šŸ’” Bastion ISNā€™T being forgotten, heā€™s being ignored

i just want a buff, is it too much to ask ? D:

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Welp, the training bots have been made invincible.

Great update.

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Wasnā€™t that in live already? Maybe it was just PTRā€¦

Idk, all i Do Know is, itā€™s live, andā€¦ They cannot be killed.

No one is that Heartlessā€¦ How will we train now?

Wait, you actually killed our Omnic brethren before this patch!?!

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When fighting i see nothing but Red Silhouettes.

You monsterā€¦ how could youā€¦

I mean, they come backā€¦ obviously they enjoy it, otherwise they would leaveā€¦

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I always wondered what the literal backstory of those bots wereā€¦ They seem genuinely sentient and allā€¦

I wonder if they literally are ā€œBullet proofā€ But just break apart upon taking enough ā€œDamageā€

They are probably paid to work there. :smile_cat::ok_hand:
Thatā€™s my new head cannon.

The arm guns are just attachmentsā€¦ without the armor they are normal omnics.

When fighting I see nothingā€¦


Trueā€¦ But who said i was playing Bastion?

Wanna actually win a round in the training range for once.

soā€¦ in the short time iā€™ve been away from the forums iā€™ve already made a new friend.

Hey I heard there were more unannounced changes to what CC effects Bastion in sentry mode. Have you guys experienced anything differently?

inb4 lucio boop shoots bastion out of sentry mode

I experienced picking Bastion then 2 other dps picked and then a fourth went Torb so I just went healer. If I ever get to play Bastion then maybe I could tell what CC is effecting him.




I get stupid teams too often in LFG. Even worse than solo Q

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Thatā€™s strange because every team I played with in LFG I loved.

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Yeah, in my experiance everyone in LFG is super positive and makes the match more enjoyable.

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This is incorrect. Dive comps were a thing waaaay before the Bastion rework. However they were being kept in check by Old Roadhog and Ana. As soon as Roadhogā€™s damage was nerfed, we no longer had a Winston killer in the game. No Winston means no dive. And once Ana was nerfed, we had nobody in the game who could burst heal the Roadhog effectively enough against Dive comps. The Bastion rework merely delayed Diveā€™s arrival.

Yes, you read that right. Take a look again.

Are you sure you saw it right? Try again.

Oh, sorry, Iā€™m pretty sure he was just kidding.