Have… You… Played… Bastion?? O-o
Rein players are Skilled at killing Bastion’s.
It’s Scarily Simple.
Have… You… Played… Bastion?? O-o
Rein players are Skilled at killing Bastion’s.
It’s Scarily Simple.
Bastion still would be easy to kill…
Bastion has to be near a choke because of his insane spread, that’s why rein is a problem. Bastion can still be easily dealt with by Tracer’s, Genji’s, Junkrat’s, and Snipers
How about, someone who can protect their teammates consistently without losing their own HP.
by that logic, all the tanks fit this except for roadhog.
he’s an Off-tank. He can protect via space, fear of him, and dps potential.
Now roadhog cannot do that. he cant simply just do a lot of damage consistently. things need to align for him to be doing pretty good. and im using good with a very loose meaning behind it. He’s spammy trash right now. Could’ve kept the DPS, made him walk slower, and probably even put a higher cooldown on his hook. This to prevent the “flanking hog” from going on past that.
cus, you still take damage when you heal. You wanna be at 300 hp, go in with a CASTING TIME HEAL BURST ability that takes a second to start healing you? no, I wouldnt do that, you’d take a lot of damage just by running into the line of sight of the joke just to “tank” and give the enemy a decent amount of ult charge, and they’re still getting ult charge off of shooting you while you do that to “protect someone”.
Like holy cow, just go Reinhardt if you’re gonna do that, you’ll be benefiting your team much more. Or even go orisa, you can do all that body blocking with HALT, and you’d even have a shield to go with it.
No, roadhog cant take 900 damage, his health cap is at 600. And a good roadhog player will heal once they get around 300. So you’re way off the mark with this. because, they can, But they’re not. They rather live than just body block to death for a dumb team mate who wants to stand in the choke point, even then they cant even aim properly, they’ll have to blind fire and hope they hit people.
Also, I need to point this out. Roadhog can take 300 damage really really really quick. Like you’d be surprised by how much that is. Just poke your head out once and you’ll take 50 damage almost immediately and thats already 1/6th the limit most players will allow their hog to get hurt.
Also his cooldown isnt short. Its like at 8 seconds. People complain about how Widowmaker’s grappling hook is too long, and its the same time, and people complain how she should be more mobile.
So no its not a short cooldown. actually orisa can, and rein can too, he can jump shield back at full speed. And even then, winston and dva, both have shields and they’re more mobile than hog.
Actually Orisa can block TWO. if you’re going to count BODY BLOCKING. she can BODY bLOCk with halt, and place a shield wherever she wants, even at a distance as well.
But he’s not going to absorb ALL the incoming damage. He’s not going to. He’s going to hide around the corner, peak, do “damage”, aka spam the choke and hope he does something.
heal, then do the same thing over again and try to get a pick with his hook.
honestly not that much, neither have I played reinhardt enough to know that but I have seen my fair share of reins charging my bastions and getting sleeped in the process… charging a bastion who is on the backline and who’s well positioned is extremely risky for anyone, specially if said bastion has a reasonable team behind him
So all of your changes would simply be a nerf to reinhardt??? and here I though you wanted to help bastion…
Won’t copy a tank ability to bastion sorry
They could let him have 1 hard stun immunity as a passive that regenerates after you should have gotten stunned, and CD on 12 seconds.
No riencharge, no sleepdart, no flashbang, no shield bash, no earth shatter Once per 12 seconds seems incredibly potent in helping bastion.
Hige, Read this: [Bastion is being forgotten]
Then come back.
All of it. Read All of it.
(Actually tho, On a real note… Bastion is in a Horrible place right now, Even when it comes to Damage output.)
Yeah Bastions supposed to counter Reinhardt?
And to be at his full potential must be in reins Charge range (near chokes)
Bastion’s Supposed to counter tanks, And anything that gets close/Within Bastion’s Sights. Also anything that Moves/Lives.
Yet, they all counter Bastion…
Yeah that would work well as CC really hurt Bastion right now because to be at an effective range due to his spread he has to be near chokes and that makes Brig and rein charges deadly. But i think allowing his to get that damage reduction every bit would be fair too. The problem with the 35% iron clad was there was 0 counter play but if it were an ability it would allow for Bastion to be able to survive some of these things while also being fair.
I don’t disagree with this statement, I really don’t, I would like for every hero to have relevance and bastion currently doesn’t
here is where I disagree, that’s not where bastion is supposed to be, bastion is clasified as defense for a reason, you are not supposed to be in front or near the choke, you are supposed to sit with a clear view over the objective preferably on high ground, bastion WILL melt anyone who wanders alone into the point and if given the chance he will melt entire teams who ignore him
And I disagree with this too… if bastion can counter EVERYTHING, then the logical reasoning is for everything to counter him as well, in other case you would basically face an overpowered character
I will give that thread a read though and see more opinions about the characters
What i meant by that was, Bastion’s a Dps death machine.
Meant to make things dead, Not run like a flanker, away from any incoming damage, like some people seem to think…
It’s called a Glass canon, And Bastion needs to be one again.
Personally speaking, bastion is pretty okay. What is the problem however is people staying in sentry form because they think they can heal a lot then mowdown whoever is shooting them.
Thats not the case. the moment when you start taking fire of any kind is when you should get up, move, and heal up. His recon mode is insanely good. I believe you can one do around 500 damage if you stay in range with his recon mode.
If you land 5-7 headshots with bastion you can kill a squishy.
15 headshots can take down a roadhog.
and the whole clip can take care of his burst healing, after he’s done healing of course.
The problem is his sentry form, and imo, its mainly situational and not a everything use kind of thing.
When facing your enemy, is when Bastion NEEDS to be in Sentry… Smh.
You are essentially saying to not use Sentry, Unless you can Magically do damage, and they Can’t. Which is usually accomplished by the heavy use of Shields, By coordinated teams, Which people Also hate.
What do you want from us?!? O-o
If you want a Recon Soldier, Then Soldier 76 out performs Bastion on all levels.
I think that what connie is trying to say is that the better Bastion is the one who can gauge if staying in sentry mode is worth it, recon also hits like a truck, albeit less than sentry but you get to move around and still deal damage, be mindful of where you sit, that’s all
i hope ur being sarcastic cus this is the internet and sarcasm is hard to pick up unless you’re exaggerating a lot.
probably cus im dumb tho.
well like, do surprise bastion. pop up behind them on the high ground with bastion form, I did that with hanamura and took care of the reinhardt that was making way for the push.
You can use sentry, its just you gotta be smart and the moment someone is just getting a constant hit on you, like a mccree hitting you and just peaking the corner, he’ll kill you before you outheal the damage. So its best to just get up and relocate. A good bastion always relocates when they do some stuff in their sentry form.
Personally, i think they’re equals. Soldier is more pushy. But bastion has more sustainability cus bastion can heal on demand.
They’re like seperate but similar, which imo which is what reaper and roadhog should’ve been. Like reaper fast dodgy boi, with heavy punch and roadhog, slowly loud boi, with heavy punch.
seperate but similar.
They should change bastion into a transformer unit completely.
They should make it so that he can transform into turret, tank, and a warship to fly in the air on demand. It should last 15s like valkyrie, and have a 45s cooldown. His ultimate is a self-destruct skill that have a even bigger radius than D.Va bomb since he is also sacrificing his life.
Ok, ya got a laugh outa Me…
But yea, i’m just tired of Arguing with people about Bastion… ya know?
Sorry if i seem slightly… On Edge…
personally what im thinking is. Straight up change how sentry works.
Like do what I suggest with dva and baby dva.
Give baby dva abilities of her own.
kinda like what this person is saying.
Essentially make sentry mode having abilities to itself along with recon mode having abilities of its own.
that’ll make two seperate play styles for everyone who likes bastion, it’ll round him out. make it so all his punch isnt in one ability that can be easily gimped and put him into F-tier, which is whats happening to all characters now. all their dps is being put into one ability, then that ability is getting nerfed down the road.
I personally really like this list of Ideas…
[Bastion's Problems and Possible Fixes]
<This Bastion Main needs a hug.
Na, not directly. Actually the junk buff only nerfed her because Junk is now better than Pharah.
Pharah sits just above the F-tier heros.