šŸ’” Bastion ISNā€™T being forgotten, heā€™s being ignored

I expected if he was to get buffs like this, especially with accuracy, that they would nerf something else. So Iā€™m guessing even they think that Bastion was just overall crap all along and gave him straight up buffs?

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So in theory we get the old Bastions spread after a few seconds of firing, without the headshots, and with all the benefits the current Bastion has? Right?


Yes. 3 seconds until he has old spread, but no headshots. 35 ammo in recon as well, boosting itā€™s survivability.

Now once you spend the three seconds or so breaking Reinhardtā€™s barrier, you will have the accuracy needed to kill the people behind it.


And also he wonā€™t be doing the ā€œheadshot bursting you down before you even figure out where I amā€ thing that many people hate, so we should be fine in that department as well.

But hey, we still get to keep Ironclad and transformation speed.

Iā€™m genuinely impressed by Blizzard this time around, so Iā€™ll give them another pass.


honestly as far as ive seen, it wont change realy much

Hey, itā€™s a step. Now you all canā€™t say Bastion is being ignored. =P Plus, the buffs are nice, even if they donā€™t seem like it.


its something yfyiiyfyliyg


Hmmm. Maybe I should hop into PTRā€¦ letā€™s hope they dont overreact like last timeā€¦

Wait untill Bastions changes are live for a few weeksā€¦ remember last timeā€¦ I can already see the ā€œBastion killed me REEEEā€ postsā€¦

I am still scepticalā€¦ letā€™s hope they dont kill it again like last timeā€¦

Ok Blizzard maybe you are not THAT badā€¦ good move thereā€¦


This buff to Bastion may not last. People are still bitter about Bastionā€™s ā€œunfunā€ gameplay before he was nerfed. Wonā€™t surprise me if there is similar outrage less than a month after these changes hit live.

I want to keep this post as a referral for later. (17081)


You can bookmark it for yourself if you want.

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I like Kolorblindā€™s ideas for QoL sound assets.

New firing sounds for when his spread is reduced and when heā€™s getting close to empty. Neutral, as it warns his enemies as well as his player.

Also, swap his Ultimate call so that his team finally hears something, and make the enemies hear the Null Sector Bastion noise.

Finally, add the Sentry laser-sight Iā€™ve asked for, so his teammates can see where he is aiming.

More impactfully, implement Ironclad as soon as you hit Q, and maybe reduce the time to revert to Recon from Tank.


Bastion actually does have a low ammo sound effect, however I believe that itā€™s glitched.

Very rarely, the low ammo sound will play rather than the normal firing sound. It kinda sounds like a suppressor is on his barrel.

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If you main Bastion in ranked, you canā€™t be a top 200 at the end of the season, except kolor but this was in the first season of Overwatch.

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Spread reduced sound changed to the nano one, so at least he sounds more dangerous. The Brrrrtt sound we all need.

The Ultimate call changed to null sector one? This should be added long time ago. Makes sense.

While ulting you tell your team to ā€œcharge inā€

When enemies should hear ā€œback - offā€ scrubs

Laser sight would be the best thing ever cause it kinda makes sense for bastion to point out the targets he is aiming for just like the torbs turret.

thats all folks

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Also, thanks to tik tok we will soon be getting a ā€œnerf bastionā€ thread so get your keyboards ready and your finger on point cause theres gonna be a lot to type about.

I wonder if ill install overwatch again even after bastion hits the live servers. Is it gonna be enough to endure this hell again?


im not saying all peopls that sayd ā€œnerf bastionā€ is bad, but like 90% of them just arent understanding that bastion is only good if he can set up and get into sentry mode correctly in a good spot, becaus iff all those arent correctly done

he is litraly a sitting target with 300hp easy to kill since he does not move lol


I know I have posted this idea to death, but I NEED bastion to have a mcree roll when changing back into recon. It sucks getting stuck in an immobile form trying to outheal damage and praying your team wil save you.

new mechanisme, to counter roadhog hook,
because roadhog is a tank, and bastion counter tanks, yet is countered by tanksā€¦

  • whene hooked, bastion stays in sentry forme, and can shoot.
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Yea, I never personally understood how being hooked literally caused Bastion to mechanically transform.

He should just stay in Sentry mode, making him a dangerous target to hook.

Like hooking a Reaper, or dare i say a D,Va bomb.

A part of me thinks he only transforms to make the hook ā€œWorkā€ since it makes very little sense for that small hook to end up ā€œaroundā€ something like a Sentry Bastion visually.

Even when hooking a Reinhardt or another Roadhog, it can be believed that the hook just catches on their back, allowing them to be pulledā€¦ But Bastion is essentially a cube when in Sentry.

we could just make him unhookable in Sentry mode. That might be neat.
People would complain like crazy if he were unhookable, but i meanā€¦ There are SO MANY Counters to Bastion, that in the grand scheme of things, it wouldnā€™t even change much other than making him more effective against tanks.


DEVs talked last year about how being hooked by roadhog and being able to shoot at the same time would be a possiblity

but hey lets take that idea for bastion

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