you expect them to just sit there and take your 450 dps?

of caurse, no, but old sentry could

Old Bastion doesn’t have 30% damage reduction, transformation speed and healing while moving either.

Now we have both, at the cost of 3 seconds of accuracy penalty.

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you might be right, only time can tell now, once it hits live, we will have to see by ourself…

so far, i liked the changes, but i still misses the headshots :frowning:

I too would rather get a full revert on Bastion, even though balance wise it maybe wouldn’t be for the best, but I still do.

honestly balance wise, genji and tracer are still broken

ive alredy seen, some genji (good players) counter a phara (good players).
something that is not really possible, but happened several timess

tracer dont have any good counter as far as i know (excepte brig, but thats why she had to be powerfull to counter a powerfull hero, showing how broken tracer is)

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Upon further investigation, it’s actually two seconds.

Really? It didn’t feel like 2 seconds, but if so, even better.


It’s within that 2-3 second range. Can’t wait till it comes to live.

One question for everyone here, what are the downsides of Ashe? She’s good at range, good at close range, has good escape/CC abilities, and a great ult.

Seriously, why pick Hanzo over her?

One shot potentially and longer range.