Bastion is being forgotten

What if Bastion’s E ability was like D.Va own new E ability? A barrage of rockets that he can only use in Sentry Mode.

That would give him an option for dealing with targets outside of his effective chain-gun range, and allow him to soften up targets before they enter his effective chain-gun range.

It’s less oppressive and more skill-dependent than simply reverting the changes to his Sentry Mode.

Or, if not a micro-rocket barrage, some kind of mortar cannon.

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I would be totally okay with Bastion fully embracing the spirit of the StarCraft Siege Tank, but currently his ultimate already does that while also able to move, and Junkrat already has arcing projectile explosives covered. I’m not convinced that we need additional ways for Bastion to deal ranged damage when the existing ability could just be made effective at range.

In fact, the only additional offensive ability that I think Bastion could actually use is some kind of short-range unaimed pulse to either damage, stun, or knock back heroes that have a habit of repeatedly double-jumping directly over Bastion where it’s impossible to smoothly aim. I know Bastion doesn’t need that kind of ability to win that particular fight, but it would certainly make going up against specific heroes a whole lot less annoying.

In all other cases, I’d rather just have the sentry gun actually kill stuff.


Even if his hitbox gets shrunk, Soldier will still outperform him. Meaning if you want to recon you’re better off going 76 since he has the more streamlined kit/utility.

Yes, but only against tanks. otherwise 1 bullet hitting a squishy’s head is the same as 2 bullets hitting their body. It would only hurt tanks, unless you choose to walk up to him where more bullets hit you and your head.

That and he has his old, long transformation time so if you switched to sentry under fire you were dead before you even realized you made a mistake. People really underestimated the skill he needed back pre-rework. Sure, sentry has BIG DPS but the tradeoffs made for critical thinking, like where to position, target prioritization, on top of aim because he also didn’t have forgiving spread back then.

I mean, if we’re going that route there’s no hero with mortars. Maybe slap a big ol backpack on him and fires 10 or so AoE mortars. Kinda like Torvald from Evolve.

However, I don’t want to bloat his kit and mortars would just be tacking on more inconsistent DPS, which he needs the opposite of.


What about swapping inbetween two forms of sentry? One that is designed to bist barriers and another that is designed to kill.

I’m making a write up for it along with a mobility buff for recon. Ill put it up when its done. I like having multiple ideas in circulation.

I don’t want him to outperform Soldier. Soldier can’t turn into a turret.

Recon Mode doesn’t have to be as good as Soldier, and shouldn’t be. But if Bastion can’t be allowed to use Sentry Mode at long range anymore, then Recon Mode needs to pick up the slack.


Proposed Change to Bastion

Recon Form

Added ability Overclock

Cool down 15 Sec (Counts down while transformed)

Lasts 3 seconds

Overclock lets Bastion move 30% faster and heal with out the use of a resource Bar. But he can not shoot while active.

This change would alow Bastion to Manuver out of fights and help him reposition to areas to maintain a constant movement.

Turret Form

Revert Headshots

Turret Form is changed into two different modes, Shredder Turret and Buster Turret. By pressing E one could transform in between the two. (1.5 second transformation, Shared Clip, Can heal through, reloads gun)

Shredder Turret

Vulnerable to all forms of CC (Stun, Boops, etc)

Spread decreased to 20% Pre rework levels.

Healing Returned to rework Status (No healing while taking Damage)

Fall off distance 35-50

Buster Turret

Invulnerable to Most CC (Hook, Halt!, Charge)

Spread increased from live version by another 35%

Healing while taking damage and while shooting. (Drains Resource Bar 50% faster)

Fall off distance 10-25 meters

These help add a little more depth to the Sentry turret, and helps cultivate new play styles with Bastion. Buster turret mostly designed to face with shields or close targets while Shredder Turret is designed for long distance fights like Bastion was before Rework. It would also make him able to defend from a distance as well as up close and personal…

Tank Form

Healing while Shooting

+50 Armour.

IC takes effect st the beginning of the transformation

Vertical Self knock back increased 20%

Horizontal Self knock back increased 50%

With the healing while shooting and the health increase will give him some more survivability and making him harder to kill while he is transforming. It also puts more emphasis on the movement of tank. Letting Bastion Jump to places to more strategically place himself.

I over shot this rework on purpose and I would like some feed back on it. (Especially on the Fall off differences in between the turret forms.) Any constructive criticism on it is welcome.

Who is bastion again???


Feelsbadman :frowning:


What if Bastion had an E ability to climb walls in Recon Mode? Slower than the ninjas, so it can’t be used as an escape.

Just for reaching the GOOD sniping positions.

that makes no sense as a hanzo I think bastion would be better with a spring like sonic in Super smash

Instead of the Overclock? Or is this just something else not relating to my idea?

Your dude summons dragons out of his exposed nipple, I don’t think you have room to suggest a robot war machine cannot climb a wall slower than said ninja.


I still like the idea of some form of vertical mobility

I litterally suggested giving him a spring that would make him jump up high and quickly? What is your problem?

I think the spring is much sillier, and would sooner fit Symmetra, who is actually about building odd gadgets from nothing.

A more fitting idea is Bastion have a super-jump. It would have a casting time as Bastion crouches and coils, building up power in its legs, before leaping to a chosen location. Sort of like Reaper’s Shadow Step.

It would be less effective as an attack than Winston’s jump because of the casting time.


In all honesty what would make the most sense is if he had a mine like junk to properly himself forward though I don’t look at Bastions legs that often I just don’t see that as being MORE realistic than a spring.

I don’t believe he means unrealistic as much as not fitting the character. I think a spring would fit Torb more then Symetra or Bastion.


A bounce pad would fit Sym because it’s a weird energy thingy on the ground.


This will be op but having an Reconfiguration: Apache will be the most fun thing ever.


Yeah like a gravity lift from Halo. Seems perfect actually