First, we must address the problems that plague him then how to fix those problems
(all these suggestions are what I think would best help his situation and aren’t some sort of hard demand, just suggestions.)
His healing is clunky:
- activation delay
- can’t heal while preforming actions
This means it takes exceptionally long to heal after reloading or swapping modes because you have to swap/reload which already takes time, then add the activation time upon that. This also means he cannot heal for very long periods because you can’t while preforming an action.
- reduce activation delay
- allow healing while preforming actions.
I’m not sure if shooting should count as “an action” but I think it wouldn’t meaning he still can’t shoot while healing. He could use it while transitioning from any mode into any mode promoting the ability to actually go from sentry into recon without dying instantly. The sped up activation time will help with all around effectiveness, he has the healing to survive things but even tenths of seconds can mean life or death.
He’s horrible on his own in sentry:
(this is all assuming he doesn’t have a pocket healer or tank)
- dies too fast
- kills too slow
Since everybody wants him dead due to PTSD he is always the first to go when a fight starts unless he’s being pocketed. This means he either needs to kill them faster, or survive longer. The problem is we’ve always had the two extremes and they don’t work too well without one another. First it was low spread and headshots but he died to a sneeze (I like this version though :P), then ironclad with horrible spread and no headshots. Sentry also seems like it would deploy unreasonably fast if we were to buff it.
- reduce spread
- add bloom
- directional ironclad (explanation below)
- increase recon into sentry swap speed from 1 second to 1.5 seconds.
- while in sentry reduce external healing by 20%
This means he will take as long to heal as a hero with 360 HP (self healing does not get reduced)(there are none but that doesn’t matter) instead of one with 300 HP meaning external pocketing by healer is less powerful. Directional ironclad means the damage reduction is higher based on the direction the damage came from. The idea is he’d have some on his back, more on the top and sides, and the most on the front, like this:
20%/25%/30% (it goes back then top and sides then front in that order) So it’s 20% on his back, 25% on top and sides, and 30% from the front. Maybe it could be 25%/30%/35% but some people didn’t seem to get the memo that nano doesn’t stack with ironclad, it stops at 50% so he can’t tank a bomb.
With the addition of direction based ironclad and being able to hit things again with sentry he gains the strength he needs in both categories. He isn’t deleted but also doesn’t delete people like before while also being able to hit things past 15 meters. PharMercy counter ftw!
the slower swap into sentry speed makes it much harder to use in the thick of things but with the other changes it becomes more dangerous once you are in sentry.
overall, he becomes a bit slower when it comes to sentry and is much harder to pocket, but it hits much harder in a good way.
Recon is just a bad Soldier
why use Recon at all when Soldier is better?
- increase ammo to 35
His whole identity seems to be more on oppressive fire and tank busting now so give him the ammo to do it in Recon (lower dps but I mean he just doesn’t have to reload as often)
His ultimate is too squishy:
- he dies to himself a lot
- isn’t tanky enough
- gets directional ironclad like sentry does
- no self damage (still gets knockback)
He basically dies to himself less often and doesn’t die to sneezes.
An additional favorite idea of mine
Anyone who’s seen my rework threads probably knows what this is going to be.
Tankmode on E!
- 120 damage
- 5 ammo in a clip
- 2 second reload time
- no self damage
- 1 second transform time
- gets directional ironclad like sentry
This gives him some accurate burst for smaller heroes that are closer to you because of the splash and since it’s a projectile as well as rocket jumping outside of his ult
Overclock ult to go along with that!
While ulting
- duration increased to 10 seconds
- Swap into sentry speed changed to 1 second
- Swap into recon speed changed to 0.25 seconds (it’s normally .5)
- Swap into tankmode on E speed changed to .5 seconds
- tankmode on E just gets buffed to what his current tank is
- recon has movement speed buffed by 50% 25% ironclad and infinite ammo
- sentry gets CC resist and infinite ammo
_All modes would get a buff that suits their best role while also allowing you to move between modes at a rapid rate to take advantage of all the variations of his ult to best fit the situation.
His tank cannon and welder aren’t gold
I think we can all agree this is what’s holding him back the most. He needs his golden tank gun and welder!
Why is it I can never make a short post about Bastion?