šŸ’” Bastion ISNā€™T being forgotten, heā€™s being ignored

Arenā€™t PTR servers their own thing ?
I donā€™t think there is more than one PTRā€¦

Yeah I especially love the Soldier change

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Still, I think the server are in NA.

Also, Mcree will be terrifying now o_O

Right, they are in NA. Guess that means you would have the crazy ping.

PC here but my ping would be through the roof playing with everyone

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Iā€™m not so sure yet, but weā€™ll see how people utilize the lower CD

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I assume you would ask me some time about the Brigitte nerf, so I just gonna answer it already lmao. I think is a good nerf, but at this point, people would still complain no matter what.

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I have 30 ms of latency with the PTR.

Wow, thatā€™sā€¦ cool , I guess xD, like Dr. said, a lot of the ones that are active right now are from console, so we canā€™t help you :c

People were all like ā€œthatā€™s a dumb suggestion Blizzard would never reduce her shield health to 500!ā€

What are they to say now?

Iā€™ll see ya at my next psychic show :smirk:


The actual problem I feel there is with Brigitte is that her stun is the longest and her self healing with armor provokes a lot of armor stacking, if they make it like Lucio (Lucio self heals less than what he heals to his teammates) then I think it would be less annoying to fight her

So yeah, cool changes Blizzard, but where are my Roadhog buffs?

Theyā€™re coming with the Bastion buffs :wink:

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ā€œSo we decided to fix Mercy from nowhereā€

I think iā€™ve found a way [in theory] of depriving Torb of his turret.

Torb cannot destroy his turret whilst it is firing, so as long as you play peek a boo with the turret Torb loses the ability to build a new one.

He can hit interact and it destroys itself right?

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no whilst it is firing the destroy function does not work, its intended even by the patch notes

The redeploy function doesnā€™t work, but the self-destruct does. However, it doubles the CD