Bastion doesn't need anything

absolutely true im actually guilty of this in other posts as im strongly opposed to bastions kit. I have seen threads on this exact topic where it’s nothing but back and forth arguments which is extremely counter productive.

What is this grammatical monstrosity? Is that a triple negative?!

If my own memory of playing Bastion before his rework is not a good source to cite in matters of opinion as this thread deals with, then you’ve clearly already made up your mind and are unwilling to listen to others’ experiences and anecdotes.

Whether or not you need to be babysat to be effective on any hero is a matter of subjective experience because it’s dependent on your own ability with said hero. It’s perfectly reasonable to question whether or not my claim that Bastion didn’t need babysitting before his rework applies to most people, but at some point you have to consider the similar experiences of other players who agree with me.

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I feel you but I feel like with those threads that’s when people get a bit emotional. For instance right now Orion is probably making me a lovely post but it will be backed by his personal bias for Bastion.

No it’s not a good source, as upposed to the fact there is six months of data as I keep saying, heck even a few seasons of data against this ‘bastion was once independent’ thing you all have going.

Let me reiterate, Bastion at no point in time worked well without synergy. Even if it was just a barrier someone had to be with him. This idea is supported by the fact we have never seen him prevelant outside of the comps I’ve mentioned before. I don’t need your experience I want facts.

For all I know you could be lying, for all I know you’re probably not even a real bastion player. Heck you might even be new to the game or even be a three year vet. None of that matters in the scope of discussion because your personal experience means nothing. You wanna talk balance lets talk balance, but I’m not gonna take ‘back in my day’ or ‘I am an experience bastion player’ as a source.

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you cheeky little bugger XD

Just wanna state as a fact that you can literally check, i’ve been playing this game for years, i have nearly 900 hours on the game, nearly 200 on Bastion, and have been playing the hero since day one.

Just… saying.

Aside from having nearly 13,000 posts of discussion primarily about the hero mainly. Bar a few random posts mixed in there.

But what do i know.

There is nothing to check as there is no data backing anything you’ve said THANK YOU. I thought you were gone.

Your six months of data is recent. It has nothing to do with Bastion before his rework, which was at this point quite a long time ago. The fact that I’ve been playing since game launch is highly relevant to discussion of how Bastion performed before his rework.

Discussion of whether or not Bastion needs babysitting now (which he does) vs whether or not Bastion needed babysitting then are two completely different things. In the discussion of the distant past, your recent data is invalid.

Well there is my profile.

Sadly yours is literally gone. Heh.

Also there is this:

There’s my stats.

Are you going to claim those stats are an opinion, or… just deny their existence?

Very recent and we can even say it spans back post rework if you want. The fact you’ve been playing is no more relevant than anyone else’s experience TBH.

And then you say your um, person experience is more valid than recent data? Actual data that’s not formed from bias? Excuse me? Okay, I see what i’m dealing with here…

Also way to not even read what I said as I have said that we can make the assumption that this has been a trend for almost three years but okay.

I’ve literally never mentioned your stats, I’ve been talking to Orion the guy who says his personal experience is more valid than actual hard data.

I would say bastions that require synergy from their team is a majority of peoples experience minus the high level bastion mains who can drop down and flank a whole team. ive been bronze, silver, gold, and plat and in all those ranks ive never seen a bastion taking his kit and game knowledge to the next level to be more independent from his team.

even if he was once able to be more independent it’s irrelevant as many things have changed since then new heroes, buffs/nerfs, and the level of play pros have today which comes from many hours of play. and we all know metas and strategys come from pros.


I wonder what you meant then?

Hypocritical much?
You can’t say something then deny ever saying it.

Literally nothing. Because it is ultimately irrelevant anyway? If you need to cherry pick please do.

What about bastion behind reinhardt’s shield, Bastion with a mercy, Bastion with Ana, Bastion with a Baptise, Bation with Orisa, Bastion with another bastion.

I am not only talking about one time period??? I’ve literally mentioned both periods the present and past and ACTUAL DATA tells us that Bastion as a character has never been able to be independent. This lack of independence contributes to his low statistics as most people will not pick a character that requires tons of maintenance to play around.

Your distant past, means nothing.

What about flanking Bastion? Get behind, murder the supports, leave. Of course it wasn’t easy though.

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okay well this is becoming one of those threads good luck everyone.

My experience in the distant past has more value to discussion about that past time period than data which was not taken from that time period.

And furthermore, I’d like to know how you even try to prove from things like Overbuff stats whether or not Bastion was being babysat. That’s a playstyle, not something recorded in win/pick rate statistics.

Cherry picking?

I literally just quoted the entire posts that you provided.

As well, as you’re just brushing it off.

Address your mistakes.

Don’t you know?

Bastion has NEVER been played differently because this player has never played Bastion differently.

Just look at profile stats of the season before the rework though? Of course Chibi will have to provide that.

Stats don’t matter, those are just opinions. :grin: