šŸ’” Bastion ISNā€™T being forgotten, heā€™s being ignored

Okay. As you wishā€¦/

I wish I could just play original Bastion again.


as i too would love it

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welsome to ASH, who is a complete counter to bastion,
with bastion having 0% ability to kill her

if ash know what to do in the slightest, its enough

saw BTC video, and i think that video is a joke.

calling birigite and Doomfist useless once they nerf them is just moking others, especialy bastion.

saying that a small buff will make him OP is pure mockering.
then saying brig/DF will be unplayed, yet bastion un unplayable for more than 1 yearā€¦znd calls OP at the slight buff/fixā€¦

im not biased toward bastion nor do i hate BTC

just the hate that bastion gets is unbelivable because of the mass sheep that goes on hating him because he is a good scapegoat or other reason

I can not believe seagull of all players decided to come out with this video.


Iā€™ve been saying this since the start and everyone just made fun of me saying ā€œgo play cod thenā€.

Heā€™s right, Overwatch is fundamentally flawed because of this reason.

Seeing this was such a relief because it gives me that kind of feeling of ā€œhey maybe im not just a crazy moron for thinking thisā€.


honestly i rather see the game like when it came out wit hminor tweaks, adding so much more hero and all the meta things, its just really not fun playing the game

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Thatā€™s just the nature of things. The longer you have it the more flaws you find in it.

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you know bastion is a scape goat when even bastion in custom play is hgated and blamed for everything, even when im doing most of the job ^^

the more hate, the more enjoyed i am seing hos idiotic the yare

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Iā€™m done after this season of competitive. Iā€™m sick and tired of the community, the game balance, and the lackluster roster that keeps getting gutted if they arenā€™t the ā€œpopularā€ characters. Iā€™ve got other games that I can play that donā€™t involve cancer to this magnitude and have higher levels of balance that make Overwatch look like a joke.

Iā€™ll float in and out if anything really changes. Donā€™t get me wrong the game itself is impressive, but every time a character has something that is considered ā€œstrongā€, it gets patched out or nerfed so that opponents can use less brain power to play. First it was with Bastion doing too much damage (even though he is just sitting in one spot), then players just hate on Brigette (I could see a few of the early nerfs but not the later nerfs) for being able to do a little of everything (like Soldier:76 but melee) but people donā€™t seem to hate Reinhart (stronger melee that ccā€™s, charge that one shots most of the roster, is a must pick).

I came to play this game after 2 years, hoping that the community would have matured and developed and maybe see some Bastion fixes. To learn that I was wrong, community (as a whole) still doesnā€™t understand crowd control or positioning at even a silver or gold level, Bastion was untouched for nearly 2 years even though Blizzard has only 28 heroes to balance which for me is ridiculous (came from League of Legends where Kogā€™Maw had seen similar levels of mistreatment, in addition to the butchering of my main role playstyle).

When Blizzard introduced Brigette, I was excited. I loved playing much of the Fighter class in League (specifically; Xin Zhao, Jax, Warwick) so having a Fighter based hero that had similar fighting style to my favorite characters in a previous game gave me great levels of enjoyment. Of course Brigette did have some overtuned stats that needed to be worked out. Nevertheless, she had obvious counters from each of the roles and at the same time advantages towards other characters. One Trick Pony players (looking at Genji and Tracer) may have a hard time dealing with Brigette, but it isnā€™t as though it is impossible to fight or outpace her, she has only skill for mobility so it isnā€™t as though she can chase mobile dps down.

Thank you for your time, you guys are pretty cool. If you want to friend me on Discord, just ask. We can work something out. Wish you the best in your future endeavors.


His voice irritates me now. And his comments only praise him which is very suspicious

this game used to be skill over counter,

now just brain dead counter to win games

i even get reported to play well in bastionā€¦so am i not allowed to play bastion ?
playing bastion in comp an not wanting to change, DOES NOT MEAN i trow,

before saying bastion is the probleme, think a bit and see if the probleme isint else whereā€¦

because so far, bastionā€¦A very good bastion player, can hinder tank/barriers/phara. if you fail un understand that, than you should not be at that rankā€¦or game
(yes i say hinder becaus bastion does not counter anybody anymore)


Itā€™s not necessarily ā€œcounter to win gamesā€ it people not recognizing the poor match up that they are in and they either donā€™t switch or they donā€™t play safer. With League and Paladins, what you pick at the start of the game is what you have so you have to make the most of it, even if they counter you.

Specifically with League there are games where I am in the solo lane as a melee champion dueling ranged/poke champions for 10 minutes, I canā€™t just run in after that ranged/poke character without having items that help mitigate the poke damage. So I have to wait for opportunities with either an ally showing up on the enemy player is in a bad position with which I can punish.

But with Overwatch? My teammates half the time donā€™t seem to understand basic team composition (though League isnā€™t much better, Iā€™m playing Kogā€™Maw for Peteā€™s sake! Donā€™t pick a non-healing support!) much less the understanding that there is more than one way to deal with counters besides just dieing.

phara mercy

are the pure example of : counter them or see yourself long enough to mirror their comp to have chance t owin, or you lose

i cant say more, this say its self

Kill the mercy first then kill pharah. Hitscan should be one of your dps picks anyways for a rounded team comp. In League Pharah Mercy would be a fairly standard Carry with Soraka or Janna (dedicated healer/support). Itā€™s a difficult combo to deal with but not overpowered, usually focusing the healer first is a good way to deal with the combo as their sustain has been removed. The carry lacks self sustain (usually) and disengage so killing their support that covers both is a good option.

They canā€™t handle the slightest amount of cc or team focus. They are indeed annoying but any amount of coordination for the team will kill them pretty quickly. Their damage is pretty low on armor based heroes unless they get close or they use their ultimate.

I donā€™t play either so I canā€™t give too much input on what parts are needed to nerf them without being too damaging to the kit. I may not like Genji or Tracer, but I will not advocate for something to be nerfed to unplayablility. Maybe put a cool down on double jumping (like Hanzo), or not a full heal for Tracerā€™s recall. Tracer and Genji are a lot like Ekko and Yasuo (League) they are hyper carry mobile heroes that have many options of entry. Both are hard to deal with even if they are average or behind so playing characters that can resist their damage is a good idea.

The reason I make the comparison to League is because I have dealt with similar situations in League to Overwatch, the only difference I see is the format in which the situation occurs. For League, though you canā€™t change your character, you can still purchase items that would be better suited for dealing with problem characters such as building magic resistance for Ekko who deals magic damage or building health and armor to deal with Yasuo. This itemization can be paralleled to picking different heroes in the same role that you are in (ie picking Reinhart to counter Brigette when you were previously Winston or switching from Junkrat to Hanzo or Widowmaker to deal with Pharah-Mercy).

Same here.

People always toss out anything I say, and then refute it by saying ā€œlul just go play another game like cod.ā€

They donā€™t understand it. OW has the potential to be a great game. The matter of fact is with each balance update they poison more than they cure.

They wouldnā€™t have needed to gut Brig if she wasnā€™t a problem since her release. DF is more or less meta fluctuation.

This. Is. Why. The. PTR. Needs. To. Be. Used. More. To. Test. Out. Balance. Changes.

By then the changes are too late, Blizzard is going to use the changes anyways. Itā€™s more or less there to give people a glimpse of what new gimmick is going to be employed or what nerfs are going to be applied to someone who is not named Reinhart, Tracer, Genji, Hanzo, D.Va.

Donā€™t be hypocritical.

  • His charge has a warmup, so you can see it coming. The only problem I have with it is that he can win a point-blank charge on a Bastion.
  • His Melee CC is balanced, and for the record I never had a problem with Brigā€™s melee.
  • He is a must-pick because the meta favors him. Why does the meta favor him? Brig.

Which is nothing new. This is why gold cannot be the standard for balance. By that logic Tracer, who was only balanced in Diamond, and OP above, would need to be buffed because sheā€™s always lacked in lower ELOs.

This is why Seagullā€™s video, while not being 100% fact, demonstrates some of the problem with the game. Iā€™d much rather use a Pros perspective on balance over a Gold player.

The problem with this is that OW is geared more towards an FPS over a MOBA. Sure, it has MOBA-esque elements, but the fact remains that the camera is first person and there are 3 planes to play in.

Brig being cohesiveness with the game is the same reason why DF gets flak. Their playstyles are hard to balance and justify in a game like this.

Which were rather ineffective. Itā€™s the SAME case as Tracer vs McCree or ANY of her other soft counters. They are simply ineffective. This is coming from a Diamond Pharah player. Itā€™s not as easy as ā€œjust outrange her.ā€ There is a whole hierchy of targets, and you cannot get the kill on any support if the enemy hitscan(s)/counter(s) are not being pressured.

Donā€™t use scapegoats.


She has the advantages in most 1v1s. When you combine the fact that she is a hero who dominates 1v1s, then put that in a team game, it doesnā€™t belong. The only difference between her and Tracer is that Tracer doesnā€™t have strong defenses. She is built to be weak, as her healthpool is low, her mobility is high.

Compare that to Brig, who is stacked defensively. That wouldnā€™t be a problem if she didnā€™t have a combo that hurt any hero with little to no mobility OVER those with high mobility.

Then you factor in the fact that Brig needed little skill to achieve immense amounts of power, and you have a problematic hero.

I wouldnā€™t even want Bastion balanced like that.

What you fail to realize is that youā€™ve stopped being critical of the hero. Youā€™re blinded by your passion for her that you cannot think logically about her. Meanwhile, I can. I can do so for any hero, even the ones I main, which is why I donā€™t agree with these recent nerfs for her. But when you go around spewing that she can be easily countered without understanding the dynamic of the game, it shows.

The problem isnā€™t her mobility, it never was. It was the fact that her 155 damage combo took very little effort to pull off, and is built unlike any other CC in this game.

From a realistic perspective, Brig shoots her whole body forward, meanwhile McCree throws a bag of sand. However, from a balance perspective it makes no sense. Why does she need an instant stun? If itā€™s a necessity to counter Tracer, why not just make McCreeā€™s FB instant? A FB + HS is an instakill on any Tracer.

The problem would be, you then loose the skill needed to pull it off.

THEN you combine that with it having a lower than normal CD. THEN the fact that the stun lasts a full second. THEN she can use it while being behind cover.

Yesā€¦ however there comes a time where Bastion is then ineffective. I main 3 heros, so I know when and where Bastion is needed, or another option is needed. This is something I will never understand about 100% Bastion mains. He does not need to be played 100%. THATS WHY I CREATED THESE MEGATHREADS. Because the sections of gameplay Bastion used to be good at, heā€™s suddenly become fodder for every hero.

This is also why Kolor lashed out against this community. Kolor also understands that there is a time and a place for Bastion. The problem isnā€™t that Bastion cannot be played every game, but rather heā€™s severely failing at the aspects he used to be good at.

Yes. Iā€™ve rolled teams with 3 hitscans on Pharah. The the defining factor behind Brig is that she can then enable her hitscan teammates via armor. THEN, when you get through the hitscans, you now have a 750 HP healer that you need to counter or else sheā€™ll be able to deal with your team.

AND here lies the problem. IF I have to go through 275 HP, at a minimum, to kill one of my counters, to then counter another 250 HP, at a minimum, hero with the potential to mow through my 200 HP teammates, then why pick the counter and not just Mirror Brig. OH WAIT, thatā€™s exactly what we see in top-tier games and pro-league.

Itā€™s not that black and white.

If a Bastion is carrying a team, which I can do, then itā€™s counter him or lose. Playing Quad Tank into a Bastion SHOULD result in you losing.

If a Junkrat is popping ult every 30 seconds, then itā€™s counter him or lose. Thus you pick Pharah.

This is exactly why I main 3 heros. Pharah counters Junk. Junk counters Bastion. Bastion counters Pharah. At least at the Diamond level I play at.

Countering is not a problem in this game, it never was. Itā€™s actually healthy to counter. Imagine the game if hitscans didnā€™t counter Pharah. Imagine a game with 0 Bastion counters. As cool as it would be to play Bastion in a game like that, you risk facing another Bastion that suddenly you might not be able to counter.

The problem with hard countering comes from Brig. Essentially 0 skill to solve a problem so well that the match is usually determined from the spawnrooms. Then not only is she a counter, but she works extremely effectively against other heros.

That is the equivalent of Bastion being able to mow down anyone without repercussions. This is why Bastion has a transformation time on each of his modes.

Again with the scapegoats. All of which have seen past nerfs.

The problem you speak of doesnā€™t come from those heros not receiving nerfs, but rather Blizzardā€™s slow reaction time. It took just as much time for Blizzard to nerf Genjiā€™s deflect size as it did for them to fix Bastion. Or Tracer.

Dvaā€™s problems come from the fact that every nerf of hers came with a compensation buff that then required another nerf with another compensation buff.

May you please elaborate?

Edit: Never mind, I think I see your point.

Just a quick thing on this one even without Brig, Rein has had a significant lead in terms of pickrate. Only time it dropped off was at the higher ranks while dive was being played, but that sorted itself out and Rein became the most dominant tank again.