šŸ’” Bastion ISNā€™T being forgotten, heā€™s being ignored

Thatā€™s just a normal thing.

The dragon becomes me!

We made a Cult of Gandymede sever if you want to join. Here is a link:

Link terminated for cult security

I am honored for your invite. Thanks!

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roughly +2 damage per bullet out of the 2 bullets youā€™re hitting past 55 meters is basically nothing Itā€™s damage in the decimal points for most of the ramp up.

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Yeaā€¦ Was playing FFA Recently on Widowā€™s Map. (Too lazy right now to remember)

And i was set up on the large health pack on the outside area right next to the jump pad, And a Widow was standing in the open in the doorway on the opposite high ground.

I held down fire with her centered in my crosshair, and She won the duel.

ā€œGood at longer rangeā€ Means ā€œAble to deal poke damage at 30 metersā€
Not, ā€œAble to defend yourselfā€

Not sure if youā€™ve seen my post on his average damage at different ranges, but he actually has one of the worst, possibly the worst damage at range (of the heroes that actually make sense to measure at that distance, so not Winston/Roadhog/Reaper).

Hereā€™s the link if you havenā€™t seen it

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Passive: every time bastion hits an enemy with a bullet he heals himself

Bastions bird-your bird can now make a fortress with sticks and wood to protect you and your teammates

PTSD-you gain 300 hp and do 2x the amount of damage in both recon and turret mode

You now have the ability to turn into a plane for 12 seconds and drop care packages for your teammates and bombs on enemies
Note:your ult allows your bird to have a turret


just a reminder. we still need to make the 3rd mega thread

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Weā€™ll work on it.

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With the Torb rework looks like the flankers are going to have it almost as bad as Bastion now that Torb mains can direct the turret directly overriding the Nominal AI.

Seeing a Dwarf shred both a Tracer and Genji was a sight to see. until i saw the other teams Torb.


McCree suffers the most. Itā€™s just another character that can pump McCree-esque numbers with their primary but with much better survivability and utility.

his winrate is 26% now.

hey, its getting better :smiley:

Edit: Nevermind

The Brigitte Spaghetti Movement

if i was a bastion main iā€™d hide my profile too.

i would be willing to imagine genuine bastion mains actually have good win rates, but youā€™d never know because overbuff only knows about players who go public. thatā€™s to say, usually cocky people who are good at one thing, and is bad at the majority of things it plays

If I was a bastion main, I wouldnā€™t bother hiding my profile because all it does is change the nature of the insults.
I can prove them wrong by performing as another hero and Iā€™m not just a mindless _____ main but I canā€™t prove it if my profile is private.

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I think almost everyone will be changing how they play. i can almost see the salt filled threads already because people dont/wont want to change gears.

Weird im a proud Bastion main yes my stats are some of the worst, but hell i have fun each and every game and im pretty much immune to trolls and toxic players, but at least i have the courage to have my stats open to the world and not hide them. No matter the hero i play.

Btw the way we are only playing a game. So why get so serious.

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The one thing I most desperately want is a WAAAAY shorter transformation time, or serious damage reduction during transformation.

As itā€™s now, once someone starts lobbing some grenades of points some bullets in Bastions general direction with serious intent, heā€™s toast by the time he finishes his elaborate transformation animation and beeps.

Still nothing on their website about any internships on the Overwatch team :frowning:ā€¦

I might try calling them, see if I can talk to someone, because I really want to work on mod tools for the gameā€¦ and also maybe Bastion


I would consider making a thread about it.

I would also consider accepting my invite on discord.