Bastion is being forgotten

I think it is a valid concern though. To be fair playing a tank right now is rough already. I can understand the hesitation on buffing a tank slayer right now.

I think this is reffered to a trickle down…?

I want him buffed too but I can see why he would be concerned.

I want him on the same level solider or mcree in terms of viability.

Just enough not to be considered a troll pick .


This is a good point, having us discuss and maybe they might look over it and think “that’s a good point, lets see what we can do.” Otherwise not actually replying for no backlash even though we all seem like reasonable people to what they would do.

As Terranguard said, we just want him to not be destroyed by every hero in the game. Not meta.


That is right. Do we make some kind of a party when this thread hits 1000 posts?

I am from camp old sentry btw :wink:


Meh when bastion was a glasscannon the only problem was transformation , but solo defending open areas he did that preety good (its meant to do that) but that didn’t make him uncounterable as there could be pharahs or genjis and his healing was preety low , and he actually wouldn’t need a shield to get kills because he would kill first , people get mad at bastion because if they run in the open mindesly they die instantly , but don’t try to think how to actually counter him and get him out of there or kill him


You don’t even realize how true this is.


We all just want to be rewarded for our aim, like it was before rework.

Now players in low ranks complain about bastion, because of his big (shotgun) spread, he hits something that wasnt even his target, hes just spraying thats not very skillful.

Even tho bastion had a better TTK in his previous sentry he wasnt that strong in low ranks because of his need to aim well in order to get a good dmg output.


Bastions literally description was that he was a frontline combatant lmao

What does Blizzard not get?


Ill bring the internet chips if you bring the internet dip :wink:

But it is still amazing that we are still here, and still trying to get some word of up for the characrer we all enjoy :slight_smile:

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When you check the thread right as it gets bumped :ok_hand:


Any other fresh ideas?

ammo type change or something.

M61 Vulcan Gatling anyone? :smiley:

Bastion units were used as frontline combatants by the Omnic forces, but honestly, they’re better as mid-line fire-supports.

They have no tools for dealing with opponents face-to-face; all of their tools are better at mid-range or farther.


I think that is a good idea to keep in mind while balancing him in game as well. Instead if him having to be up in the front line like the popular dps these days it would be interesting to see his position be at more of a mid range.

I also thought of giving him a ‘pulse’ ability in sentry as a form of CC in the areas immediately close to him. Like letting out some excess energy almost like the plasma rifle from Doom 2016.

You could make it so Bastion had to walk for so long in Recon to “Charge” it. I don’t know about any numbers for it but I think that would make him less diveable with out changing his effectiveness against Road Hog, Hanzo, or Widow.

Idk Food for thought. Maybe someone can come up with a better idea from this :slight_smile:

Idk if it is even a good idea I just want to bring more ideas to the table :slight_smile:


Blizzard needs to remake the description if it doesn’t match the character


Can’t wait until I see a developer update that says “Hero changes” and has Bastion on the thumbnail.


As much as I like balance, I’d rather bastion wasn’t too viable due to the nature of his kit. He is either overpowered or under-powered and never in between, cause when he is good or even just decent his team builds a bunker around him which is just frustrating to deal with.

Thats why we wanna change him so he isn’t more viable then mid-tier characters like 76/mcree, but not garbage tier.

Thats why we all disscus it and why you are more then welcome (in my opinio, can’t speak for others) to share your concerns or any ideas you might have. :slight_smile:


On the bright side, I guess we’ll be seeing him more with the archives event coming up, but really it’s only going to be on that event (all heroes) and crazy custom games people will make for the event XD


My concerns with him is that he is a stationary character which means that for him to survive he needs either a pocket shield or ridiculous survivability, cause he gets deleted by flankers or long range spam heroes. If he can survive he is too oppressive vs tanks by reducing their effectiveness to 0 by burning through all of their defensive abilities such as shields, bubbles and matrix, which prevents teams being able to push into and take control of an objective at all.

His recon form wont ever be viable as it only has 250hp but is similar in size to most tanks and only medium damage.

I can’t think of a way for him to be useful in some situations as he should be without being obnoxious or frustrating to deal with in his current state with his current set of abilities without pocketing him with an entire team.

When did he have 250 in recon? in beta yeah