Bastion is being forgotten

He actually has 300hp in recon as well. But I can see your concern, and I can imagine that a similar concern is why Blizzard has taken so long on addressing him.

Alot of the ideas that we have had focus on tying the strength of sentry to recon. (Ex. Personal Shield only charging in recon) So we are trying to come up with ideas yo buff him with out breaking him :slight_smile:


“we thought that Bastion needed a nerf…”

I’m afraid to see that.


I would go into my bathroom and cry on the floor if they nerfed him.

That’s like putting more cracks on broken glass


Shield idea is scrapped imo, I guess with this current state of ow, it can be too oppressive for sure. His survivability would be ok right now if he did some slightly more consistent dps for those who could aim. Crits coming back and spread reduce or even giving him a tank on E, but with massive damage nerfs of course. I only say that because people complain with the argument and say “This game is all about mobility not dumb stuff like bastion”. Alright give him tank on E for mobility. 120 damage per shot instead of 205, slower firing. I think someone said its an easy pulse bomb yeah but maybe that separates the skilled people, using transformations when you know tracer isn’t around or such.


It already shoots 1.1 shots per second which is the slowest of the explosive weapons. It does not need slower firing if it’s also getting a damage nerf as an E ability.

We just don’t want people saying its a Pharah 2.0


She also shoots faster. His gun would be arguably better but he’s also way more vulnerable and can only temporarily gain height at the cost of not shooting at the enemy and using up ammo.

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Perhaps that’s true. The height advantage is generally better as pharah and considering bastion has a huge hitbox with barely any height. Leaving the speed the same then sounds good if thats what would happen to tank. If people can direct with him then good on the player.


Old sentry spread would be very nice to have, but tank could be fresh as well.

Spoil us and give us both >:D

…aaand here we go with “nerf bastion he made bronze elo hell” posts.


Inb4 “Tracer outplayed me”

You know what I mean :stuck_out_tongue:


And when they did find out he became balanced.

His rework just broke him from a balanced state. Now, we all have to live with “Blizzard doesn’t revert” despite teh fact that Bastion was better off before the rework.

Look at the abomination Dva has turned into, I don’t want that with Bastion. I don’t want the next unnecessary buff to break him, then it keeps going.

It was because of the shear amount of them. Bastion cannot 1v6 the enemy by being in the frontline.

This would be fine if he wasn’t dicked by every hero in the game.

I’m fine with a Tracer pulsebombing me, but not a Dva that can just walk up to me holding DM in my face while everyone shoots.

the way he used to work was that ranged heros and dive heros could counter him, but when they buffed his sustain and lowered his damage it made him unplayable. Unplayable after he was OP from 35% Ironclad stacking with nano.

Pharah also shoots 1.1 rockets per second. Bastion just shoots 1.11 rockets per second, so there’s not much difference.

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When Bastion goes from “walking gatling-gun” to “land Pharah”

Honestly though, Give Tank Bastion Tf2 solider levels of mobility :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Speaking of which I think it would be cool reference to have one tf2 character in the game.


Not gonna lie, I really want some kind of flamethrower character in the game

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I bet normies would be using bastion tank form as thier junkrat.



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We already have a lot of flame and throwers in this game :confused:


Junkrat shoots 1.66 times per second. Junkrat’s gun would have more dps than tankmode.

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Well you got me there


Give bastion 2 claymores,

good luck flanking him now hihi


Let Ganymede scout the area for him. Now that and the mines, good luck flanking him


Just turn him into a mine layer.