💔 Bastion ISN’T being forgotten, he’s being ignored

I am already out, i will be on the forums but no longer playing unless im really feeling bored and im never that bored.

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a good defense is the best offense in my opinion

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I believe Bastion and Pharah have the same glass cannon issue. Against bad teams they are OP and people complain. Against good teams they are easy kills.

Since everything is tuned for OWL and fancy competitive tiers, nothing is going to change unless it is imbalanced up there. This is Blizz in all of its games.

I like this idea a lot.

You how do ya’ll feel about 350 damage Pulse Bomb?

Its stupid, Tracer does not need any buffs

Tracer players need to understand that their character now has counters and cant be the best in all situations because of their delusions of “the most skillful character”

its especially dumb that it changes NOTHING other than the matchup vs bastion, its a Useless Change

i have even provided Optional Changes That would not hurt bastion as much and actually solve the issue they want to solve

The options are there, But its the wrong buff 100%,

Its not like tracer is bad anyways


How are you guys gonna dodge Pulse Bomb anyway? You won’t just die without counterplay every 25 to 30 seconds, right?

Ill go back to my roots,

every time i see a tracer go out of sentry mode and spam jump everywhere to confuse her, and other than that just pray that she misses, thats the only thing you can do practically

plus, you still survive with 25 hp, Which barely means anything, but atleast its something

But to be honest, It probably wont work,


This doesn’t work at all if the Tracer can Blink/Pulse Which a lot have learned how to do on Console.

It means they blink towards you, stick it, and blink back, within a few frames.

Un-dodge-able and literally will kill you no matter the mode you’re in.

Tracer officially has her “Delete Bastion whenever i want” Button, back.

You guy are a little too dramatic, Bastion will still survive in turret mode.


On how much health exactly?

What stops the Tracer from sinking a clip into you while the bomb goes off?

People act like this game is turn based or something… “Just kill her after it goes off, or heal” Yea sure… but what if i die when it goes off. every time.

Best way to counter her ult now is to not play at all.

Yep :moyai:

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kill me please. the dev team lying constantly does not help.
“we dont want to control the metas” yeah, i see you nerfing bunker and bringing dive back.

Just because that’s what you think will happen doesn’t mean it will or that they want it to.

This Tracer buff is again another nerf to Bastion…
But at least Sombra as been nerfed the good way against him, Hanzo storm arrow nerf is also not that bad.


Sigma model ingame:

holds two balls in his hand

ok nice

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I would say Sigma counters bastion kinda nicely for few seconds.

Just send the barrier in front of the turret and watch bastion either redeploy or just spam the shield.

also you can bounce the balls around the orisa shield, or just throw them below the shield to make them fly and detonate above the barrier.

Edit: Sigma can throw a rock and knock bastion out of the turret form… oikay maid.


This is why we need a shield to block stuff like this… theres not much you can do alone anymore. Hooks, sleeps, scatter - now beam laser of death arrows, all the good stuff, bastion mccree… and now mother nature rocks… rocks… a true kryptonite. Now we fight the machines with rocks… just like our ancestors did in primeval times.

This might look like i exaggerate but its for likes and hearts only… i bet bastion eats sigma with no problem.


Sigma seems to work well with Bastion, and is ok against him. The rock thing better get patched out though.



The literal.


Sooooo what you’re telling me is, we have another hero who currently has a “Get the Bastion out of my way” button.

Yea… gunna have to get a patch on that one chief.

Imagine facing a Sigma, Sombra, Hanzo, Roadhog, Ana, Baptiste, Team.

Now stop crying and imagine being able to play Bastion again someday…
Because it’s all we can do.


Great another shield to burn, another basic ability to absorb Bastions basic ability. Another CC to knock or kill bastion out of his turret and 60 damage projectiles that bounce around walls.

What are these igloo brained devs doing? Seems to be either cowardice or they just hate the character as much as people with an IQ in the negative digits do. I did a few rounds with Sigma and while its not the worst thing I’ve ever experienced there were just too many shields to handle on screen. I was basically delegated to red window cleanup while the Hanzo mains corner peak me to death.