Bastion is being forgotten

Well the idea was it would be around 120.

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With a max of 3 or so shots that recharge every 2 seconds iirc from that one Bastion post that had Tank on E in the first place.

Sounds like mine (Or astro’s I think, that’s where I got the recharge idea from). I didn’t think of Tank on E, just mashed a few ideas together…

Think you can cross post it from there to here? I already have the page up, but it is your post that has consolidated everything that an ideal Bastion rework would have.

In a couple hours I can, almost level 3

Gonna make another post dedicated to Tank on E in the next day or so. Once I have a pretty good version worked out

Hmm… apparently I’m not level 3. But level 2 can post links to the forums I guess? I guess level 3 is 60 days, not 50. Apparently you have to jump through a hoop of fire while bending over backwards with a blindfold on to get level 3… :confused:


Hey guys

Sombra’s gonna be getting infinite stealth and translocator

We’re absolutely ducked


Holy heck. You actually further buffed a suggestion that was already massively OP.

Stop comparing Bastion’s Sentry gun to Soldier’s rifle.

I’m sorry, I think Bastion could use some help, but you just may as well ask for a death ray.

I hope you’re being sarcastic(wouldn’t be surprised if you were serious)

In other news, what if Bastion had a Death ray in sentry?

How is it massively OP? It wasn’t massively OP before his rework, and this is slightly worse than back then… Before, he was pinpoint accurate for the first little bit of his fire and it grew to 2° after around a second or so, this one starts at not pinpoint accurate, and spreads out fairly quick.

And Soldier is the other sustained automatic fire character, it makes sense to compare it to him. They aren’t directly related, but it can be useful to know what the “normal” spread values are…


It’s not massively OP.

Some people think Current Bastion is somehow OP.
It just goes to show the difference between assumptions and experience.


No, that’s a thing… Sombra is getting infinite invis and translocator time…


Yup. It’s Confirmed:


that’s essentially the stats he had before the rework and it wasn’t OP so I think you just entirely forgot how it worked before.


Slightly worse. Less headshot damage, and less accurate to begin with… I went ahead and did the calculations for 0.75° spread as well:

05m : 0.43 foot diamater
10m : 0.86 foot diamater
15m : 1.29 foot diamater
20m : 1.72 foot diamater
25m : 2.15 foot diamater
30m : 2.58 foot diamater
35m : 3.01 foot diamater
40m : 3.44 foot diamater
45m : 3.87 foot diamater
50m : 4.30 foot diamater
55m : 4.72 foot diamater

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Of course this is a thing that is happening…


I genuinely wish it wasn’t…

For both our, and Sombra main’s sake.

Could be fun tho… But definitely not “balanced”

Because it’s not before his rework, which buffed other aspects.

Because you want to add a base tank mode atop it.

But most importantly because it wasn’t ‘pinpoint’? It had a minimum and reached full MUCH quicker than 1.3 sec. More like half a second. (I want to say it was 1 degree min. But I can’t find the actual number referenced anymore.)

You are giving him considerably better overall accuracy for that initial 1.3 seconds. Which means better damage on targets at range without headshots, and landing more of them with. Even with a .5 reduction in multiplier it’s more powerful if you have any trigger discipline.

you can’t use sentry or recon at the same time as tank so that’s really not an argument.

The idea is we’d probably give up stuff like the faster transform or ammo or ironclad. I’d prefer to revert the transform speed and that’s it if we did anything like a buff to sentry.

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Honestly Chibi, along with some bug fixes, this buff is essentially the Sombra version of Tank on E; it was a concept that Sombra mains knew would help her, and non-Sombra mains thought was ridiculously OP. Sombra players rallied for it nonstop nonetheless, though. They got it.

So if anything, it means that even the “OP” concepts that mains of F-tier heroes constantly rally for and support with evidence can come true. I’m happy for the Sombra community; they came and left Bastion-tier in only a few months, but at least it’s one more hero that doesn’t have to share our everlasting nightmare


I un-buffed those aspects… Ironclad as a passive is now gone. Bastion only gets Ironclad when repairing, which he can only do for 4 seconds.

Okay…? How does that affect Sentry?

I don’t know the old values for the time it took to reach maximum spread, but I know Soldier’s is roughly a second, maybe a bit more. Again, he’s the closest thing we have to compare to for these types of things. And his old maximum spread was 2°, and the minimum was pinpoint.

If I am wrong on this, though I’m pretty sure I’m not, I’d be fine with starting it at 1° and going up to 2° from there.

Like you said, I also couldn’t find any numbers on his old spread. I’m just going off of what I remember (which is somewhat limited, because I didn’t play him quite as much as I do now back then, and it’s been a long time), and what I’ve been told by others.

He only has good accuracy for 0.3 seconds. After that, it ramps up just like every other automatic hitscan in the game. And if a player has trigger discipline, they should be rewarded for that. Bastion is always going to be a “spray and pray” character if he isn’t rewarded for aim, tracking, and spread control. Those are skills. The point of this is to make Bastion more skill-based.