Bastion buff discussion

No, I would not agree.
I would strongly strongly disagree in fact.

Sentry is not strong, nor is it used like it is meant to be used. People use it to spam, die, then walk around in Recon a bit before calling Bastion “Balanced”

Sentry is supposed to be risky, but deadly.
When used as a response to enemies pushing, what does it make you?
A risk with little reward.

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i think they should put rockets into bastions sentry instead of it being a machine gun and let bastion have both in ult form.

atleast i want to see what that’s gonna be like.

Bastion’s self repair is extremely strong, it’s 75hp/s, meaning that’s if pocketed by one healer he is nearly unkillable. So you can’t allow him to shoot and heal at the same time, it would be broken.

Bastion in recon mode has a tank sized hitbox. 75hp/s sounds like alot, but its not really when you realize that he at average takes like twice the dmg other squishies do.

i think they will buff things like his transformation mode, from bastion to turret, and vice versa. probably by giving him a faster changement of state.

Even that wouldn’t do much… by this point he needs a new ultimate, and a shield.

Oh, and to be in the Tank role.

theyre gonna remove the spread from his recon mode and give him a fixed spray pattern ala counterstrike


Oh hey, he’d basically be unchanged, just a fat soldier with a “Kill me” button…

probably. tbh im actually wondering what they have in mind for the experiment considering they have to work with existing content, they can’t add new content via expiremental without patching live. i dont see bastion becoming too much more viable without being wild unless they patch in something

jokes aside, having a hero with no rng-based spread would actually be interesting :laughing:

Was going to write my thoughts here directly, but they got a bit long, so I wrote them on a fresh thread. Have a plug.

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Get your shiny metal chassis in here!

We need brains… and I have like, two whole brain cells.

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On paper that might be true but the limitations of the ability mean it’s far less.

You have to give up your ability to attack, reload or reconfigure while everyone can still attack you.

Roadhog’s self heal also stops him attacking/reloading but that takes him out of the fight for only 2 seconds to heal 300HP rather than 4.5 seconds total to for bastion to self-heal 300HP.

And the huge delay before any healing begins means you can’t really take advantage of potentially shorter duration heals. For example if you tap self-repair for just a single frame you’re locked into an animation that lasts over 1 second and due to the delay before you begin healing you heal only 37-38HP.

If you heal for only 2 seconds (same duration as Roadhog’s self-heal) you barely heal 100HP.

So for practical purposes it’s hard to realise that 75hps, if you’re just topping yourself up 1 second at a time (and it’s hard to shut off your shooting for more than that) your self-heal is only about 38hps every other second. So if you’re “shoot for 1 second, heal for 1 second” your self sustain is only about 18hps overall.

As for a healer pocketing a hero who gives up their attack, that’s true for many heroes.

Soldier’s “sprint in crazy circles inside biofield while being healed” is also really effective.