šŸ’” Bastion ISNā€™T being forgotten, heā€™s being ignored

I was making fun of my accentā€™s identity crisis, thatā€™s all :3

Even more drama inside robo unitsā€¦

This is what happens after wrong changes to our hero.

No. It does NOT help at that close of a range.
More like 35-55 meters.

So, my problem was related to spread in that case.

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Yes, indeed.

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Weā€™ve talked about this guys, do not mention shewhomustnotbenamed, we donā€™t want our megathread dumped into their megathread.


Maybe if we say Mercy enough, THIS Megathread will be thrown into THAT Megathread!

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That is exactly what we should not do.


Lets keep the heroes separated.


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But Chibi is a fox?

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It only matters at the most maximum of ranges which I think is about 55 meters.

But what if thatā€™s what he wants us to believeā€¦

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Why so much spread??? better if they made sentry a flamethrower. It would be more intuitive to use.

They can keep the mechanichs, switching only the bullets by fire.

Because they wanted him to be a tank buster, and the best way to deal with high health targets is to cut his damage by about 70-80%, because that makes sense

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The Bastion ā€œbuffā€ is live. Canā€™t wait to try it out.
Iā€™m also probably going to add Hammond to my hero pool.

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Iā€™m just going to go into DM and eat Hammond alive. No fun allowed while Iā€™m around.

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GrantMan, how do you put stuff in the clickable hide/see style ?


Next to the emoji icon, you have the options icon. There you can select ā€œhide detailsā€

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Thanks, GrantMan :smiley: