šŸ’” Bastion ISNā€™T being forgotten, heā€™s being ignored

ok thanks , damn i knew there was a hole in my reasoning.

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Yup, you need to wait 3 seconds where the turret doesnā€™t do or take damage so you can re deploy it with 5 seconds CD

I have to look into it, but Iā€™m pretty sure the CD also doubles if itā€™s destroyed before it finishes deploying

Deploy it for the first time : 5 sec CD
Re deploy it ( 3 sec without doing or taking damage): 5 sec CD
Destroyed by enemy: 10 sec CD
Destroyed by you: 10 sec CD

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Ah thank you

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I have been watching tons of gameplay today so I noticed this pattern, also the Patchnotes say this but not really well explained.

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Is there any indication of when those 3 seconds have passed?

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The UI where you see your abilities, if the turret Icon is in yellow, you canā€™t re deploy the turret, if it is white, you can. (Donā€™t confuse it with the turret health bar)

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Oh good at least they thought of that

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Changing the topic, I played 4 games today, 3 wins and 1 loss, feelsgoodman.
Edit: So I am back to 3.2k yasss


Eyy, suck it wiki, Orisaā€™s spread is 1.5Ā°, and not 1.35Ā°


Yup, but now is 1.2 yaaaay

Youā€™ve been gone like 2 weeks because youā€™ve been researching Orisaā€™s spread?


"ā€œMayyyybeeā€¦ :333"ā€

Itā€™s his new college major, screw computer science.

Also GrantMan run while you still can, Astro is after us all


Iā€™ve been doing schoolā€¦

And hey look, they mentioned Bastionā€¦ as being countered by Torbā€™s new ultā€¦

Jesus, just saw the gameplay footage of it in the Geoff postā€¦ that thing is just an insta kill on Bastionā€¦ look how fast it kills Hammond


places sign on front door

This house is protected by guard ferrets


Citation needed.

hammond was arround 100 Hp, though.

Thinking of creating a new megathread.


:sos: Bastion ISNā€™T being forgotten OR ignored, heā€™s being powercreeped.


I would change it to ā€œBastion isnā€™t JUST being ignored or forgotten, but also powercreeped.ā€