💔 Bastion ISN’T being forgotten, he’s being ignored

So I just did a couple matches on the PTR.
Bastion is unplayable. I didn’t have ONE favorable matchup ._.


I figured.

Worst part gotta be parah. She can kill bastion in the blink of an eye now.
Yay ? -.-

On one front, yeah, that sucks. On the other front, it’s a disgrace because no core issues of Pharah were actually fixed. I’m on the brink of uninstalling. As a Pharah main, it’s up there with Bastion’s bug fix.

Oh, and no Pharah skin for the Halloween event either. No reason for me to care about it.

All I can pray for is an emote or highlight intro, but inb4 it’s of shte quality like her SG highlight.

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Bastion Osolition date: Now

I really need to relearn Bastion with the PTR changes my style of fighting is pretty much obsolete.

Welp… somebody Understands us. -.-

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first time i have ever agreed with Unit lost… i need a shower now i feel so dirty,


As an american, i can’t not agree with something said in a British accent.

It’s a real problem…

I’m on the verge of uninstalling. Pharah better get a bomb-as emote for JR or else imma do it. I’m sick of playing these sick fantasies.

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As my second golden gun, after Bastion… I got Mercy’s. :upside_down_face:

I might join you.

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I think i will spend some time in BLack Desert to mull over my Overwatch issues with the PTR. Finally my little guys are starting their 18 hour rest cycle for the day so the rest of the day belongs to me.


Pharah -> Bastion -> Orisa -> Sym -> Mei

Out of those 5 heros, only 1 I enjoy playing. That would be Mei. This also doesn’t factor in the fact that I don’t have a gold Junkrat gun, but even if I did he’d be on that list that I hate playing because he was ruined.

Literally every hero I play on a consistent basis has been gutted, changed, reworked, or forgotten. I’m sick of it.

I’m not even kidding. People are complaining about how Pharah now counters Bastion, but I’m more pissed that they ignored all of her core issues from a Pharah player’s perspective.


Yea… I feel that.

If they were smarter about the approach, they probably could have fixed all these issues without changing Base/core gameplay mechanics… Like. My god.

What core issues ?
Only thing I can think of is the movements that feel slugish

oh if anyone wants to friend me on steam im still Shadowdarter there as well.



I just did.
evil laugh

  • Here in Bastion land, you need to be pocketed. In Pharah land, you need to get healed via a Mercy unless your want to stand still for your team to heal you OR go hunting for healthpacks, of which makes you an easy target.

  • Her ult is still the best form of suicide next to bleach.


I didn’t realize we renamed Bastion’s ultimate after a Cleaning Product.