With the new Sym changes making her a tank buster now it gives players even less of a reason to play Bastion. As we all know Bastion was changed to a shield/tank buster from the long range flanker destroyer. This was fine and dandy until we ended up getting even more tank/shield busters. Junkrat got buffed, Pharah got buffed, Sombra got buffed, they added Brigitte, And now they’re making Symmetra a tank buster.
Now there’s no reason to play Bastion, the immobile, easy to kill sentry when you can play Junkrat who does the same things but is extremely mobile, or Brigitte/Sombra who can remove Reinhardt’s shield and get him killed. Bastion needs something. He’s the weakest character in the game right now and has an abysmally low pick rate at 0.56%, the lowest in the game. Bastion needs more than his old sentry spread back though he needs a new ability.
Bastions biggest problem right now is his over reliance on his team and his horrible spread making him only good at close close ranges which is bad because he ends up pushed on and ends up dying. The answer to these problems, GIVE BASTION FORTIFY! Yes, yes I know taking the 1 thing about Orisa that is unique and giving it to Bastion, but hear me out. Bastion has one thing going for him at the moment and that is the he’s an incredible ult stopper. Deleting Reapers, Hogs, Genjis, Moiras, and Soldiers with ease. But here’s the problem, a lot of times you get caught with low HP or get focused when these characters use their ults. So if Bastion could make it so that he could take 50% less dmg for just a few seconds this could help him stop ults even better. This will also help with the problem of Rein charging you. Bastion is usually near a wall since he has his weak spot behind him, this makes him an easy target for Rein charges. Giving him fortify will give him a fighting chance against the dreaded Rein charge which kills him 99% of the time.
Giving him fortify will also help him survive Tracer ults, Hanzo ults, Widow Snipes, and Junkrat ults better now as those all mess with him greatly. So here are the changes I give you to make Bastion better.
- Add Fortify
- Reduce Spread
- Reduce damage by a tiny bit to make spread more fair
- And When using tank give him an infinite fortify so he doesn’t die instantly
every times he uses it.
I would argue that more than 90% of the playerbase hates seeing a Bastion in their game regardless of what side he’s on. No amount of buffs will change that. He’s either rolling the enemy team or the reason you’re getting rolled; no matter what one side will feel horrible when he’s in the match
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I mean you could say this about like half the heros in this game. That doesn’t remove the fact he’s in desperate need of a buff.
The majority of heroes are in a neutral state where they don’t take completely take over the game in one direction or the other; I don’t think any hero is as boom or bust as Bastion and I think that’s by design
I feel like bastion needs a major rework like sym but keep him in defense cuz he is a good boy.
Widow, Hanzo, and Junkrat all are like this to
So did roadhog, but no one cares cus they dont like him.
lmao stop being such hypocrites.
Wasn’t his niche just oneshotting everything
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Yeah but they buffed him? And he’s actually a viable character
Widow and Hanzo can be very consistent at high tiers of play and I’d argue that even a mediocre Junkrat can still provide value simply from shield break, zoning and random kills
It use to be before they changed him for the worse for what ever reason
He’s just a gimped dps.
he’s essentially lost his identity tbqh.
No one honestly should be picking him for any reason what so ever.
If you wanna tank, pick an actual tank like rein, orisa, dva, whoever.
You wanna have a lot of hp and do dps, go Dva.
Well yes, he’s a fat dps, not a tank. Distance takes him out, but since all the bad players came out of the wood works to say “he’s op cus he can walk”
now just whining gets nerfs.
Not actual real arguments that have a basis in reality. Just “WAAAAAAAAAAAAH, i dont like this”.
And just look at that, a rework happens magically for no real reason.
I like his gun currently as if you whiff a shot your more then likely to be able to get another 1 or 2 off unlike before where you fired super slowly. Overall he’s just more consistent.
I think it depends just how good symm gets at destroying shields. 120dps still means a long time to break down barriers even at infinite ammo, whereas Bastion shreds in a couple seconds.
The only time I play Bastion now is like a “hyper carry Soldier”. I.e. I’m placed into a match far below my skill with way too many barriers or tank HP to burn through on Soldier, and I know I’ll be able to stay alive and get value in Sentry mode.
There’s no real reason to pick him over other tank buster like reaper though simply because he’s to easily countered and killed.
Bastion has never really had a “Niche” But i Completely understand ya, Op.
The problem with Bastion is, A contradictory Kit.
“Bastion should be a Tank buster” Except Tanks counter Bastion.
“Bastion should have high Dps” Except has no way to Actually land that Dps Properly.
Bastion has a Whole Host of Problems right now.
The main one being that Everyone just Hates Bastion for seemingly no reason nowadays.
lmao, no he’s not. His gun is RNG based. The pellets come out in a random manner each and every time, making him technically terrible and almost luck dependent.
His hook is still RNG based.
Depending on where you hook the person, will they be infront of you? to the side of you? who knows.
He’s very much heavily rng reliant, regardless of what you claim.
Hog can secure kills,peel for healers, absorb obscene amounts of damage while also dishing it out. he is best paired with a shield tank. and if a baguette steals your cheese just grab a pharah or junkrat and steal your cheese back.
aren’t we talking about Bastion here?
We were but they brought up hog so