šŸ’” Bastion ISNā€™T being forgotten, heā€™s being ignored

Mobility is not a requirement, you just need to be able to make up for it with other aspects of your kit. In Bastionā€™s case it should be massive damage.

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Itā€™s bad design because its almost impossible to balance, do you not see Bastion its current state? Notice the consistent trend it always being either a trollpick or a unstoppable monster (Initial introduction of Ironclad)?

Like it or not mobility is and always will be a huge factor in games especially in ones like Overwatch. Itā€™s one thing to lack any soft of mobility inhancement, its another altogether to completely lock yourself down and become Immobile.

A good example of this is the bipod system in Battlefield. No matter the benefits of using them players rarely equip/utilize them simply because they lock your character and you become unable to quickly move/reposition leading to frustrating gameplay.

Just today, i counted about TEN TIMES, where a Widow or a Hanzo would stand within Five Meters of me, While iā€™m set up in Sentryā€¦ And spam around the corner.

I would die, While holding fire at the corner, And they would walk away with well over half health after peeking at Least three to five times.

If not just taking me out without the sightline even being there, because of my HUGE Hitbox.

That is unacceptable.

Ohā€¦ and there is no ā€œJust get up and walk away.ā€
You try that, and you are Asking to be headshot before you can even move.

NO ONE Should Out-pressure the Machine gun When it does all it can to hold itā€™s ground, in a small spaceā€¦ Unless they are a Tank, Or have an ultimate and a plan.

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They used to have his immobility balanced, then they screwed it up with IC.

The recon, self repair and reconfigure speed changes were all he needed.

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I seem to have noticed you said almost impossible to balance. That means it can be balanced :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes and it was because of the change to sentry they made, nobody liked it at all but they kept it. We never got to try the version most people want. Basically old sentrymode (including the lower ammo/no ironclad and stuff) but the new recon and healing.

Iā€™ve only played a little bit of Battlefield 1 but I like the bipods on the support class (as in I have a big LMG to murder my enemies). If Iā€™m locked down but dangerous that canā€™t come around the corner or they die. Actually is it still a bipod Iā€™m not certain, it still makes you unable to move or you lose all accuracy though.


I Dream of this being the live version of Bastionā€¦

My prayers would be answered.


Plus IC on self repair.

It has to go somewhere and it would give him that little boost of survivability that he needs.


Yeaā€¦ And it would work like other self healsā€¦ actually helping him survive thingsā€¦

Could the percentage be raised a bit then?

So a smart Bastion, using the resource to itā€™s fullest extent could survive more burst?

Such asā€¦ Storm arrows?

You canā€™t exactly press the healing button when being charged by a Reinhardtā€¦ And so what if he can survive the odd Hanzo dragon?

He is a machine after all.


Wasnā€™t the point of old sentry killing the Hanzo before Storm Arrows killed you?


Wellā€¦ Hanzo never had storm arrows before, and nowā€¦ If you get hit by the first one, itā€™s already too late.

At least there was no long process to Scatter. It was instant, without counter play.

Now itā€™s a long annoying death, without counter play.

Alsoā€¦ they totally could have fixed scatterā€¦ But alasā€¦ they are blizzard, so why even try.

Iā€™m pushing for 25%.

It would help him actually heal, not just prolong death, and could active in whatever form he was in.

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Roadhog got nerfed for obvious reasons so I feel theres little reason to dive into that. Bastion literally got nerfed in order to get ride of a 300 ammo, highest DPS in the game gatling gun, zero spread, hitscan and all around anti everything.

If you need an explanation as to why thatā€™s not healthy game design then I donā€™t know what to tell you.

He wasā€¦ Given More Ammoā€¦ In the ā€œReworkā€

He had 200ā€¦ :thinking::thinking:

Your point?
I canā€™t find it.

He was Specifically anti ā€œRunning directly into himā€ And Anti Mobility based team comps.

Ohā€¦ And he was pretty dang great against Tanks and Shields who didnā€™t care quickly enough. Better against shields than now, actually.

Wait, are you suggesting pre IC Bastion was overpowered?

He had a 2Ā° spread angle

He had 200 ammo in sentry.

Recon was bad.

Self repair was bad.

Reconfigure speed was slow.

If you are referring to 35% IC Bastion, then yes that was broken and should never have existed.


He used to have 200 ammo.

Whatā€™s wrong with the highest dps? Someone has to have that title are you going to nerf the next in line too just because itā€™s the highest?

It had 2 degrees max spread thatā€™s bigger than his recon spread and even though it had bloom it didnā€™t take almost any time to reach max spread and the minimum spread was still pretty big

Also ā€œanti everythingā€ isnā€™t a reason. Thatā€™s what having really high damage is for, killing everything. That doesnā€™t mean ā€œeverythingā€ canā€™t fight back or use a brain to do it. Itā€™s ā€œanti if you try and match me for damage instead of doing it another wayā€


Youā€™re not objectively right. The fact that you canā€™t tell me why itā€™s not healthy is only helping me here :stuck_out_tongue:


And thatā€™s another person that stoped replying altogether.
Yay ?

Also Hi!


Hello friend.

Nothing new has been achievedā€¦

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Not for OW, at least :smiley:

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Chibi eagerly awaits the release of Anthem.

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